What does a pancake taste like?!


What does a pancake taste like?

It's not like "Pancakes are delicious!". With a distinct sensory experience, of course. I just felt pangs of hunger in pancake right now and I can't remember it's taste anymore. The last time I've eaten a pancake was 8 years ago! And no - I'm not wasting my points. I feel very pleasant especially after reading a 'tasty' description.

So, give me an eating-a-pancake feeling now! :)

Additional Details

10 months ago
Well, the reason why I haven't eaten pancakes for a long time is that my parents don't want me too. Stupid? Quite, 'cause I'm old enough to cook pancakes myself; yet dietrician says and my parents abide and so do I. Gah...strict parents! I envy you people...

10 months ago
Well, the reason why I haven't eaten pancakes for a long time is that my parents don't want me too. Stupid? Quite, 'cause I'm old enough to cook pancakes myself; yet dietrician says and my parents abide and so do I. Gah...strict parents! I envy you people...

ok, well imagine a soft, sweet, moist bread, and it should be fresh and warm.. and it's quite thin.. when you put it into your mouth, it should melt like butter, and mix with the topping you have on it like sweet maple syrup, or perhaps lemon and sugar etc.

Like eating wet bread YUCK !!


A pancake tastes exactly like a Pancake.

its good w/ syrup so its sweet. just plain pancakes taste weird. but they're good, you should make some!

This is a strange question because if you really ARE wondering what a pancake tastes like, you can MAKE a pancake.

Pancakes taste like a thick, fried flatbread... a bit doughy and a bit chewy. They are bland in flavor and need syrup, or at least the fat of butter or lard, to make them palletable.

it's like flat bread but sweet..

why don't u try one right now? 8 years?


well, a pancake is well, dry. then you pour syrup on it that makes it not dry and then you eat it and you taste the pancake itself with the syrup in it. oh god, now i want pancakes too. mmmmm pancakes

its lightly sweetened fluffy flat bread, that is delictable with maple syrup, REAL maple syrup. mmm

Just the pancake (plain?) or the pancake experience with butter and syrup? :)

Well, it tastes like a healthier version of yellow cake. Sweeter than bread. A slightly spongy texture. First bite can put you off a little bit because it's not immediately sweet but it's not salty. But then your taste buds pick up on the mild sweetness then the syrup kicks in.

Quite delicious. Not to mention any fruit or other goodies you might add to it. My favorite is banana slices. That's a whole meal and then some right there.

Don't break your 8 years away from it! It's a nasty road to travel down. ;)

Soft flat yellow cake with a hint of vanilla. Lightly toasted from the griddle

because of the batter

You have got to be kidding me.You've haven't had a pancake in 8 years.I'm sorry but you're messed up.My advise go to the store and buy some.That is the most stupid thing I've ever heard.You're probably asking this quetion because you want attention or you have no other quetions.

Hearty, substantial especially after they'd soaked up the syrup. They bring out the lumberjack in me!

You know when you eat pizza and sometimes all the topping slides off and the white breadlike stuff remains, that's the texture of pancakes and the taste is somewhat the same but consider that you ussually get them in sweet flavours though you can get savoury ones.

nothing without syrup

a biscuit

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