Do people reuse disposable cups?!


Do people reuse disposable cups?

I went to a small party last night and I noticed that the disposable cups were being re-used from a previous party(they had people's names on them who weren't at last night's party but had been to the previous one). I'm guessing they ran them through the dishwasher, but who knows. That completely grossed me out. From now on, I'm bringing my own cup. Have you ever heard of someone reusing disposable cups??

I suppose some people do, I would assume they wash them.
But if they had been using regular cups and glasses you do realize that they would have been used before as well?

Oh, please. Those cups are washable. Most people don't throw them away until they crack......It's called being environmentally responsible. They just didn't want to deal with broken glass......

Uh, yeah, I have...but just for myself only. If I had guests I would definitely give them their own NEW cup...and absolutely for a party.

That is gross!

You can put those plastic red kind in the dishwasher but still. Those things are so cheap! Why would anyone reuse those for a PARTY!

yeah, i know people does to, but there old, LOL
but at parties, just bring your own next time,

ewww that's very unsanitary! that's why it's called disposable because you should dispoe it afterwards......and f.y.i i've never experienced that.....

i do that at home all the time- cups for cold coffee drinks, for example- i just run them through the dishwasher and they're good to go. i only reuse them once or twice, usually...and only plastic- not paper or styrofoam...but if they're plastic, there's nothing gross about washing and reusing them.

Yeah I used to reuse them.........but then I was a kid and I loved those little plastic cups, I thought they were cool

yes if your a mail you can use them when you're in the car saves getting out &going to the toilet

I'm not inviting you to any parties. Talk about picky. OK, the guests should have been a bit more thoughtful and taken the names off the glasses, but really now. How old are you?

LOL...That's funny. I think i'd be grossed out too. I only reuse them for myself.

Well it depends on a couple of things...First of all are they washable and reuseable?? lol...If I'm having people over I have told them to keep an eye on their cup or tell ur friend to maybe put names on the outside if it's a solo cup!!

i dont i jus throw them out after every party. i mean would YOU want to ddrink from anothr persons cup not knowing if the host washed it?!?! no way!


There IS something wrong with reusing these cups - the plastic breaks down in the dishwasher and you end up ingesting it!! (plastic is carcinogenic, by the way....)
I assume that's why the package clearly states "ONE TIME USE ONLY"!



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