How do you start a catering business?!


How do you start a catering business?

I live in a small town in OK and love to cook. I have a young child at home and 3 in school, so I need to have a flexible schedule. What tools and supplies are "must haves?"

Good luck.

You start by word of mouth. Do some catering for friends.

Oh, the list is so long! Good pots and pans of all sizes, chafing dishes/warmers, serving spoons, whisks, the phone number of a party rental place for your plates, silverware, tables, chairs, and glasses. Ladles, a phone number for a place to get the linens, a large coffeepot/urn, big metal buckets to ice down drinks. A good rapport with your store so you might be able to get things at a discount.

And don't forget your licenses, permits, and insurance...and most of all...LINE UP YOUR HELP!

ask some friends related to this field

Start catering parties for friends, neighbors, churches, weddings, etc. Have flyers made and give them to everyone you meet.

why not try having a business related to the field?
go to and look into. I have 9month old and I set my own hours.

Word of mouth, advertising, good service and reputation building will move you along gaining clientele.

Go there was a commercial on TV about another girl getting a catering buisness started o

First of all you must decide what foods you wish to Cater. That will depend upon the area that you live in to a great extent. Do a study of local Restaurants and try to think of something, tasty and out of the ordinary hum drum. Then you must go through all the beaurocratic mumbo jumbo to get a license and A food handlers permit.

Then equip your Kitchen and secure sll the necessary items that you will need to deliver the food.

Having done all of that: Hood fortune to you.

do what Martha stewart did, use her own kitchen start by advertising for smaller events and the rest will come. be blessed

Go talk to the Health Inspector.
You won't do anything without his blessing.
He will give you a list of all the stuff and the kind of building you must have to work.
It is downright depressing.

If I were you, I would do what Paula Deen did.
(She is the cook on the Food Channel.) She became the "BAG LADY" when her boys were young. She made delicious lunches and salads and desserts and then sent her boys out to sell them (on a route, I am sure) That is how she supported her family. Now she has at least one restaurant and a TV show!

well try some of your best dishes on your friends and ask them for their honest opinions!!!

go to college and then start you bussiness

Starting your own catering business can be both financially rewarding and fun. Whether you cater events on a full-time or a part-time basis, the opportunities are excellent. Each catered event is a new experience and challenge with a new group of people. With the rewards and fun come demanding work, for which you will need stamina and the ability to work under pressure.

Getting a License
law requires that caterers be licensed and meet other requirements for foodservice establishments. In , the Board of Health insures that food for distribution and sale to the public is safely prepared, handled, protected and preserved.

To obtain a license, apply to the local Health Department. Before a license is issued, the Health Department will inspect your business to see that it meets food sanitation requirements. Once a license is issued, the Health Department will conduct routine inspections of your business. These inspections are needed to help insure compliance with food sanitation rules developed to protect the public from foodborne illness. Outbreaks of foodborne illness have been attributed to factors such as poor hygiene by personnel, inadequate cooking, and improper cooling and storage of food.

In , the law requires that the food operation area be separate from the kitchen facility of your home. The Health Department will inspect the area that you intend to use for food operation before they will issue a license. Plans and specifications for construction or remodeling of an area must be submitted to the Health Department for review. Complete partitioning and solid, self-closing doors must separate the food operation area from your home kitchen. There must be separate sinks for food, utensil washing and cleaning. There also must be a separate sink to be used only for hand washing. Water and sewage supplies and plumbing systems must be approved. Equipment and food-contact surfaces must meet regulations of the Board of Health.


Location of a Home-Based Bakery
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) has the authority to see that clean and wholesome bakery products, such as cakes, breads and cookies, are prepared under proper conditions. Although a license is not required for a home-based bakery, VDACS must inspect the facility that you intend to use. A separate kitchen is not required, but the products and ingredients must be kept separate from those used by your family. VDACS will need formulations (recipes) of the products that you intend to prepare as well as flow processes for these products. To insure that good manufacturing practices (GMP) are used, all products must undergo basic laboratory testing to make sure that they are not adulterated with bacteria that cause foodborne illness.

If the products will be sold to retail outlets, they must be labeled. The label must include: 1) name of the product; 2) net weight of the product; 3) name and address of the manufacturer and 4) a list of the ingredients in descending order by weight. All packaging used for the products must be made of food grade sources, as recognized by the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture.


