HELP, I have to buy snacks for teens?!


HELP, I have to buy snacks for teens?

I am an admi. assistant for a manufacturing company. My boss has a group of high school students coming in for a meeting and needs me to pick up some snacks. We are not looking for anything extravagant, just something quick they can munch as a polite gesture. Any one have any suggestions?

Additional Details

4 weeks ago
Also, it is a morning meeting..?

4 weeks ago
Also, it is a morning meeting..?

They love Doritos any time of day......since it's morning, lay out a couple of bags of the mini donuts, you know, the ones in powdered sugar & frosted chocolate?? they'll fly. Get bottles of apple juice & icy cold milk. You could even put out Poptarts sticks. Be sure to have small plates & lots of napkins. Another fun thing - get breakfast pizzas!! Our local grocery store makes them & they are so good...
Good luck!!!

Cookies, chips, and/or donuts. You can't go wrong with any of the three.

I'd just get whatever you would normally order for a morning meeting - bagels, kolaches, donuts, fruit, coffee.

Granola Bars
Fresh Fruit

snack size bags of assorted chips/doritos
can soda on ice
snack size candy bars

you could do a table with bowls of pizza topping,such as cheese,pepperoni,ham etc - and those mini pitas for them to make small pizzas that don't need to be heated - like you get in the lunchables packs.

for morning,id go with granola bars,milk and juice,fruit,and donuts.

Get things individually wrapped in bags or packages, like Oreos, Nutter Butters, Goldfish, Potato/Corn Chips, Pretzels, Animal Crackers, Cheetos, etc.

Mini wraps from your local deli, sandwiches or prepackaged bags of snacks and cookies.

really anything fattening really teens love that stuff me as a teen would like that and its quite cheap plus soda or lemonade would be a good refreshment

veggie & dip tray, cheese & cracker tray, mixed fruit & dip tray, meat tray. rice krispy squares.

Grandma's cookies( 2 to a pack), donuts, bagels, fruit

just buy some good snacks, nothing TOO sweet, but something you ate when you were a teen...and I don't mean something that doesn't exist anymore.
remember to pack water bottles or sodas, they'll get really thirsty.
good luck :D

Something like a continental breakfast, coffee, milk, juice, cookies, doughnuts, croissants, danishes, go to Costco!

Get some salsa, chips, pizza rolls, quesadillas, dips and chips.

Teenagers like food. Fast food, slow food, any food, lots of food. They are eating machines because they are growing at the fastest rate they have since they were infants and toddlers. Today's teens, however, are more concious of fats and carbs than teens a generation ago were. Try some fresh fruit trays with dips and some juices. Also I might get some of the old staple stuff like kolaches.

You could get chips or maybe even like cookies something quick yet delicious for teens. I mean who doesn't like junk food right!!!!!!!!

Since it's morning, you can't go wrong with coffee, bagels, coffee cake etc. Basically...starbucks.
Or...if it's warm out...Jamba Juice or one of those type places.

Anything cheezy. Try Cheeze its Snack mix. Fruit like watermelon and grapes together are a cool and healthy snack, too.

6' sub, chicken fingers, fruit, raw veggies, (especially if some or girls). Brownies, cookies, assorted soft drinks, diet and reg.

Keep it simple they will love whatever you are nice enough to put out just be sure you have a trash can for the mess it will make your life easier after.

Didn't read the morning meeting part.

I still think I would feed them after the meeting.

Get some brownies drizzled in milk chocolate. Take it from a teen. I would sure be grateful if I had brownies right now!

quiches, muffins, oj, and apple juice, bagels, pretzels, and coffee (teens love coffee)...they're all great snacks for breakfast, good for you, and delish :)

My house is always full of teens. Pizza rolls, surprisingly veggies with dips seem to go over big time. (Even with the boys). Cookies.

Try Subway that always works for teens also you could try a Bigs pizza special w/the chicken and potatos.

try buying several different 100 cal. packs.There are about 10 different kinds. even pringles have singles now that are 120 cals. then buy propel in several differeint flavors. This is what all the teens are drinking....

Why not serve potato chips or trail mix? Accompany it with a can or bottle of cold softdrink or juice. That should do it. :-)

I am a teen my self And I know for a fact you can never go wrong as long as you have donuts, fruit, Juice,milk,coffee or hot chocolate! just keep it simple we are not that complicated when it comes to food! p.s soda in the morning bad idea.

Donut holes and box o coffee
Lots of donut holes
small packs of M&Ms and sour candy (think movie theater candy) even for the morning

bottled OJ will be welcome and french toast sticks
but SKIP the bagels and fussy messy pastry.

also bottled water and diet coke.

(I buy snacks for 20 yr olds but...) this is what goes

hi there sis,
mac donalds is one of the best food on the go.or better go to the supermarket and shop earlier. Get some of ur students to assist you cause they know what they like for munchin.regards/richard

The time of day for the meeting should determine the types of snacks you offer. Junk food in the a.m. is not the best idea, however, bagels with a selection of cream cheese spreads would be good and if you get it from someplace like Einstein Bagels you can do it all in one shot. Doughnuts are good too especially if you offer coffee or hot tea or hot chocolate (things companies usually have on hand for meetings with other adults).

If you meeting is around lunchtime you could do a "lunch meeting" subs or pizza are almost always a sure hit. I would stay away from any type of buffet style setting as with teens and adults alike it can take a while to settle things down. Of course with pizza or subs, soda or bottled water is perfect.

If the meeting is around mid afternoon than just some light snacks are good, like a fruit or veggie tray. you can even get some cookies or individual size chips and again bottled water or soda.

And when all else fails just think what would you offer another group of professionals coming for a meeting. Teenagers might still be considered children but they aren't too far off from adult hood either and the most important gesture can be to treat them as you would an equal.

soda, chips, cookies, fruit, muffins. but just remember to also get some sugar free stuff.

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