What are some fun things to do for a Halloween party?!


What are some fun things to do for a Halloween party?

Hey! So I already know music and dancing but honestly....if no one does any dancing its not going to be any fun.. I want people to dress up.. The ages are from 14-17 yr olds. I just want to know what are something to do with a group of people....that come from all races i might note!...but if you have any ideas (fun ideas)...plz get back at me!...thanx!

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8 months ago
plz remeber these are for teens older teens....i am hosting it with a couple of my friends.....also...(if you know anyway to add a little sexiness (not sex) in it that would be greatly appreciated)

8 months ago
plz remeber these are for teens older teens....i am hosting it with a couple of my friends.....also...(if you know anyway to add a little sexiness (not sex) in it that would be greatly appreciated)

have a costume contest and the winner wins a prize, have them dress up as their fav celebrity or something, bob for apple,do a make ur own candy apple table with like carmel m&ms sprinkles gummy bears, everything, if i think of anything else ill add it

good luck!

Dress like wild animal.

Go to universal studio or Disney walk.It fun.

bobbing for apples, have contests where each person votes on most fav. costume, scariest costume, prettiest, etc., make caramel apples.

Our family used to have a Halloween party every year. Here are some of the things we did:
1) We built our own graveyard, complete with giant coffin, and personalized all of the tombstones
2) We built a tunnel - simple framing, covered with black paper, and decorated with black lights and let the trick or treaters go through the tunnel to get candy and then add their own decorations
3) We had fog machines which really add to the ambiance

We plan to start back up next year when all the babies are a little bigger, with themes. Next year we are doing Tarantino film characters, but you can go more general with just film characters, or animals or historical figures.

get a big bowl of chicken livers and put a prize in it and let em find it. like dunking for apples but using one hand, have wipes handy,hahaha HAPPY ALL HOLLOWS EVES.

Teenagers are hard to please. Make it a dance.

Tell everyone there will be a costume contest with prizes.

figure out a way to scare the hell of them, and take pictures when they're screaming in fear.

costume contests, charades (with Halloween type clues); lots of creepy kinds of food - bloody popcorn (just add red food coloring, black (grape) punch, with gummy worms and bugs floating in it. Bobbing for apples is fun too but sometimes it's cold around here for that. Have fun!!

Have a costume contest
Play Pumpkin Alphabet
Carve all the letters of the alphabet on a medium sized pumpkin. Put it on a dish and set on a stand or table. Each guest in turn is blindfolded and given a hat-pin, then led to pumpkin, where he (she) is expected to stick pin into one of the letters on the pumpkin, thus indicating the initial of future life-partner.
This next silly is Love's Dispensary
This last is the Web site with all the ancient party games suitable for teens.
Have fun!

i will be dress as a little old lady with a big nose!

You can can go bobbing for apples. Dance contest. You can pin the tail on the cat. You can also have a cat pinta.

It sounds goofy, but the teenagers at the party in question loved it. Find a willing adult to dress up as either a palmist (palm reader) or really old hag. In the case of the palm reader, let everyone have their palms "read", but make sure the person doing it has some small bit of info on everyone there (like they got a "D" in english last week, or something fun--- nothing mean) and have that put into their "fortune". If you go with the really old hag, have her tell a really scary story. I made my own up, but there are lots on the market. Or have her just start the story, and have everyone "fill in a part" -- you will come up with some interesting things.

No one thought it would work here either - but it did and all the kids kept asking my daughter when the next party was.

I would suggest a costume contest or a mini haunted house, I had never been to a Halloween party in my life, if I was going to one ever I would like some fun and games besides music and dancing and mingling. That is just my suggestions, it is your party do what you want to with it.

