Should I make goody bags for a birthday party?!


Should I make goody bags for a birthday party?

My daughter is turning 9 and we are having a birthday party for her.Shold we give out goody bags and what should I put in them.There will be all girls at this party.

Girly stuff like make-up, lip-gloss, candy, chocolate, and nail polish.

i agree with the anwser above...lots of pink glittery girly make up and lip glosses! and of course candy. you definitly should give out goodie bags, its almost wrong if you dont.

It would be fun if you had goody bags for the children, but maybe you should put pens and more grownup objects for she is nine. If her friends like dolls, put a mini doll or something your daughter and her friends like.

You should definately have one if she's turning 9. Go along with the theme of your party. It depends what your daughter and her friends like. Ask her about it, I'm sure she'll have some ideas.

I suggest a really frilly pen (with the feathers or faces, etc.) and a colorful journal or notebook.

easy you put in some fake little kid make up some sweets and some beads and glitter! ! !

i agree with both of them! and maybe little figurines like horses or ponies and chewy candy.But no chocolate because it might melt and ruin everything else in the bags.And maybe a little diy kit thats small and that they all can give each other the next day like a tiny string and beads for a ring?Happy b-day & have a good party.Hope i helped!

My mum used to do a lucky dip filled with things like makeup sets, novelty items, toys, hair bands, and costume jewellery, instead so at the end of the party everyone dived for a gift and it was great fun comparing what we got and trying out stuff as everything was different. So instead of everyone getting little things that might get lost etc. everyone got one big thing. Normally mum would also wrap up a few sweets inside the gift as well, just to satisfy our sugar cravings! Then everyone would get a slice of cake to take home too.

Goody bags are always nice for children's birthday parties. I have found that is better to give them out at the end of the party so that the child's parent can make sure there is nothing that the child is allergic to. What to put in the bag? I always go by the age range that the children that are going to be at the party are in. For younger children like ages 4 to 7 I usually get softer candies, and children older than 7 are usually allowed to Have gum, jolly ranchers and things like that. I always try to add a surprise toy to nothing real expensive. At most party stores there are party bags already made up that you can get so many for a certain price. There is just one thing i always remember when it comes down to children's parties and that is what is safe for the children.

Ask your daughter about what her and her friends like. Little pens, glittery items, are all good, if you daughter and her friends like those things. You have some girls who may not care for that. Not all girls are, well, girly. I see other posters suggested makeup and lip gloss, but you have to understand in today's world that some parents may not want their daughters to have that at their age. They may have set an age limit for their daughters so if you give them something like that, they might take offense.

That is just my opinion because I have seen it happen before.
Sometimes you try to do something nice and someone else takes it completely out of context.

If you want you can always ask another parent's opinion on the subject matter.

they have suggestions for all types of theme parties, very detailed, from the invites to the food, right down to the goodie bags.

I think it's great to give out a party favor. It doesn't have to be a goody bag though. Try to pick something that goes with your theme if you have a theme. You could give out mini pillows and eye masks if you are having a sleep over. Flavored clear lip gloss (so as not to offend parents that don't want kids to wear make-up) would be nice. If it is a pool party, you could give little tubes of sunscreen.

You could have a craft section of the party and the girls could make their own party favor. They could use beads and make their own necklaces or bracelets. Kits are available at most craft store for very cheap.

I helped out a neighbor's daughter a couple of years ago in this exact department.

I think kids DO enjoy having a little something to take home from the party so I would say yes, do the bags.

Some ideas on what we did:

Visit your local dollar store or value store (Wal-mart) for -
1) Hair clips and such
2) Mini nail polishes
3) Little pots or tubes of lip gloss
4) Mini bottles of body spray
5) Bracelets (colored plastic ones from the 80's seem to be making a comeback)

Good luck!

Well my brother has just had a birthday party for his son. He was 6 years of age. There was all boys at the party. His wife made up goodie bags for the children to take with them on their way home from the party. She put a selection of candies in the bags. Why don't you do that also.


Goody bag will be great!

It will keep the kids talking if its a good one...
So, first u need to know the age of their frens...
And do u have a budget? If u do work closely with it so that u wont blown it

For little girls, i prefer some accessories like hair clips ( cute little ones for their age), clear lipgloss (too young to have colored ones or gliterry stuff), candies, toys or handicraft.

Well I would ask her if she wants them first. Sometimes kids want to act grown, lol. But goody bags are a great idea. I''d say throw in cute little notepads, pens, lip glosses, sweet smelling lotions, a little compact mirrors, stickers, and of course candy!

Another idea could be to burn some Cd's of your daughters favorite tunes and throw them in as well.

Have fun!

its good u r doing this as ur daughter is only nine,add some softtoys,rubberbands,pen,bands or the things which she likes

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