Determining Your Product and Market
The development of a business plan will aid you in planning a successful business. Prior to starting a catering business, you need to determine your type of business?i.e., cakes, receptions, seated dinners, box lunches, picnics, hors d?oeuvres, or dessert course?and the type of food you will serve (primarily convenience or "from scratch"). Analyze your market. Ask yourself the following questions to see if your business venture will satisfy at least one of the following fundamental elements of success. If not, you probably do not have a viable business idea.

The questions are:

Will the business serve a presently unserved need?

Will the business serve an existing market in which demand exceeds supply?

Can the business effectively compete with existing businesses because of some "competitive advantage?"
Decide whom you will target as customers. Who is your competition? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Where will you get supplies? Decide how you will promote your business. Will you need to employ staff to help with production, service, and cleanup? What other skills do you need to make your business successful? For additional information on Developing a Business Plan, see VCE Publication 354-302, available from your local Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent.


Start-Up Costs
You may choose to start your catering business by renting items to keep initial costs to a minimum. You may rent the use of kitchen facilities, utensils, tables, tablecloths, serving equipment and other items. This will allow you to: 1) Build a reputation; 2) develop some capital for investment and expansion and 3) evaluate how much time and money you want to invest and the impact that this business will have on your family.


Developing a Creative Menu for Special Events
Factors affecting menu planning include the type of event, time of event, number of people to be served, available equipment, number of food preparers and servers and the amount of money to be spent.

The menu needs to include a variety of foods that are acceptable to the customer and the occasion. Be able to suggest menus that show a balance in color, texture, shape, sizes, flavor, cooking methods and cost. Plan to include nutritious foods from each of the food groups, including:

Meat, poultry, fish, dried beans, eggs and nuts;

Bread, cereal, rice and pasta;



Milk, yogurt and cheese.
Plan for eye appeal by using at least four colorful foods on each menu or food tray. Plan for contrast in texture and flavor. Contrast crisp foods with soft, creamy foods. Use strong and mild flavored foods together. Balance light and heavy foods. Use foods that complement each other.

As a caterer, you will need to decide whether you will make all foods "from scratch," or purchase some convenience foods. If you make all foods, consider your skills, equipment and time as you plan menus. Also, it is important to prepare a quality product of standard consistency. Develop a quality standard for each item. Use "high-tech" equipment designed to produce a consistent product. After considering skills and equipment, compare the cost of caterer-prepared items with purchase costs. Evaluate for cost savings and quality consistency. Do this for each item offered before determining a pricing structure.

Develop an information packet that includes sample menus and prices, other services you provide, and past events you have catered. Develop a portfolio of pictures that shows how food was presented at these events.

Every caterer needs to develop a contract to operate in a professional, business manner. Write the contract in simple language that both parties can understand and state the terms of the agreement. Have an attorney review the contract form. Include the following items in the contract, as applicable. These are:

Names, addresses and telephone numbers of parties involved (buyer and seller);

Date of the agreement and date of the event;

Time of event;

Location of event;

Room set-up, decorations, tablecloths, etc., to be used;

Type of menu;

Estimated and guaranteed attendance;

Service arrangements;

Duration of activity;


Pricing arrangements and potential price increases;

Deposit required (25, 30, or 50 percent of cost when the contract is signed);

Discount (if any) for full payment at the time contract is signed;

Cancellation provisions specifying cases of cancellation because of illness, broken engagement or death. The contract needs to specify how much of the deposit will be retained due to cancellation.

Applicable taxes;

Include space for signatures at the bottom of the contract form.

Carefully consider contract terms, write them in simple language, and print them in a size that is easy-to-read. This is to insure that everyone understands the terms of the contract.


Insurance is a necessary expense. This includes product and personal liability, as well as coverage on the space used for the business, equipment, vehicle used for the business, and worker's compensation for any employees. Insurance protects you from the unexpected. For more information on insurance issues, please contact your Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent to borrow the video, Insurance Issues for the Home-Based Business.
Pricing for Profit
To operate a profitable catering business, you need to decide on a price that is appropriate for the services rendered. Determining the costs of catering an event is the most important part of covering your expenses and earning profits. Caterers price their services using different methods. The pricing formula that covers your costs and provides a profit is as follows:

Materials + Overhead + Labor + Profit = Price
Materials include the costs of the food or beverage items. Also, include any shipping and handling costs incurred to acquire these materials.

Overhead costs are the variable and fixed expenses that must be covered to stay in business. Variable costs are those expenses that fluctuate including vehicle expenses, rental expenses, utility bills and supplies. Fixed costs include the purchase of equipment, service ware, marketing and advertising, and insurance. After overhead costs are determined, the total overhead costs are divided among the total number of catering jobs expected.

