Bring your own booze!!!!!!!!!!?!


Bring your own booze!!!!!!!!!!?

Does anyone else have the same problem when having a party or get together and you ask them to bring their own booze - there's always at least one who will turn up with cheap lager/wine and then drink everyone else's premium stuff!!!
I wouldn't dream of turning up somewhere with a bottle of Lambrini and then cane the host's Champagne!!!
Anyone got any ideas how to avoid this?

Additional Details

4 weeks ago
dick - we try and cater for everyone's taste and we do provide lots of alcohol too but my point is, if you want to drink Budweiser - don't bring Carling and expect someone else to drink it!!

4 weeks ago
dick - we try and cater for everyone's taste and we do provide lots of alcohol too but my point is, if you want to drink Budweiser - don't bring Carling and expect someone else to drink it!!

if you know more or less who the CHEAPIES are, then discretely let everyone else know that it is best to bring their own coolers also. let them know that they should keep the cooler close to them also. We do it @ all our parties, and everyone now knows that everyone supports their own habit, and noone even tries to drink someone elses drinks, it is kinda hard though when the person is sitting right by their cooler... it works for us and it will also for you, except it will not work for the CHEAPIES, they will end up sober @ the end of the night.....

If its the same person everytime don't invite them.

Yeah, make a point of noticing what they bring and comment on it. Then when you see them drinking something different ask them about it.

On the invitation make it a mini wine tasting, ask guests to be a bottle of wine for a group tasting (nobody will show up with Baby Duck).

Or a beer tasting for a barbeque.
This also work for cognac, brandy and scotch.

If the cheap guest doesn't get in 2 parties, maybe you shouldn't invite them again, they are looking for a free evening and are insulted you ask for byob.

dont invite them

pure and simple

i hate people like that

but then again when we have a party,nobody has to bring anything

we give everything

Maybe slightly change the wording on the invite.

Say something like alcohol will be available but to make sure your glass is well stocked please bring along some of your favourite tipple.

Then when they come with the cheap stuff you can comment and say Oh, you drink ****. Hey, let me open one for you!

It would be best to stay off phrases such as cheap muck or value booze as it might just be case of that is all they can afford, but given the chance they would rather drink something with a bit more bite.

Booze is a booze is a booze. Cheap and premium is marketeers diffrentiater in customers mind and should not be taken seriously in bring your booze parties, which are basically for the people who enjoy people.

Granted, such cheapness is annoying. However, you need to ask yourself if the reason you are inviting these people to your home is because you genuinely like them or because you want them to bring expensive liquor.

If it is the former, then you should learn to ignore their character flaws. If it is the latter, then you need to take a good look at yourself.

When we throw a party we make that easy by providing the liquor ourselves.

If they bring a cheap bottle kick em out. I would emphasize on invitations please do not bring cheap wine or whatever. Also if it's the same person simply don't invite them.

Please don't invite me as I couldn't do with a host who watches my everymove...If its just a small dinner party we always tell people not to bring wine, we provide it and they do the same at their parties....If a bigger occasion then its just tough, repay the favour when you go to their house, or just make a huge joke out of it and say,'See you've brought the cheap plonk again, I'll be watching you' as long as you laugh when you say it he may get the point and not know you are serious...Its only a party, get drunk and forget it. It obviously gives you something to talk about, so its not all bad.

have a strict door policy and turn people away until they bring nice booze.

or, half way through the party, turn the music off, turn all the lights on, make everyone come together in one room and then publicly humiliate the guilty part(y)(ies)/ physically abuse them with blunt objects.

Whoever is doing it knows exactly what they are doing the next time it happens pass a comment in front of everyone, Hey guys he/she is bringing rubbish and drinking the good stuff

If I show up naked would the Carling be ok?

Before jumping to conclusions that they brought the cheap stuff because it was cheap, try and see if they ever drink it - even if they don't drink it at the party. It might just be that it's their favorite drink and want to share it with other, all the while wanting to try the favorites that other people brought. After all, having everyone bring something is about sharing.

I don't drink, but I will have a glass of water. lol

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