I am having a dinner party for 8 soon - any ideas for icebreakers/games?!


I am having a dinner party for 8 soon - any ideas for icebreakers/games?

The people who are coming all know each other through work. I would ideally like to do some sort of game with them to get things moving along nicely.

Dumb charades with movie and book names or characters.
Passing the parcel - a parcel is passed around with notes inside with things to do written on them, with the music. When the music stops the person picks a note and does what is written on it.
Ghost - start with an alphabet and keep adding till you get a word. The person who finishes the word gets a penalty and has to do something the group asks.
Dictionary - at random select a big word from the dictionary and have people write the meaning on bits of paper. Then read the definitions and the closest get a prize.

"Naked Twister" is a good Icebreaker!

write 8 famous persons name on 8 pieces on paper and pin 1 to everyones back.they have to ask each other questions about this person,they can only answer yes or no,until they guess the persons name.make sure everyone knows who the people are though,first!

Have you thought of doing a murder mystery themed dinner party? The kits are really quite inexpensive and offer recipe ideas to go with the theme of the game. They are quite fun.
Alternatively, I've always found copious amounts of wine is a good ice breaker!
Pinx x

Mr & Mrs

All boxed games you can buy from any good toy shop.

Accomplishment bingo. You make a bingo card and in the squares put things like, flew in a plane in last 3 months, smoked a cigar, drive a minivan, etc. People have to walk around and ask each other questions to fill their card.

Your best bet would be to go to foodnetwork.com they have the receipts appetisersand just about everything you might need. I like semi-homemade.You have a bit of time left. Good luck.

you could try a dvd game - something quick. We played girls v boys family fortunes at a mates party once.

And at another party, we dressed in sumo suits and fought each other - great fun, not very civilised though!

yes heres on that always works hide the sausage

if you have a ps2 try playing the new buzz mega-quiz as you can play with 8..i know you will to spend about 50quid for the game and buzzers...but if you play like we do that everybody gets the question wrong you have to do a shot it becomes a very interesting evenig

Play that game where you divide into teams, and once each team has thrown a six, you have to run across the lounge (hope it's big) and put on a pair of rubber gloves first, then 2 necklaces, a scarf, a hat, and some shoes and then eat some chocolate with a knife and fork only. Quickest team wins when all team members have had their go. Funniest thing I ever did see, mind you I was only 12 and it was at Girl Guides..........

Shocking Roulette

Introduce their opposite number
across the table to everyong after interviewing them!

strip poker . followed by 8 in a bed , one roll over , then there's 7 in a bed , one roll over , then there is 6 in a bed , bla bla bla .untill it is 2 in a bed , lets hope by then it is 2 female guests.
you will enjoy yourselves, tire yourselves, and have the best sex you have ever thought of.

yes get out the puter and start answering questions on yahoo !!

it helps you to get to know each other better

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