Does anyone still have a sunday roast EVERY sunday?!


Does anyone still have a sunday roast EVERY sunday?

no, but I really, really wish I did!!!!
Its so comforting to eat, the smell reminds me of family, and while its cooking the house is really warm. I love roasts!!!

i dont- my husbands cooking me a stirfry instead today- i only have one about once a month!! it doesnt feel worth the effort when theres only the two of us!!

if you do can i come

yeah almost

we do we have just finished a roast pork dinner followed by apple crumble and custard yum yum

Yes of course, Sunday isnt Sunday without a roast.

i try too, this week husband been to work today got home 25 mins ago to watch football, and to top it all forgot to get the meat out of the freezer yesterday, so for us sunday dinner will be a monday roast.

We that is my family never have a sunday roast,Too much trouble.

used to when i was liveing at home with me mam and dad but not any more am afriad. kind of miss them acctually.

I haven't had a "regular" Sunday roast for years although I have one very occasionally if we visit the local garden centre on a sunday as their's is great. My husband's veggie so we tend to eat a wide variety of other meals.

Not if it's a hot day we don't, but the bird is roasting in the oven and weather is vile!

Yes its a great tradition in our house...

When i was growing up we used to put now i dont, we have one about once a month on a Sunday and once during the week.

not me, my little boy goes off with his dad, home alone bowl of soup or sandwhiches for me :-(

no we ever thing to eat

NOT EVERY SUNDAY! But, I like to have a nice family get together on Sunday. In the summer months it's obviously too hot for a roast but a BBQ works just as well. In the fall maybe pasta dishes. It's not about the food, it's about showing your family you love them and want to do something special for them.

I do, my whole family comes over and they all watch tv, chat, and eat the appitizers i put out ( normally pigs in a blaket) I talk to them through the kitchen opening and the smell of the roast always permeats through the house, its a time for me and my family to catch up on things,

my mother in law every week.

Since my mother is a mix of the British Isles and my father all Sicilain.It's roast every other Sunday!!!


My family look forward tp a Sunday roast all week! It's the one great time when we can all sit together, share our past week and look forward to the next one - it's like touching base with all the important aspects of being a family, good or bad!


You guys are lucky. I never had one.

Yes, me and my family (im 1 of 8 kids) always get together on sunday for dinner. Thats a time we all know we can catch up and be together. All of us know better than to plan something on a sunday.

yes i hate routine in any form apart from my family sunday roast dinner which i serve at 4 pm.

i wish i had time to

Not every Sunday maybe twice a month

Of course's the best excuse there is to pig out....

Would you like to visit me for one? I make the BESTEST Roast Potatoes EVER!!!!

And my Leg of Lamb is almost to DIE me....I'll send you testimonials if you want.....

Those were the good old days....sad to say that it has been a long,long time. I'm generally so busy I just grab some fast food . Maybe in about 10 years someone will ask the question (does anyone still have pizza on Sundays?)

my mum does, but only cos me or one of my siblings usually turn up with family or friends needing to be fed.

in the summer its bbq's on a sunday though.

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