One year when i was in high school i had a Halloween party and my mother made a cake and we put green food coloring on some coconut and made it look like a grave yard and cut out a few graves in it but there are a lot of freaky and scary things you could do

well I have party's all the time for halloween what you need to do is have dancing like you said and you should set up some games to play like flirty ones ike pin the sticker on the ***. You also need some of your closer friends to spend the night. so you can have some extra fun. Dress up the house and make it a haunted house or make one out in the yard. just be creative nothing in impossible ^_^

I was at a Halloween party a couple years ago, and they had fortune cookies, only they had taken out the "fortunes", and replaced them with "misfortunes".

Ex: Your long time skin problems
will be corrected by an ordinary cheese grater

Have fun with it!

Use the standard candle in the hollowed out Jack O.

1. costume contest
2. scream contest
3. stand in line boy girl etc. and pass an orange from person to person using only your chin
4. hay rides are cool
5. Tell spooky stories beside the bon fire
6. marshmellow, make smores, drink apple cider
7. Monster mash dance contest
8. make a haunted house,

Peel grapes and blind fold kids and make them touch them. Tell them they are eyeballs!

Costume Contest
Award prizes to the best costume. Voting can either be by a neutral party (such as a chaperone), by the host (who is exempt, naturally), or by blind ballot.

Bobbing for Apples
Fill a large tub with water and drops several juicy apples in. Have someone stir the water vigorously. While the apples are swirling, have the person whose turn it is lean over the tub and try to grab an apple with their teeth. You may not use your hands! (We sometimes loosely tie the person's hands behind their back to prevent cheating.) You should have towels ready and someone standing by to rescue the player in case they lose their balance. If you find it too easy, you can also blindfold the player!

Ghost Stories
This works best if you have a fireplace or bonfire and can turn the lights off, but if not, you can always just turn the lights down and tell tales by flashlight. It can be just for fun, with everyone telling a story and then letting the others rate them on how scary or entertaining it was, or a communal round, where each person tells a little of the story before passing it to the next person, who takes over.

Jack-O-Lantern Carving Contest
Always a lot of fun! Divide your players into teams and give each team a pumpkin, a knife, and a half-hour to carve the jack-o-lantern. If you don't want a huge mess, you can hollow the pumpkins out before the party (and make pumpkin pies and pumpkin seeds to serve as refreshments!), but the hulls should be reasonably fresh. Award prizes for the scariest and fuinniest jack-o-lanterns.

Wolf Howling Competition
You might want to alert the neighbors before trying this one, but a wolf howling contest is always good, clean fun. Simply give everyone a chance to do their best wolf howl and award a prize for the best-sounding howl.

This an old party game that is a lot of fun with a large group of people (it works better the more people you have). Have everyone sit in a circle and then one person writes down a short message on a piece of paper. It should be between one and three sentences long. That person then tucks the paper safely away somewhere and whispers the message to the person on his or her right. The message may only be repeated once. That person then whispers the message (as they heard it) to the person on their right, and so on and so forth. When it gets to the last person in the circle (the one who is seated next to the person who started the message), that person recites aloud the message exactly as they heard it. Then, the original message is opened and read. See if they turn out to be quite different.

Another old favorite that is often overlooked today. One person decides on a word or phrase that they would like to act out. They must then attempt to convey to the group their chosen word or phrase without using any vocalizations and without writing it down. The player may not speak or write down the message, but may use any kind of gestures or body language to get the others to guess the secret word or phrase. The one who guesses correctly gets to act out the next secret word. This works better if you limit choices to a certain theme, say "movie titles."

The pi?ata is a time-honored tradition in Mexico, especially during festivals. You can purchase pre-constructed pi?atas from places like Wal-Mart, or make your own (you can find instructions at the link below). Fill the pi?ata with treats and small prizes and suspend it over a low tree branch. The swinger is blindfolded and spun around several times to disorient them, then pointed in the direction of the pi?ata and given a broomstick (or baseball bat). The other players form a very large circle around the player, who must attempt to strike the pi?ata with the stick. To make it harder, someone is pulling on the rope that suspends the pi?ata, making it go up and down while the player flails at it. Give each player three minutes to attempt to break the pi?ata. When broken, of course, the treats and toys spill out and everyone dives for them.

