I am at work and I need your help.?!


I am at work and I need your help.?

I have been playing on the internet for almost 4 hours, and I am thirsty, parched even. I have only 4 beverages available to me Here's the question.
What should I drink and why?
a. Water ( from the water fountain )
b. Soda ( bottled coke machine )
c. Coffee ( pot of hazelnut coffee)
d. Sobe ( shop near the lobby carries weird flavors im afraid to try kiwi appleberry desert guava ripple )

I will wait for the best answer and I will truly drink it.
( you know I could have gotten the drink and had it by now but I am still bored so I will wait ROFL)

I agree with you about the Sobe--I don't like drinks that I have trouble pronouncing, and especially ones with something I've never tasted before (I've never tasted desert, and I know other people have drunk "ripple," but not on the job. Also, drinks with caffeine are supposed to make you thirstier, so even if it doesn't have any flavor, unless there's another sugar-free, caffeine free drink in that Coke machine, go with the water.

Water from the bubbler. Free and healthy!


mmm... def. the sobe!


soda and if u r at work arnt u sopose to being something productive instead of playing on the pc

Whassup with these dumb questions? Ok i pick water.

Take a break and get the Sobe.

sobe.. so you get up and walk around a bit..

depends on how much money u have. if ur broke than water. if u have money than get a soda

water - maybe if it was bottled
Cola - nothing from coke is worth drinking
coffee - to late in the day for a caffein buz
sobe - don't know,

Go home and have an ice cold Budweiser!!!!

have a coke and a smile...........

mix em all together for a crazy watered down fizzy caffinated energy sugar high

water is the best for you, but Sobe is quite tasty. i would go with the Sobe, i don't know what the flavor is but there is a milky white one and an orange colored one that are both really good.

Water, it is the best for you! Soda and coffee act as diuretics, Sobe is full of sugar.

I think you should have a Sobe. Don't be sacred of those weird flavors, they are yummy! You need a pick-me-up to get through the rest of work, and water is just boring. Soda and coffee will both just make you sleepy again in a couple hours. You need something healthy and tasteful and those Sobe drinks have vitamins and stuff. Drink a Sobe! :-)

repeat after me..."aaah water, I could live off this stuff"...

I had the same problem a few minutes ago. I decided to buy a soda. I am proud of my decision. Go with a coke it will help you stay awake for the last little while of work.

Water. If you are "parched," it is the only one of the options you listed that will actually quench your thirst.

I would either drink water from fountain okay I'm lying I would never drink water from a fountain i would go to the shop near the lobby maybe they got some bottled water or something different good luck and hope this helps.

Get a soda...who knows what's on that water fountain at work!!! Too late for coffee....and the Sobe is just overpriced juice-and you know it!!!!

water because it will hydrate you.
however, fountain water might be a little nasty, so if you're looking for flavor i would try something from the shop in the lobby. go crazy, try a wierd flavor. you might love it, you might hate it. its all part of the adventure. ha. that sounds lame.

Water would be a good start, but what do the tastebuds tell
you, you want to drink?

Well there's water in all four so not water, there's caffine in soda and and coffee so not soda, it's to F******* hot to drink coffee, Sobe or not to be.

Sobe it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would get the Sobe. Not only will it give you a reason to get up and stretch your legs, but it will give you something yummy to drink.

Try that scary Sobe crap. Even if it induces projectile vomiting, that'll be more interesting than your obviously mind-numbing working day. Good luck...

Start with water to clense your mind, then take a sip of coke to bubble up your spirit and hopefully it will deliver some oxygen to your brain, and reduce your stress and boredom, giving you more strenght to increase your activity level where you will actually get motivated to get yourself a cup of coffee, and once you are awake you will go for the mistery juice because you are so adventurous and thirsty again!

drink a soda if you low on energy otherwise drink water

live dangerous - get the funky flavored SoBe!
may the lizard be with you ...

definitely water from the water fountain ;-)

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