Hangovers from liquor?!


Hangovers from liquor?

well ok my bday is on saturday, but we are also drinking friday night and i heard that you cannot get hangovers from liquor, just beer and stuff does anyone know if that is true at all? i have hennesey and gray goose and patron for the party saturday but i am wanting to share some with my friend who is going to be in town only friday night...should i not do that since the party will be the next night?

If you over-indulge then you stand a chance of getting hungover. Don't overdo - you'll want to enjoy yourself as well on Saturday. Happy Birthday and enjoy.

YOU CAN GET A HANGOVER!!! I did that stupid thing once and I had a hangover while I was at my grandmothers!!

yes you do get them

you want to celebrate your birthday-what a surprise start it the night before drunk with someone-to change the course of your life-

praying for you as an x drinker, living in the joy I never found drinking=John 3 repented of sin, and born again asking Jesus to my heart in to become my best friend-prayin for you too

Don't believe that lie! You can get a hangover from liquor, beer, wine, champagne, and those pretty mixed drinks!! Put the hennessey down if you are trying to avoid a hangover. Here are some other recommendations:
-eat before and during the party. food absorbs the liquor and keeps you from getting drunk
-don't overindulge. know your limit and stay within it.
-what you do decide to drink should always be top shelf. cheap liquor, beer, etc will get you drunk and sick!

Most importantly, drink responsibly. Enjoy your birthday!

oh sure liquor has no alcohol so yeah your right no hangover

Dehydration while you sleep is what a hangover is.

Before you goto bed take a asprin or equal painkiller and a glass or 2 of water and walk around for about 10 min

The water will make you fell a hell of a lot drunker...maybe even cause you to puke but walking before laying down will help.
If in the morning you have a hangover anyway. Mix a couple spoons of honey into some milk and drink it early in the morning

that;s not true - you can totally get hangovers from liquor. The quality of the liquor does make a big difference, though. B/c you're not cheaping out you won;t feel as crappy in the morning. Here are some tips to feel your best.
1. Drink water through out the night. Every other drink or so, stop & drink some water (the dehydration will kill you in the morning)
2. Take a tylenol before you start drinking & before you go to bed (not that good for your liver so don't make this a habit)
3. Don't smoke cigarettes - they really will affect how you feel the next day.
4. Save some of that greygoose for a bloody mary the next morning. (If you aren't a big fan, make it simple - 1 shot of vodka, splash or two of hot sauce, splash or two of worceshire sauce, and the rest tomato juice - water down if necessary)

Happy birthday - drink responsibly - don't drive!

Drink plenty of water before going out & take a multivitamin at least one hour before your first drink!

When your body (LIVER) starts to process the alcohol, it is no longer able to process the vitamins that your body takes in. B vitamins in particular!

Most hangovers are casued by the dehydration! Be sure to drink a glass of water per drink that you plan to have!

You can get a hangover from anything you drink too much of. If you want to drink both nights, make sure you eat something every few hours, drink a glass of water after every glass of liquor and then another big glass of water before you go to bed. My hangovers are always worse if I mix different kinds of liquor, so maybe just open one bottle. (my vote is the patron...yum!) Two or three drinks should give you a nice buzz without feeling like crap the next day. Just drink in moderation and PLEASE don't drive anywhere!

Stay safe and have a great birthday!

thats all good expenceivve liqure u shouldent have to worry bout that i hardly ever get a hangover from drinkin liqur ???

Well I have done it all and I think that some of my worst hangovers are from liquor. My advice is to drink a little water throughout the night, have a drink and then have a small glass of water so you keep yourself hydrated. When the evening is over, go home take 3 Tylenol drink alot of water and go to bed!!! Good Luck and Happy Birthday! My birthday is Friday so I'm sure I will be in the same boat!

thats NOT true. You drink enough of anything, YOU WILL BE ON FIRE THE NEXT DAY! I would have fun, but know your limits. Treat it as if you have to go to work the next day. Hope this helps.

Alcohol of any variety can cause a hangover. Your body is deprived of key vitamins and water when you imbibe. So keep well hydrated and be sure to take a multivitamin before you party. It may not eliminate the chance of a hangover, but should help reduce your recovery time. More importantly, liquor usually has a much higher level of alcohol, so less will have more of an effect than beer, wine or wine coolers. If you want to keep an eye on yourself, pop by your local liquor store and see if they sell those little pocket breathalyzers. It will let you know when you have hit the legal limit, which isn't a perfect judge of your tolerance, but should warn ya from being entirely torn down the next day. And remember, if you are a trim or petite person, it will take less alcohol to intoxicate you. Finally, try to avoid mixing liquors, as some types react poorly when mixed in the stomach.

Happy Birthday!!! First and formost you MUST eat something before you start drinking...something to absorb the alcohol. A glass of milk to coat your stomach and your good to go. Oh yeah don't forget an asprin before bed!

smoke a hooter...thats usually takes the hangover feeling away real fast!!

You can get a hangover from any alcohol if you drink too much of it. You can have a drink or 2 and be fine. That's what adults do.

go for it before going to bed drink plenty of water and take to aspirin.
Drink a lot of water when you wake up, most hangovers are from dehydration. liquor dehydrates you.

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