Help I'm having a party tonight and need some advice!?......?!


Help I'm having a party tonight and need some advice!?......?

I'm having a Birthday Party Tonight at my dads house, I have never hosted a party before BTW I'm 19 years old. I'm having about 20 people over and My dads house is pretty big it has a theater room, a game room with a pool table/air hockey. However What else is there to do!? I'm just stressing out because one tv will have the music playing so I can't do anything with that tv because the Xbox 360 will be playing the music, I do have a wii though. Another thing that I'm stressing about is the fact that I can't get caught with alcohol because my dad would get really mad and most likely take away my Car!, my cell phone, and my gas because he pays for all of that. However these girls that I invited are big on partys with alchohol so they are bringing alcohol which I'm not happy about only because of my dad. My dad won't be there but I just have a bad feeling that he will stop by to check on us and may see people drinking. I want everyone to have fun but I also don't want to get in trouble!

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4 weeks ago
What should I do?!, Should I let just the girls and a few other people drink and hope they don't get caught and let my other friends know my situation about my dad? BTW I really like one of the girls which is why I'm on the fence about letting her drink because she really wants to but I don't want to get in trouble!? wow I'm stressed out now even though Its my birthday! I'm only stressed out because of these girls! I should have not mentioned this party to them but o well I'm good friends with them and hopefully I will still be good friends with them after this party!.


4 weeks ago
What should I do?!, Should I let just the girls and a few other people drink and hope they don't get caught and let my other friends know my situation about my dad? BTW I really like one of the girls which is why I'm on the fence about letting her drink because she really wants to but I don't want to get in trouble!? wow I'm stressed out now even though Its my birthday! I'm only stressed out because of these girls! I should have not mentioned this party to them but o well I'm good friends with them and hopefully I will still be good friends with them after this party!.


tell the chicks to be COOL about hiding the alcohol; like only drink in the bathroom.

bingo. karaoke. have a DJ and play music. clear out a room and make a dance floor. i hate alcohol! borrow someone's stereo rather than using the 360.

Ooooh, sounds like fun, can we come over?

I would keep the alcohol out of the picture just in case dad comes home. You really don't want to lose your car do you? That would suck for you.

Chances are you'll get caught. Parents always know. Don't have people over that will not respect your wishes when you say no alcohol. If they're your friends, they'll understand. If they can't respect that, then they won't respect your dad's place and anything can happen. I'm big on alcohol myself, but it is not necessary to have a good time.

As for the rest of the party, it seems that you have enough entertainment to keep your guests occupied. Just relax and make sure you have a good time too. Be open to suggestions, but nothing that makes you feel uncomfortable. No alcohol!

Tell the girls to hide their alcohol. That way if they get caught, you can say that you didn't know they brought it. Definitely tell them about your dad and that he might "check up" on you.

Relax and have fun. With 20 people I wouldn't be too worried about activities. Most people will just enjoy sitting, talking and listening to music. Make sure you have some munchies.

Why not try mixing the alcohol in with other stuff in the hope that your dad will just have a quick glance round and not notice. if you hide the bottles and be discreet it should be fine. I'm sure if these guys are your friends and its your birthday they won't deliberately ruin it for you. Have fun and relax!

what kind of alcohol are they bringing?
make punch and buy so disposable cups and put the alcohol in the punch and drink from the glasses.
keep the noise down and the neighbors won't call the cops
people will find things to do.
make sure you hve plenty of snacks and non alcoholic drinks and no one drives home. if they are drinking take their car keys.

i think that if they come with a lot of alcohol, just have a certain place for people to drink and have it be a place where you can stash the alcohol quickly. Or when the girls get there, tell them that they can't come in if they have alcohol

I guess you just have to chose what is more important: Having one night of fun and drinking or keeping your car, phone, ect... In my experience of hosting keg parties, sometimes you get away with it, but the more the drinking, the worse the behaviors get, noise and complaining neighbors. So your dad may not stop by, but someone could call the cops. Just try to keep the drinking to a bear minimum and maybe it'll run smooth. But believe me, there is more of a chance of something going wrong than not. Hope you have fun!

see if you can buy some mc donalds or burger king cups and have them put there drinks in there and hide the original containers in a garbage bag somewhere. who would ever suspect. I know someone who would sneak drinks into clubs in circle k and 711 cups. but bottom line is the behavior is what is going to get them caught. either way you can play dumb if the drinkers have drinks in unmarked containers. and then get a job and pay for your own stuff!! I wasn't even able to use a car unless I had a job. your 19 and supposed to be a man, how can you show a girl a good time if you can't even pay for your gas. geesh. (sorry but it's true and you know it)

Dont have the party. Your Dad will be the one that gets in BIG trouble with minors drinking in the house.

Let people drink, but make sure you account for every bit of the evidence (beer caps, labels, etc). Have everyone put their bottles or cans back in the package they brought it in, so that you can be sure to have everything. Jello shots are another easy way to consume alcohol without a mess. Make sure nobody drinks too much, vomit is not fun to clean. I would put any and all contents from the party in a trash bag and find a dumpster far from your house!

Make sure to keep the windows open for awhile to air out the house. Good luck with the girl!

Hmmm, that's a tough one!

How about telling the girls that everything is cool and that the party is still going on, but if they want to drink alcohol then they are going to have to do it before they come over to your house for the party.

This way, they can drink all they want and you wont get in trouble for having booze in the house. You have just got to remember, this is YOUR Birthday and the party is for you, so if they have a problem with it, then too bad for them. You'll still have other people there celebrating with you!

I hope this helps, Happy Birthday!

If she doesn't respect what you say then she is only using you anyways. If she really liked you then she would absolutely not drink at your house. You can get your dad into some serious trouble. My best friend did what you were thinking about doing. She did not tell her mom that people were drinking. The kids left and had a wreck and someone died, and now the mom is in prison for it. My friend lost her mom for 12 years and it was her fault and her mom had no clue, but the courts don't want to hear about it. If it happens in your home and on your property then you and him are responsible for it. You are over 18, so you decide what is more important to you. This chick who will mean nothing to you in a few weeks, or your life and your dad's life?????

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