What Is It?
This game can be a lot of fun. Before the party, prepare several bowls of different substances. Be creative, such as peeled grapes or olives (eyeballs), cooked rice that has had warm water added to it (maggots), cold spaghetti (worms), etc. Each person is paraded through a darkened room and must put their hands into each bowl and try to identify the substance therein. This works best if the people cannot see what they are feeling because it heightens the fear. Licking your fingers is NOT allowed!

An alternative way to have some fun with this is to tell people that each bowl contains a prize of some sort. All they have to do is find it. Anyone willing to put their hands into the substance (which should always be slimy, gooey, or disgusting-feeling) will find a small token than can be exchanged for a prize. Make sure that there are enough tokens that everyone gets one (only one token per person may be collected) and let different colored tokens achieve different prizes.

Blood Mary
Tell your guests the story of Bloody Mary, a horrid and vain woman who was disfigured in a car accident many years ago. She died, penniless and unloved, and swore her vengeance on a world that turned its back on her. It is said that any who wish to summon her should go before a mirror in a darkened room with a single candle. Placing the candle before the mirror, the person should spin in a circle, slowly at first, but picking up speed and chant, "Bloody Mary" 13 times. As the person chants, their voice should gradually get louder until it is near screaming. With the 13th utterance, Mary will show herself in the mirror! But be warned, she will emerge from the mirror to scratch your eyes out! You must go in alone. No one can be with you, and the room must be completely dark except for the light of a single candle. Now see if any of your friends are brave enough (or foolish enough) to do it!

A word of caution: Never force anyone who isn't comfortable to do this. It can result in deep-seated psychological fears than can scar the person for life. Not to mention, there's always the chance that Mary will hear your call and appear!

Scavenger Hunt
Before the party, make a list of items that everyone has to locate. There should be about 20 items on the list. Make them difficult, but not impossible or illegal to get. Divide your group into teams and send each team out to retrieve their items. Give everyone one hour to get what is on the lists (which should be Halloweeny-type items) and have them meet back at the party location. After one hour, the team that retrieved the most items is declared the winners.

The items on the lists should have a Halloween flavor to them, but shouldn't be something illegal to obtain. Participants are not permitted to just go to the store and purchase items, they must be obtained without money (and without stealing them). Good items for the lists are: a halloween mask, a picture of a black cat, a plastic knife, a set of plastic vampire fangs, etc. If you wish, make different lists for each team.

Eat, drink, talk, carve pumpkins, music, pictionary or charades of some sort, some kind of game - like inblot.

Daryn: yes I do know some fun bobbing for apples also alot of
us adults does the judging for best dressed goul , tell ghost stories, serve punch & cake to all guests , give away cool prizes
ect usaly reccomended fun treat dancing is okay make sure Dj
has selected records& have magic show neat !

Bob for apples.
Have a haunted room.
Have a costume contest, best, scariest, funniest, worst
Have lots of balloons and streamers hanging everywhere
Turn the lights off or keep them very low.

peel grapes, cook come cold spaghetti, have them go through a bunch of different items that feel funny with blindfolds on and have them guess which each thing is. that was always fun and i didnt have to eat anything that would make me gag :)

have a costume contest, tell scary stories, bob for apples, eat lots of sugary sweets and candies, and play some games such as maybe putting the name of a famous person or a scary thing on the back of each person, and then making them ask questions to find out what the word is on their back.

sometimes i go to a party and do fun games like jack o lantern contests, best pumpkin pie, or (t.p. houses) *mischievous grin*

bob for apples, best and worst costume award, take a poll on the the best and worst horror movies, There are so many things to make your party a success, go on line they have the best ideas. Happy Haunting

Bobbing for apples is fun.

make fruit punch and put some dry ice in it, then it will start smoking from the change in temperature, and then you will have a big cloud of smoke above the punch.

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