What would you add to make a meal to make it a memorable one ?!


What would you add to make a meal to make it a memorable one ?


Add the BAM!

Something ungodly spicy

a roll ////////// a roll in the hay that is

The one you love to share it with.

some music on the side, nice table prep, dessert and a glass of wine for my dear one, memorable enough enough?

Intense and unusual flavors that jump out at you. Things that you can savor and really melt in your mouth and linger on the pallet. A good wine and great desert. But for the most part the memorable meals i have had have been the ones where the dinner company was great. Laughter and old stories passed around the table. You know the kind of dinner that only takes an hour to eat but your at the table for three hours with your glass of wine and your friends just letting your food settle and talking about old times.

A smile.

Food poisoning is usually quite memorable.

Setting things on fire (flambe) is a nice touch.

And the roll that was suggested previously would work, too.

Or, you could go with a new trend of having your dinner served on a naked model.

Put beautiful garnishes on the plate. If you make it for your love one, you can make garnishes from veggies or whatsoever you cook, and formed I LOVE YOU...(his name). Or if you cook rice, you can make a heart form outta it.
And dun forget, light many candles and play romantics music. Also burn a bit aroma therapy. I'm sure you'll have an unforgettable night! ;-)

A good bottle of quality wine. If you have gone though the effort of making a nice meal than don't let cheap wine ruin the pleasure. I know French wines are probably expensive in the US but there are lots of great US wines and Chilean wines too. Finally take the time to enjoy the company and food... Hope you have a memorable night!

Candles and appropriate music.

I think beautiful table settings make it memorable. It doesn't have to be fancy (expensive), just great use of color and texture. Think place mats, table runners, napkins, napkin rings, great glasses and plates. Maybe a little present on each plate. Something pretty for a centerpiece - fruit in a bowl, plant, flowers, candles, shells. Just stuff that lets people know you were thinking about them when you made this meal.

Next - think in terms of a really great salad in a pretty salad bowl with a nice dressing in a pretty container to serve it. Home made croutons are a nice touch.

Also - a wonderful dessert can be very memorable. Think fresh dessert plate - great coffee or after dinner drink.

Good luck with your meal.

If appropriate, you may consider the involvement of your diners'
in the preparation of the meal itself. Such as cutting & chopping
of veggies for a stirfry, etc.

add a glass of wine - - everyone has a hand in the meal - and
fun too!

good luck

some answers i read to this question were .... not at all very good.. the first answer that came to my mind was indeed " love " from you!! and no matter how the "taste" of the meal was your dinner guest will be thank full.. at least i would be.. i hope your question was answered.... best wishes, carl heuer II

a happy ending

Add too much or too little of a spice. A few Christmas' ago, my sister added too much flour to cookies. They came out tasting like chalk dust . It was so hillarious!!!

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