Labor costs include the costs of food preparation and service. Also included are Social Security taxes (FICA), vacation time, retirement and other benefits such as health or life insurance. To determine labor costs per hour, keep a time log. When placing a value on your time, consider the following: 1) Your skill and reputation; 2) wages paid by employers for similar skills and 3) where you live. Other pricing factors include image, inflation, supply and demand, and competition.

Profit is a desired percentage added to your total costs. You will need to determine the percentage of profit added to each menu item or type of event.

Determining a price is not easy. It is as much an "art" as it is a "science." There is no one exact price. Base your price on the type of event being catered, special services offered and your competition. When considering your competition, your three pricing choices are to: 1) Charge the same as your competition; 2) charge more than your competition or 3) charge less than your competition. It is important to cover all your costs if you want to stay in business. There are computer programs available to help you price foods and keep financial data for decision-making.

Business Record Keeping
Record keeping is not difficult, but it is important and can be time-consuming. You need to develop a system that helps you keep track of income, expenses, and profit or loss to determine business growth and for tax purposes. Contact a local accountant for assistance in setting up your record keeping system to save time and money later. Additional information on record keeping and taxes is available from your local library, bookstore, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), local Small Business Administration (SBA) Office, Small Business Development Center (SBDC) or Cooperative Extension Office.

Food Safety
To be successful in the catering business, one must produce delicious food that is safe and wholesome. The production of safe foods is your responsibility. Time and temperature abuse of foods contaminated with foodborne pathogens, such as Salmonella, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli O157:H7, will certainly lead to a foodborne outbreak that would likely destroy your reputation and business. Foodborne illness can be avoided if you and your employees follow safe food handling practices.

Purchase high-quality foods from a reliable vendor. The food should be in good condition with the packaging intact, fresh (not beyond expiration date), and at the proper temperature.

Store potentially hazardous foods, such as meat, poultry, eggs, milk and fish, immediately in the refrigerator (33 to 40°F) or in the freezer (-10 to 0°F). Dry staples should be stored at 50 to 70°F. Practice First-in-First-Out (FIFO) to insure safety and quality of your menu items.

Ideally, frozen foods should be thawed in the refrigerator 18 to 24 hours prior to preparation. However, thawing under cold running water (<70°F), in the microwave, or extending the cooking time are all acceptable methods for thawing food. If the cook time is extended, be sure that the recommended internal cook temperature for the food is reached.

Cook food thoroughly to the recommended internal temperature for the appropriate amount of time. Meats (including ground beef), fish, shell eggs, and pork should be cooked to 155°F for a minimum of 15 seconds. Poultry should be cooked to 165°F for at least 15 seconds. Cooking times and temperatures for beef roasts will depend upon roast weight and oven type. Use a meat thermometer to measure internal cook temperatures.
In the catering business, large quantities of food are generally prepared in a central kitchen and distributed to clients. Proper cooling and hot-holding are critical for preventing the growth of possible foodborne pathogens. Hot food may be prepared and distributed in temperature-holding equipment to the client or the food may need to be cooled below 41°F, distributed cold, and reheated. To cool food properly, portion the food in clean, sanitized shallow containers and place in the refrigerator immediately. Make sure the food is covered, dated, and reaches a temperature less than 41°F within a 4-hour period. Also, food may be cooled rapidly by placing on a bed of ice and stirring the food every 15 minutes.

Hot food for distribution and holding should be held at a minimum temperature of 140°F. Make sure the hot-holding equipment is set to maintain the temperature of the food above 140°F. If the temperature of the food should drop in the danger zone (41 to 140°F) for 2 or more hours, discard. Placing cold food dishes on beds of ice should hold the food below 41°F.

REMEMBER: Keep hot foods "HOT" and cold foods "COLD."

Reheat all potentially hazardous foods including leftovers to 165°F. Gravy should be heated to a boil (212°F). Discard leftovers stored in the refrigerator beyond 3 days (Gravy 2 days). Leftovers stored in the freezer should be consumed within 4 months.

Practice good personal hygiene when preparing and handling food. Wash hands before food preparation, after handling raw foods, after using the restroom or at any time the hands become soiled. Gloves may be worn when handling and preparing food. However, gloves can become soiled as easily as hands and should be changed often.

Take measures to prevent cross-contamination of food.

Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces such as counter tops, cutting boards, equipment and utensils. One tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water is an effective sanitizing agent.

