How does someone throw a very good b-day party,with 38 kids?!


How does someone throw a very good b-day party,with 38 kids?

This id for my 13th birthday party. I need a lot of help because i have no idea how to throw a party! But i do have a pool in my back-yard and a pretty-high budget. About 1300$

Wow. Okay, so you have a HUGE budget, so you can do about anything you want. And with a pretty large guest list, that money could come in handy. The trick to parties is to do what you like- if you love sports then bring all your friends to a park or rec center, if you want to dress up then rent out a ballroom or clubhouse somewhere and have a ball, etc. But also consider the type of people you are inviting. If you are inviting a bunch of theatre people having a sports day may not be the best choice, a better option would be a costume party. Another good option os to base your party off of a movie you like, for example if you have always loved Alice in Wonderland have a Merry Unbirthday Mad Tea Party. There are so many possibilities, so let your imagination run wild! (And, if your parents are willing to spend 1300$ on your 13th party, your 16th will be amamzing!!!)

if you got that high of a budget then call a party planner they should know exactly what kids are into

With that kind of budget give the responsibility to a professional

With $1300 you could buy more than a couple of Wii's. That would be a blast.

Ship them on a day trip to the zoo with some hired sitters and invite your good friends over for cocktails.

If you use the pool you will have to have someone have eye's on the children at all time's.... you could also get a jumping tent.... kid's love that with some loud music and water ballon tosses ring toss in the pool depending on how old the kids

where are your parents? and why would they budget that amount for a 13th party.

I would rent something like a YMCA or some other place like a golf club....then have food brought in...35 kids is too many for any backyard pool.

Have the ultimate pool party! Hire a DJ and a caterer! Have a relative take pictures! Be careful and have fun!

If I was 13 and given the choice - I'd take the $1300 and say screw the party. $1300 may seem like a lot, but it's really not. Works out to abourt $35/ guest. by the time you've fed everyone with snacks and such you're probably down to about $20/guest. Figure invite mailing/printing bring it down to about $17/guest. A DJ might cost you between $400-600 depending on where you're located and how long you'd need it for. 38 people - probably closer to 45-50 when you include others that come along (parents that hang out,crashers,etc) you better have a large space at your home.

Okay....realize that turning 13 isn't that big of a milestone to spend 1300 dollars. When I turned 13 we had a cake, presents, and a sleepover. It was great...low budget....and all the kids had fun. If your friends expect you to spend big bucks on your 13th birthday party, maybe they are your friends for only material reasons, which is a good indicator of a friendship that won't last. You should do something with your money that will benefit your future, not just your present petty wants. Instant gratification is only good in that instant, it's not lasting, you need to realize that there is more to life than spending an outrageous sum of money on one single birthday party.

Here are some really great links that will provide you with some neat ideas. One is a link for creating the perfect pool party and the other is game ideas. I would make sure you have great music, lot of snack varieties and some cool party prizes. With that many kids I would make sure you have a lot of activities!
Here are a few pool activitie ideas. Some may not be fun for teens though....
Marco Polo
water volleyball
pin the sunglasses on the dolphin
swimming through rings
coin diving (shallow end to avoid ear drum problems

If you have lots of money OBVIOUSLY rent a hall and splash out on a beutiful dress and invite all you friends buying food and drink and a DJ and have a fab night!!!

What about a boat!!! Quite expensive but still

If you have a pool... POOL PARTY!!!

Its easy if you have loads of money!!! If you decide not to shell out or money becomes an isuue for some reason...

1. House/Garden party

Most obvious idea! All you need is a cd/mp3 player, snacks and soda and all your sisters friends! You could even have a BBQ! Remember to clear the house of all ornaments!

2. Any activity where the guests pay for themselves instead of bringing a present

3. Picnic in a park (Sounds boring bu its not! Snacks, music football, friends, camera, cake. Amazing fun)

4. Scavanger Hunt (groups have a list of items to find and have a time limit to find them! Could be in a shopping mall, park ect.

5. Cooking party! All friends bake cakes and make dinner for each other! Then get dressed up and pretend to be at a posh dinner party!

6. Murder Mystery! Make little cards with character profile with one person as the murderer and get everyone to dress up!

7. Most shops will bring all there merchandise down to your house to free if you gather all your friends together and set it all up and all you and your friends can try on the clothes all day with no obligation to buy anything!!!

8. Rent a chocolate fountain and have a choccy night!!!

9. Sleepover (movie + snacks + duvets + girly gossip and games = fun matie)

These are my ideas and I have used most of these for my partys!

While not surf the web! My favourite websites are:

You could always all get dressed up and go to your local under eighteens club or disco, or a music concert.


Melissa, 16 xxx

You've got a pool, so hire a dj and get some burgers and hot dogs on the grill. If you're 13, you don't need adults planning all your games. Just swim, eat, and enjoy the music. Maybe even give it a theme. Give it a theme based on something you like and decorate accordingly.

i just had one of those
so just haev some swim have a bunch of music and makes sure its really good music kids love to dance have games and pricese and raffles and you no what kids have a blast
other wise take them to a bowling alley like pinstripes get them their own people to serve them food and drinks adn buy them a room of bowling lanes its such a blast

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