Party food ideas?!


Party food ideas?

There is a large group of us getting together at the end of this month. Including children it will be 60 people. What usually happens is the women in the different families prepare a large meal together. It's a lot of work, because after the meal, there's washing up and cleaning to do, and there's always someone who complains about the food or service.

This time we want it to be different, in that maybe go to a restaurant or have the party it at someone's place, but noone should cook the food. Any ideas what we should do? Some people are prepared to contribute $20 each, but others will only pay $5.

If it helps we are in Montreal, so restaurant or catering ideas would be welcome. Thanks.

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8 months ago
Thanks for the ideas so far... Noone wants to cook, so pot luck is out of the question. Any other ideas on what to order for example, apart from bbq chicken and fries?

8 months ago
Thanks for the ideas so far... Noone wants to cook, so pot luck is out of the question. Any other ideas on what to order for example, apart from bbq chicken and fries?

Oh Dear, Ive got so many!
I used to do Super Bowl parties! LOL
#1 Make mini BLT's---simple, usually in the grocery store, the bread isle, or the deli isle, they have mini sliced breads, if you can't find them, use any other bread, and cut them into squares, after toasting them slightly. Cut-up fried bacon, tomoato, lettuce, and a sliver of avacado will do the trick.

#2 Mini cheeseburgers, make it just like a regular cheeseburger except smaller.

#3 Taco crisps-----Get yourself as many boxes of trisquit crackers as you think you'll need, lay then out on a cookie sheet, lay sliced cheese, a little piece of tomato, and then a slice of picled jalepeno, and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes, at 350, or until the cheese is melted, serve right away.

Those are just the ordeurves!

For the big meal, Spagetti is always the easiest, with a giant salad, and garlic bread, but you said you wanted something different.

Heres my idea, its not elegant, but TOTALLY FUN! If you decide not to use the mini cheeseburger oreurve recipe, you can make a lot of GIANT cheeseburgers. Go to the bakery section of your grocery store, or a bakery and they have rounded breads. They look like a giant hamburger bun. Slice them in 1/2, and make giant cheeseburgers. Also with these breads, you can make chili bowls.
Cut out the tops of the breads, not in half, just a rounded center, and dig out about 3 quarters of the bread inside, not too much at the bottom, you want plenty of bread down there to hold your chili. Make your chili. At the bottom of the dug out hole in the bread roll, lay inside on the bottom, some thinly sliced cheese, of any knid you choose. I like cheddar, and Mozzarela. Pour in your hot chili, lay the top on gently, and serve. Good Luck, and have fun!

If you're only looking to order food rather than prepare it, as it seems, and no one wants to pay a proper price for this event you're having, then they sound like very selfish, ignorant people. It doesnt seem right for you to have to go to great lengths for people who dont want to help or participate. I think you should order Doninoes Pizza in that case, or let them starve. If its that bad for you, and you still want to do this event, AND you have the money, just go to your grocery store deli section, and get pounds of food from them. They bbq ribs, roasted chicken, tons of different kinds of salads, cheese's, cold meats, bread in every manner. Fruits, you name it, they have it, but in money, youll pay a heavy price. You might beable to get bargains though, if you shop there often from your grocery receipts. Again, Good Luck!

I am an American, so I don't know much how Canada and their grocery stores operate, but here, one can go to the grocery store deli/bakery and order great amounts of party foods in bulk. It is not exspensive either. Hot and cold food. Desserts, bbq, salads, fruit, breads, cheese, fried chicken packages including cole slaw, bisquits, mashed potatoes, gravy, with a cake, each package will serve 4 to 6 people. Dont stress over this. There are so many options for you, that you dont need to worry, just pick one! Smile, and laugh because this event is supposed to be fun, not a trial. Dont worry, beeeeeee Happy! LOL

How about giving each person an option - contribute $20 or contribute $5 and bring a potluck item. Take all the money and hire a caterer. Any cooking will be done at home before the party. Children are free!

I would say - "He who complains - does it next year."

I feel for you - my family will have big get togethers and the women just work their butts off cooking and cleaning up - and the guys just sit back and enjoy it. I think that sucks. So - I would definitely go with the catered thing. However - why not just buy a huge portion of BBQ, potato salad, beans,etc from a restaurant and serve it yourself with disposable everything?

I'd suggest having a potluck as well. Get everyone attending to bring one dish. Get a general idea of who's bringing what, like two people could bring salads, four people bring main entrees, a couple others could bring some appetizers or extras like fresh baked bread, dip, and cheese etc. And the rest of the folk can bring sodas, alcohol, bottled water, and desserts. There would be no cleanup at your actual party site, everyone who brought a dish takes it home and tosses it into the dishwasher, easy as that.

If a few people are willing to pay just $5, then a potluck would definitely work for them. They could very well find a slew of ingredients in their kitchen to bake up a nice pasta dish or whip up a large salad. HTH!

do you have buffets near you or a deli that has a cafeteria style to it? each person pays for their own meal so there will not be any hard feelings for anyone....

In the spirit of what is happening at the end of the month, go out and get some candy apples and other Halloween fun food. You could ask for a catering menu at the deli counter at your local supermarket and see what your options are there. Or, you could take a very quick poll of the adults coming and seeing what is the favorite food of everyone. For example, if everyone loves italian, cater in from an italian place and get lots of pasta and meat dishes.

That's about it for my suggestions. Good luck!

Why don't you go to the Buffet Restaurant - All you can eat , No cleaning to do

Do you have a food ordering service through a supermarket in your area? Ring up, place the order and everything is delivered for you to just heat up in the oven.

If I lived anywhere near you I would offer to do the catering for you and I love doing food for parties! Good luck and have fun!

If there is a culinary school in your area contact them about students doing the catering. Option two would be to contact a caterer and let them know the estimated amount of people attending (seperate count for adults and kids) and the budget you have to work with.
If you are unsure of the budget figure, attempt to get an estimate by contacting several people and give them two choices for adults and one for kids. Example $12.00 and $20.00 for adults and $5.00 for kids 12 and under. That should give you an idea as to how many people will opt for the lower cost verses the higher one. Call the caterer and ask what they can do for the lower total amount and what they could do for the higher amount. Caterers are very good at working up menus based on dollars.
Remind your guests that the amount they pay includes food, table ware, utensils cleanup etc. It would help if you NOT include beverages from the caterer. Have 1-2 couples sponser and purchase the beverages. Good Luck!

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