What effect do you think the smoking ban will have on the average pub?!


What effect do you think the smoking ban will have on the average pub?

More difficulty getting through the door due to smokers standing just outside!!

less smoke


Either they will make areas for their reguars to sit or unfortunatley they will lose these people. I'm not looking forward to all the *** buts in my front garden I live opposite a pub and I just know they will be outside smoking. oh well, if you can't beat them join them ;)

I think some pubs will suffer...but not as many as is claimed.

This is a change that in five years time we will look back on and wonder what the fuss was about!!!

Smoking will disappear quite quickly from our society. It is just so much easier to join the boring self righteous than to stay puffing away on the death sticks!

the smoking ban came in over in Ireland a couple of years ago.. the main effect has been that pubs were forced to redecorate cos the smell of smoke didn't hide the manky pub smell anymore!! Also most now have lovely outdoor smoking areas fitted out with patio heaters and stuff, really nice in good weather and i find myself out there... even though i don't smoke!!

Its been about 1 1/2 years since they banned smoking in bars here, and depending on the bar, most have lost drinking business. At my favorite bar, they say their drink revenues went down, but the food side of their business went up so they are even. I notice , that on Saturday nights - the crowd is much lower than before. Dance bars - those that cater to 19-25 year olds stayed the same.

if it is anything like what happened here in scotland....the pubs will be just as busy, they will be less smoky and you will have top walk through a fog of smoke to get in as all the smokers will be huddled at the door puffing away for dear life.

Hi Im from Ireland and we have had the smoking ban for more than a year. I am also a smoker. I can say it has had an effect, Pubs made decking areas outside sheltered with heat lamps and plasma screens so you can kinda have some shelter when you go for a smoke. your more open to meeting other peole rather thatn staying in your own group all the time and when ya come home in the morning ya dont stink of smoke all the time. It was a bit annoying to begin with but after a while you accept it and you know what most smokers will tell you it is better....:)

it will close down

first of all it would be good if smokers stopped killing themselves. it might happen.it will be lovely to go to a clean air pub. i saw it in wales at easter. it was lovely. wales is getting used to it. smokers have to accept they are not the norm any more. we all have the right to breathe clean air.even smokers have that right. i ,as an ex smoker look forward to going back to the pub. i think pubs will accept that smokers nip outside for a fix. non smokers will come back to pub life.

Well in Wales it was brought in during April and it was reported on the local news that some pubs had seen a decline in their trade, although you could say it's early days and maybe people are digging their heels in, once they realise that they will just have to live with it I suspect the trade will pick up. I've noticed that some local pubs and clubs have put up smoking shelters outside, don't think if I was a smoker I'd want to spend half the evening standing in one of them! As a non smoker I am much happier not being in smokey public places and it does seem a much more pleasant atmosphere to be in and it makes a nice change to go home not smelling of other people's smoke. I wasn't really anti smoking but I can honestly say that I think the ban is a good thing now and of course it must be more beneficial to our health!

I live in a city where they have passed a no-smoking ordinance. It has not affected business in bars/clubs. Smokers have to step outside, minor inconvenience. It's been a blessing for us non-smokers. It is so nice to not leave a night on the town smelling like an ashtray.

I would say their business will decrease by at least 50% or even more. A cigarette goes good with a drink, especially in a pub. Those people who hate smoking are not the ones that are going to flock into the pubs to take those smokers places either. They will stay home like they have always stayed home. It is a sad statement when the government bans something that is legal and then forces that ban on a private business. People that don't tolerate the smoke can stay home or there should be the choice of a "smoking" or "non-smoking" pub.

It Will have little effect in the summer months when everyone wants to sit outside anyway but come the winter and we smokers Will cower away at home with a takeaway and a bottle of wine

it'll make your average pub smell more of b.o, 'cos the smoke helps masks it.
there are people in this world that like to smell when drinking.

Why is everyone concerned about the effects on businesses? Surely the GOOD effects it will have on peoples' health will far out weigh any short time losses.

Just think about cinemas, airlines and other forms of transport. None of these are suffering because they have banned smoking.

If only people would stop being so selfish and actually think of others then they may realise the ban is not to make them suffer but to stop people being forced to inhale toxic smoke and suffer the consequences against their will.

Twofold - the hardened smokers will complain bitterly to all and sundry and go outside for quick fags before coming back in and boring us all to death with how hard their life is. Those of us who don't smoke will be able to wear our clothes the next day, not feel like someone poured an ashtray over their hair and avoid dying prematurely from second hand smoke inhalation- woo hooo!!! You never know, business may even pick up...

your average town boozer will not survive . destroying yet another part of our heritage .

Dunno, but cant wait for the ban to start, at last no more stinky hair and clothes and breathing in others bad habit HOORAY

Back garden here we come.I think the smell of Red Bull is far worse.Good luck to em though.Each to their own.Im off for a cig.

I think MORE people will go to pubs that didn't go before. I know I will be more likely to pop in with my little boy for sunday lunch or something, and a lot of families and non smokers feel the same. A lot of places in scotland found that their revenue went UP for this very reason, so it won't be bad for anyone except the smokers who may end up getting wet if they have to stand otside to smoke!

it will seriously affect the workingmans clubs and dronks only pubs as people expect to be able to smoke in there for family pubs there will be more people smoking outside as the pub will have to be completely smoke free

I live in Ireland which has already implemented the ban and the main differences are : People will now go to a Pub who haven't gone for years. you can smell the old men. You can no longer fart and hope the fags will hide the smell. You have a good laugh with fellow smokers outside etc

In a years time you'll wonder what the fuss was about because there would be no difference apart form the fact the place wouldn't stink anymore.

Will it mean that when we have hot weather all the non smokers will stop inside the pubs or will they all go into the out side smoking area and whine about all the smokers

Over the summer the effect probably won't be noticed with beer gardens being put in good use, though come winter and that is when pubs will really begin to feel the strain.

I have to go outside every time I want a joint an if i cant even smoke a *** in a pub im sure as hell not going to smoke one outside. I guess im gona get more stoned!

it means ppl like myself can go to the pub without worrying about getting near smoke as i can be near smoke as i have bad lungs and NEVER smoked

a lot of effect as the customers will not go back to the pubs they will smoke in their own homes i for one would do the same thing

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