What would you have said to this?!


What would you have said to this?

I went out for dinner the other night, and the bill came to £41 something, so I handed over £50. The waiter picked it up and said "Do you want the change?"

I thought it was so rude and presumptious I just said "yes please" and didn't leave a tip (which normally I would).

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8 months ago
Sandra G - actually I am neither cheap nor broke. I am from the UK and we have a different attitude to tipping here. Don't be so rude in future.

8 months ago
Sandra G - actually I am neither cheap nor broke. I am from the UK and we have a different attitude to tipping here. Don't be so rude in future.

They work for a living just like we all do. He should have not asked for a tip, but either way, you should have left one. 10% is standard for bad service. They get taxed on it. You are probably just cheap and broke, so that is why you did not consider the waiter's feelings.

i would say yes i want change and leave no tip they are not supposed to ask for a tip

thats a rude waiter....and that'd be a big tip

I would have said, "Wouldn't you?"

right n all id have got change just coz he got the cheek to asume it was for him good on ya !!!!

You did exactly what I would have done. A gratuity is optional. If he hadn't asked I guess you would have left something

He behaved stupidly. You did the right thing. He presumed, when the proper attitude would been one of humble hope.

How dare he!!!
what a cheek - he gets paid what hes worth to get paid!!! i dont ever leave a tip unless theres loads of us!!
you dont see tesco cashiers getting tips do you - no because its there job!! to right you asked for the change back!!!

Maybe he thought the rest was the tip...

I think you're overreacting. It's not that rude. A lot of people in your situation would have said, "Keep the change" before he had to ask. And I think it's unacceptable to not tip. If the service was lousy leave a lousy tip but leaving nothing at all is much much ruder than his boldness.

Rude and presumptuous sums it all up and the waiter didn't deserve a tip. If you had wanted him to keep the change you would have told him...

lol I would of said 'well if u can give me the money to get home which is the change... then yes!'

Alot of times they have NO clue how much money you just put on the table- so he was just verifying if you needed change. I've heard this asked a lot.
I think it was rude of you to tip NOTHING- based on that question- if the rest of the service was fine.

Geez! What a grouch! Apparently you have never worked with the public. True character is reflected in how we treat people who don't matter.

I would have said " well you're definately NOT getting it!!"

Next time take a bag of one pound coins and pay the exact amount..
Personally I'd have done the same,I have no problems with tipping as I know how badly paid some of these people are.But to ask for a tip no way ..

I would of said Keep the change. Was awful rude of you to be offended by his question. 20% of the bill would of been 8 so he had a Legitimate question.

i never leave a tip.not because i'm mean .i just don't believe in it

I would have said and done much the same. Certainly no tip for him.

i worked in the catering trade for many years before going back to uni. To get a tip made you feel on high because it meant you gave a good service and this made you feel good. To expect a tip was unthinkable!
This guy was a rude, arrogant little t**t.
So bl**dy well done on you for not leaving a tip!

I wonder if he thought "oh 5hit" as soon as he closed his mouth?

did he bring the food to you?
I bet he don't wash his hands when he's been for a dump.
bad bad waiter.

He should have said, "I'll be right back with your change." That way you could have said "ok", or "I don't need the change back." Or he should have just brought you the change. He was rude &
I would have done the same as you.

id had said "well the bill is £41 n i handed u a £50 YES i want the change" cheeky waiter id have complained

id would have done the same, ive done waitressing and i never expected tips i just done what i got paid to do, tips were an added bonus

Don't think it rude or presumptious at all. A gratuity is always optional.

I dont think its rude, but maybe I am used to it. Wait persons ask that a lot over here in the US

The waiter was being polite, it's common for that to happen in the USA. We think nothing of it.

i think that you were right in doing that because it's to big for a tip but you can give him some coins (if you want).

I have said, in the past, "I'm easy going, not fuckin' stupid" then given him a look to make the point! and he's ended up with nothing!

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