Wats the difference between love and friendship?!


Wats the difference between love and friendship?

Love is something you have no control over...you can't choose who you love but we can choose who are friends are.

friendship is unbreakable and love is immortal.

Love is full of fantasy that comes and goes with your thoughts.
a good friend is forever and will allways try to help or be there for a friend

Friendship and love are both relationships involving love, but to a different degree. In a friendship, you may care and love a person, but not in a romantic way. Love , usually mean you desire for a person in a romantic way..

Friendship has no benefits.
Love can have its benefits.

a thin line which is invisible

There's a small difference!
you can't contorl anything once you have fallen in love!
but you can contorl what friends you choose!

there is no any difference in between love and friendship

I love my friends, but sorry, love and friendship are not comparable. Friendship is a type of relationship, just like fatherhood or motherhood, or being someone's child, or brother or sister, or husband or wife.
Love is present in all of them (hopefully).
Now, defining love is probably one of the most difficult things to do. But I guess it involves being willing to give yourself to someone, whatever that relationship is. So I'm willing to give the best of me to my friends, and that's how I love them. The same goes for my husband, and my family, and my country, and God.
I love them all. I just have different types of relationships with them.

friendship is when u can see the other person's flaws and try to mend them...love is when u don't see these flaws..or see them and be totally okay with them.

love and friendship are completly different because love is passion you feel that you want to stay with the person you love forever and you will always dream that you kiss him or her that is so beautiful for lover but friendship you like your friend as a some one from your family that is not concerning with passion you do not have any interest to kiss his or her lips in friendship kissing lips is not interesting.

love is drama and uncontrollable, friendship is divine and unbeatable

love is some thing which is combination of two hearts but friendship is the combination of people who have same feelings &ideas.

freindship is unfortable. love is wast for life

love who break easily, but friendship is unbreakeble.
someone who share thing ,who give the right way,who help at any time,who trust on one another this is known as friendship.
in love life is like a servent to live our life in her/him way.

I recently seen on TV where that ? was answered. The mother said if the person will give you the last bite of what they are eating they love you, if not its friendship--well maybe not

friendship is love without wings.

Friendship is accepting the other person knowing and with his/her faults fully.
Love is giving,giving uncinditionally.Like a flower gives off smell not bothering who is around or whether anyone is around.there is no object of love.the subject just loves and loves fully uncinditionally

Me n my daughter relate as frndz... Whereas me n ur daughter r lovers...

1. Love is apparently un detachable
Friendship is detachable.
2. Love is like a flame which burns always.
Friendship is like water which always cools.
3. You can never err in Love.
Yous can err in friendship.
4. Silence and distance will spoil a
Love realtionship.
Silence and distance will never spoil an
ideal friendship.
5. Parents always object to the relationship in
Parents will encourage an ideal good

friend ship is small than love

love is between two hearts
friendship is between lot

love is bullshit & friendship is like flower if u dont pour love it will shrink

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