Any ideas for a 10 year old boy's birthday party?!


Any ideas for a 10 year old boy's birthday party?

My son is turning 10 in a couple months and i need to sort out what i'm doing before the end of term so i can deliver out the invites. Any good ideas out there? We might do the bowling thing, but i was hoping to make it a bit more special than that...

What is he into? The Pokemon and/or Yugi-oh stuff? Trucks? What my wife did for my boy was have a theme party at the house. She found some Yugi-Oh wall paper on the internet, blew it up and made a huge poster for the one wall, it covered most of the wall. Then she got all the goodies from the oriental trading company, and it was all set. It wasn't a big cost, and the kids had an absolute blast. (She did a beach theme for my other son one year, blew up a sandy beach picture and all of his guests got straw hats, cocunut drink containers, etc., and listened to the Beach Boys. It went over quite well in the middle of December.)

If you're thinking outside the home, bowling is one good option, but if there are things like an amusement park or even go-karts or something, they'd enjoy that more.

We've done bowling for our daughter, 2 hours of fun and she really enjoyed it.... £11 per kid at local megabowl

bowling,then Big macs allround and a visit to the cinema

if its to expensive im sure the other mums will help with the costs

good luck from Dortmund Germany

why dont you try lazer quest or somthing like this

any themes he likes such as: super ninja turtles,power rangers,a certain movie he's inlove with? do a theme that is more like him. What does he do after school?

for my brothers 10th birthday my mom organised a party at our local zoo. we all got to see the animals and my mom provided a picnic. you could see if any of your local zoos do party discounts.

A pirates theme .....all dress up ,blackcurrent juice (for the rum..!!! chockolate coins and sweet neckchains for the as in find the treasure ,, X marks the spot ........walk the plank .....and if you have enough supervision , take them to a boating lake ....

Go with a theme party, i.e. fear factor, survivor, scavanger hunt or something like that. Make it interesting and different than the usual birthday parties. Although I have done a bowling party and the boys had a blast (my son also chose 3 friends to sleep over, we did a hotel with an indoor pool and they swam until midnight), I think this year I am going to move towards a fear factor or something crazy.

Good luck!

How about a football party at your local sports centre? Lots of centres offer the hire of a room (sometimes you have to do the food) and you get a football instructor to keep the kids amused...

Boys like action and things that are gross and icky.

Do you have one of those indoor rock climbing walls nearby? Boys love to climb and with all the harnesses and helmets the places are very safe.

For the cake ... make cupcakes but pour the batter into ice cream cones. Use the flat bottom cones becuse they are easier to bake that way.

Just pour the batter about 3/4 full and bake like usual. The result is great because you then hand out the cupcake cones and let the boys decorate their own with different flavored frostings and sprinkles and sour eyeballs, gummy worms, etc.

Kids love this stuff because they get to "make their own" and the boys will compete with eachother to make the grossest looking one. You can even have a contest for the grossest one.

Think gross, think action.

For the gift bags ... give the kids those air sickness bags you get on a airplane ... your fellow parents will hate you, but the kids will think it is the coolest of all time.

Depends how adventurous/brave you and the children are. What about a camping sleepover? Not many kids have experienced this and if done in your back garden it is totally safe with you out there too (maybe in your own tent?) You could play games, tell stories around a fire and roast marshmallows on very long scewers.That way the birthday cake will be able to make a dramatic entrance with candles or sparklers. You could also do the MacD thing if you think it would be easier to feed them. You could have a pirate theme (pirates have to spend time on land too - sometimes shipwrecked)?

Some things I have been looking into for my son

Fire Engine limo - drive round for a bit, then a little party at home.

Cinema party - they provide party food etc...some good films out there.

Try to get a theme like something that your son likes. Then you can look on and find different activities to do with thta theme or you can bake a cake with that theme.

son like baseball? schedule a small group to go and watch a real game. awesome! and you may be lucky and get the event planners to wish him a happy birthday up on the screen. he will never forget his 10 birthday. here fyi: my son didn't get into birthday parties much after the age of 10. he would always want to do something with like two or three friends, like camping out, going to the water park etc.. he was "too old" to have a party with hats/party horns.

How about paintball? That could be really fun.

i work at a club and we did a "fear factor" party last week with eyeballs (peeled grapes), kitty litter cake with kitty poo(crushed up cookies and other goodies), gummy worms, rats and snakes, and cat food (pate), there are more things as well and it was more than a hit with those boys! let me know if you are interested and i will tell you more!

Somtimes the best parties are done at home if you have a lot of space and parents to help.

They say go-karting is pretty fun to watch as well as take part in. These go-karting tracks are well supervised, they create competition, everyone gets a few goes with plenty breaks for eating. A great day out and the kids have such good fun. May teach them a lesson in road sense.

You'll have great weather in the next couple of months to.

Hire a nanny, laserquest,and party room. Then leave him and a small No. of friends to have fun. He will get such a buzz from being trusted to behave,and , as he doesn't know the nanny, he will, you get some free time AND he can tell you all about it for DAYS!!

horse back riding i hired a pony party for my 10 year old daughter and all the kids had fun they bring a horse and buggy and we video taped it or you can take them for a bowling party

My eight year old brother thinks you should take him to the moon...

If you dont have that sort of money, you could go for a day trip to a space museum or science hands on place or the zoo..something he hasn't done very often, that he will remember. Since its his 10th, its quite a grown up one, but that doesnt mean you have to pay out loads of money.

why dont you have a dress up party, they can dress up as there favourite comic book hero, e.g superman,spiderman etc

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