Wash fresh fruit and vegetables thoroughly under cold running water. In refrigerator storage, make sure fresh fruits and vegetables are wrapped or stored in containers separately from raw meats.

Wear clean clothes and aprons when preparing food.

Do not use the same towel to wipe food contact surfaces that you use for wiping hands.

Clean storage and kitchen areas regularly.

Practice good housekeeping.

Implement a pest control program for eliminating the spread of disease.
Provide safe food for your clients by following and practicing food safety guidelines. Make sure that you and your employees are current with state and local regulatory requirements for food service establishments. This way you can rest assured that the food you provide to your clients is safe and wholesome.

Michale : what you need is an business slogan that has
a nice title to it Like "24 hour catering services" must advertise
in the news paper called announcements section see professionals has a business licesence because knowing
this print out some Business cards saying all types of parties
birthdays. Weddings, Varmistas, have an phone number printed
on it so customers will call!

Test market your products to judge where you should be selling and what.

Then once you have a clear idea of your menu, and potential market size figure out your price points and seek capital to finance your kitchen and delivery costs.

Then get a sanitation and food processing license and set up you company on paper.

Buya kitchen and tools, set up for utilities and any other contracts.

Eventually you will have to hire staff and buy supplies .

Then you start cooking and selling to you customers. Meanwhile be canvasing the ara for more customers.

Every quarter send in your taxes to the federal goverment and FUTA.

to start catering :
1. you must have consumer
if do you haven`t please promote you cook to your community
in your town/
2. doing step by step
get 1 or 2 consumer who regularly can buy food from you maybe your Friend and your family.
3. try to varying your food

I M me i will give you a phone number of a good friend of mine that just started one here in utah
try to figure it out from here...

Hope u'll solve ur problems


First you have to look for a helper, second you have to make a list of clients: for all kind of celebrations, of course you need all the supplies of a kitchen, you have to be prepared, if you cant buy everything now you will in the future

GOOD LUCK¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡...

The best way to start is to have a party at your home and cook all your specialties. Or what you can. And let everyone taste and see how good a cook your are. Then pass out your business cards and tell everyone you are starting a catering business, please help. Let them know what you are able to do and what you can handle. Most people like to taste the food before they make an order. You Will also need good helpers or staff, friends or relatives, who can help you but will work dirt cheap until you have established yourself. Great dishes and a pots are a plus. Get some good platters, be creative with your decorations and have fun.

As you live in small town and also with young kid, i suggest you try to pick orders from working employees to provide lunch for them.
it saves much time to serve them, as you are going to pack the food and either deliver or ask their person to pick it up. this way you get more time to take care of your children.
coming to the tools and supplies: i think a gas stove and regular house hold utensils should be fine to start with.once you feel that business is getting improved you can go for other equipments.

you also need money for your working capital.

more over you will have core advantage of collecting the money in advance and spending the same for day to day activities

Requirements: money, good location (where you have enough movement of people), shop or house, stools or chairs, tables, baking pans, tray or basin (bowl), oven, warmer, gas stove or electricity, soft drinks, clean environment, for now.

It's probably a good idea to actually work in someone else's business for a while first, to see how it goes. But you could certainly cater parties for friends. Once you start doing it commercially, you not only need to worry about supplies but about permits and health codes. My friend's aunt did this, and she had to have a separate oven from her family oven, special counter space and all kinds of other health dept. requirements. You'd also need insurance if you're running that kind of business. There's a LOT to consider.

See if any of your kids friends are going to have a birthday or something and start there. If you get a good word out by parents then they will get you to do other things around town for them. Before you know your going to be the it girl. Thats the way i was with my boyfriends brother. I got him to do my little cousins birthdays and there parents loved how he did it. So now hes like doing everyone's parties. Kids, teenagers, adults, older people, everyone. So if you want to go that way!!!Whoo way to go. I hope this helped =D ... you can IM me and we can talk if you want to know more. Look at my profile on here.

Quite the challenge, I commend you for your ambition. I have read all the comments and pretty much has already been said. Set your target clientele and know what they are looking for. Ask alot of questions and have something that will be unique about your business that sets you apart from your competition. In Canada, if you are on Unemployment benefits, there is a program called Self Employment Assistance for helping people to get started in their own business. you have to be on UI or they can do a reach back if you were on UI in the last three years I believe, don't quote me on that one, you should qualify. In the States, I am not sure how it works , but if you call your human resources office, I'm sure they would be able to help. The Moto here is on your own (self employed) but you do not have to go it alone. There is help. Good luck, so much involved, hard work but you can do it.

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