What to do for my Mom's 50th???!


What to do for my Mom's 50th???

It will be my mom's 50th birthday in a few weeks. i have no idea on howto make it really special for her. I have just over 100 dollars to spend and i can't drive so i can't take her anywhere. Any ideas??

For my mum's birthdays I get her some thing special. I usually just think about some of the things that shes said to me, and if shes mentioned anything like a favourite book from when she was younger, or her favourite musical artist from like back in the 60's or whatever I look and try to get that for her. I attempt to look for something special, that has some sort of meaning behind it. Flowers and a card, are always nice, but it just means more if you have listened to her and can get something that is important and means something special. Just think, did she have any favourite books, or music, is there any restaurant or place that holds a special memeory for her? Whatever you decide to get her, I'm sure that she'll love it, mothers always do. :) I hope you can fin your mother the perfect present, and I hope that she has a lovely birthday. If you need any more help feel free to contact me :)

Get a nice family portrait done, frame it, and give it to her. Or find an old photo, restore it, and frame it.

50 is old! So maybe you can tell your dad to buy her a present from your part-since she is half a century old she would probably need a face lift and a breast lift.

make her a party.id say hawaii theme.or buy her a diamond necklace or something.

Rent her favorite movies, get the birthday card with the 50 years ago today insigma. Have a picture taken, just the two of you, from a neighbor. Or camera with countdown timer.

For my mom's 50th b'day I got a card and made her a plaque. In the center of the plaque I put a half dollar of the year she was born in the middle. Had a scripture written on the plaque. She was pleased. We also filled the house with black balloons. lol Black streamers. Invited her old school friends and family to enjoy her day. She had a blast. Doesn't have to be something big for a mom to love it. It is the thought. :)

There is a place here that does "Yard cards"...They bring out signs and decorations.. Buzzards if you want to be mean.. pink flamingos if you want to be funny...That kind of thing...There are other themes as well...They come at like 3 in the morning while everyone is sleeping and then when she wakes up in the morning the whole front yard is decorated with a big sign saying happy b-day and how old she is if you want...Allllll day long....Its pretty funny!..You can have them set it up at her work instead {if thats ok with the boss}....And its about 100 bucks!...They probably have something similar in your area!

Paint her a picture. Write a note. Ask her what she wants for her birthday. If she says "nothing," go into her bedroom, search around for things that look like they could be replace (i.e. picture frames, hanging plants, flowers, pillows, throw blankets, bathroom products, etc.) It might also be nice if you made her breakfast in bed!

Have a 1950's theme night. Make diner food like burgers, fries, hot dogs, Root Beer floats and shakes. Rent movies like Rebel without a cause, Gidget or Grease and play some 50's music such as Elvis while having a hula hoop contest or a "Sock Hop"!

Find out what kind of music she liked as a young lady, do it in a casual way so she won't know what you're up to... ... most likely from the Woodstock generation.... make a CD of music she liked... invite a couple of her friends over, have a little party, cake, jello, icecream.... bring out some of the pictures from that era.... buy her a book, "Life's greatest photos" or something like that... wear a headband from that era... bellbottoms, etc...

i think you can make a family meal that can be enjoyed by the whole family. but you need to do all the cooking and cleaning on your own or someone else but not your mom.

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