What are some great ideas for surprise birthday parties?!


What are some great ideas for surprise birthday parties?

My friend and I want to throw a surprise birthday party for another friend, but I have no ideas! (The birthday girl is kind of a tomboy)

just keep it simple with friends, food and cake.

**Pool party (they are always fun for everyone =)
**Just suprise them with cake and friends
**Movie night
**veg out on the couch w/ a few friends and watch rental movies
**Hang out in the park or by a lake (go hiking)

what about a skate park with lots of friends, bikes, skateboards, rollerskates & helmuts and film the whole lot with everyone trying pranks & tricks, then later you could have a party and play the video with lots of favourite party foods

Tell your friend you're going putt-putt golfing, drive her to the golf-course, tell her you have to use the bathroom, climb out the window, leave her there, drive away, come back with an elaborate chocolate/vanilla/strawberry (whatever she likes) cake, apologize with the cake and a van full of friends, putt-putt until it gets too dark to see, pull out some sparklers and illegal fireworks, set them off, hide in a putt-putt golf windmill and eat the cake.


Invite her to your house at like, 7 pm or so. Time towards night. Turn off all the lights, have some confetti blasters, a lighter right next to the candles of the cake, a refreshments table with a punch bowl, cups, chips, ect. When she comes in and it is very dark, flick on the lights, blast some confetti at her, light the cake, and turn on the music, and shout at the top of your lungs, "Surprise!". Or if she is having a birthday at her place, bring a small gift, like a gift card, and two confetti blasters per person. Tell your friend to go to your house and sit on the couch and watch some TV or something and purposly be late. When she calls you to wonder what's going on, say "Doy! I forgot! I'll be right there!" Then hang up quickly and get to the birthday girl's house as fast as you can, she'll be waiting at the door and see you running to her as fast as you can (gift cards in your pocket, both hands behing your back each weilding a confetti blaster). Then she'll ask you what was going on, and you tell her that you forgot about her birthday and forgot to get her a present, your friend then nods. Then she'll be a little disappointed, and when she turns back to walk into the house, you yell, "SURPRISE! Happy Birthday!" and shoot her with the confetti blasters. She'll definatly be surprised, and hand her the gift card. Hope these ideas work. Good luck!

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