I'm really poor and want to have a party this weekend. What should I do?!


I'm really poor and want to have a party this weekend. What should I do?

It'll have alchohol and I'll host it, so may be people might bring beer or something. Anyone got any bright ideas? Might I also mention I and my friend are in college.

either get the booze and charge people to get in... or let them know that it is a B.Y.O.B. party

don't have a party.....

Charge to get in

potluck and byob (bring your own booze), you supply the place and the music, sounds like fun, maybe a theme, like must be foreign beer, or mixed drinks, or something, but I am a girl, so thats more fun for me, maybe not you

Organize pot-luck. Get everybody to bring at least one dish.
That will do.

well first..alcohol is bad for you. But if you really want to have a party, make everyone who comes, bring a snack with them or something.

Have A B.Y.O.B party. (Bring your own bottle) I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Hey man, why don't you get a chess board or two and some nice balloons and maybe even a harmonica, and then have a big chess tournament. Oh and for drinks forget beer because it is too expensive, be economical and make your own lemonade! I know, I know, but just try to contain your excitement enough so that you can concentrate on what you need to do.



Piece of cake bro...do NOT have a PARTY! problem solved!! See for every hard Q. there's a perfect answer!! Now I want my 10 points! :)

If you're really poor, then don't supply the alcohol. Ryleah20 had the best suggestion. Do a potluck and a byob.
Please make sure no one drives home drunk. Get the keys at the door.
Have fun!

Be the HOSTESS, be cordial and graceful and don't be afraid to ask guests to bring something....easy way out of the most "pricey" item. "Bring what you like to drink, cause I don't want to get the wrong stuff" Then....stock up with easy buys....chips, salsa - I'm not sure how in depth yer party is, but hopefully you get the idea

ask people to bring a dish...and drinks and have a potluck!! and u mke dish

Hey... ask ur other friends to pitch in n bring snacks, drinks n stuff... Perhaps u cud play dedications of music n charge for it :) this money wil help u pay for certain stuff for tyhe party...
best advice i cud giv u... KEEP IT SIMPLE..
have fun!

Provide the location and mention its a byob. Find some buddies who has a few extra dollars and want to hang out with the women. Invite the women and tell them to bring munchies.
Invite them and they will come!
Make the best of your college days!

if you've got a solid roster of women, have a "sexy dance" contest as an attraction for the party. the winner'll get like 50 bucks or something. have your closest friends throw down on buying alcohol, and charge all dudes at the door 5 bucks to get in. you gotta spend about 100 bucks on alcohol to accomplish this. think about it, 20 dudes pay, you make your money back. 10 more, and you can pay your horny winner for the contest that'll end up showin' more skin than dance.

Two words FINGER FOODS cheese , crackers, pepperonis, ham, turkey, chips, popcorn, cookies, dips, you can buy all this at the 99 cent store if they have one where you are at just walk around and see what they have you will be surprised what you can concoct make sandwiches and cut them up and add other finger foods to the mix that way the sandwiches will last longer.

Tell everyone to bring something, food drinks whatnot. We had a 4th of July party here a couple yrs ago and had our friends bring hot dogs some people pitched in with the keg and others brought other alcohol and sides or whatever. Tell them its like a potluck, everyone must bring something..You can ask if they can bring this or that or what they want to bring (for everyone).

B.Y.O.B. (bring your own beer) and ask everyone coming to contribute a snack, salad, or dessert. They don't have to make homemade, they can bring store bought. Enjoy.

BYOB. Aren't most college kids poor? :) Just have people bring what they can scrounge for drinks, you have some chips and plan that everyone chip in for some pizzas and order out. Usually everyone is cool with this.

Potluck (everyone bring a dish or appitizer) BYOB for the beer..make it a theme like Mexican night, then the next time Italian night, that way it becomes like a monthly thing everyone looks foward to, you eat for free.

Keep it casual...tell your friends you'll host the party, but everyone has to bring booze and food.

Maybe even have some friends bring playing cards, music, movies, whatever...so you'll have plenty to entertain you.

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