How do I get bulimia?!


How do I get bulimia?

vomiting is the only exitement I get so how do I get a good eating disorder so I can throw up after every meal?

It's a bit like dieting and exercise... No fun on your own!
Find a chuck up buddy (site listed below) and then you can meet up after every binge and put your fingers down each others throat.

Having a pal to do it with is great motivation and you can even go to vomit watchers to monitor your progress amongst like minded individuals.

Good luck!


all you need is two of your fingers and your very own throat buddy.

There you go. DIY bulimia!!

You out on licence today, I sent a submarine to pick you up but the torpedo missed, I am glad to say. Do you think frog spawn is really sago or what, little froggie!

Bulimia nervosa, more commonly known as bulimia, is an eating disorder. It is a psychological condition in which the subject engages in recurrent binge eating followed by an intentional purging. This purging is done in order to compensate for the excessive intake of the food and to prevent weight gain. Purging typically takes the form of vomiting; inappropriate use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or other medication; excessive physical exercise, or fasting.

Bulimia is often less about food, and more to do with deep psychological issues and profound feelings of lack of control. Binge/purge episodes can be severe, sometimes involving rapid and out of control feeding that can stop when the sufferers "are interrupted by another person or when their stomach hurts from over-extension. This cycle may be repeated several times a week or, in serious cases, several times a day." Sufferers can often "use the destructive eating pattern to gain control over their lives"

Research done in 2003, shows a link to the development of bulimia nervosa with an area on the 10p chromosome. This evidence further supports the belief that the susceptibility of developing an eating disorder (specifically bulimia) is strongly linked to genetic components [8]. Familial links include a history of obesity, substance abuse, and depressive disorder. Twin studies also strongly support this genetic factor. While both genetics and unique environments contributed to the development of the disorder, twin studies indicate a slightly stronger effect from the genetic predisposition than from environmental circumstances. Significant rates of sexual assault and violence also indicate a possible correlation between victimization and the development of bulimia. Chemically, low levels of serotonin contribute to the continuation of the bulimic cycle; whether it is contributing to or arising from the nutritional deficiency and vomiting is still undetermined. The protein leptin decreases hunger levels in a person, and is often blocked in patients with bulimia, causing abnormal levels of hunger . Due to the binging and purging cycle the stomach is frequently stretched to an enlarged state, and over the progression of time, becomes permanently enlarged, making it necessary for more food to be in the person’s stomach to reach a level of satisfaction. This is a primary cause of the need for a bulimic to gradually increase the caloric size of their binges, as the original quantities no longer satisfy their enlarged stomach

Rates of bulimia are much more prevalent in western civilizations, to the point that the disorder is almost non-existent in eastern cultures. As western civilization is becoming a more prominent figure in other cultures, through movies and television primarily, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the incidence of eating disorders in these cultures. The disorder is also much more prevalent in the Caucasian race, though as media influences have become stronger, the disorder is becoming a rising problem in the African American and Hispanic communities. Women are also 90% of patients who suffer from this disorder. Females involved in activities that put an extreme emphasis on thinness and body type (such as gymnastics, dance and cheerleading) are at the greatest risk for the development of eating disorders

The frequency of bulimic cycles will vary from person to person. Some will suffer from an episode every few months while others who are more severely ill may binge and purge several times a day. Some people may vomit automatically after they have eaten any food. Others will eat socially but may be bulimic in private. Some people do not regard their illness as a problem, while others despise and fear the vicious and uncontrollable cycle they are in .

now you can find a way.........

you should not want to be that way but since you do then you just eat alot and move around alot then take the end of a tooth brush and brush your teeth and realize that you don't want to be a throwing up freak

Why would you want that it's not a funny matter, it can ruin peoples life's so grow up.

just continue to make yourself throw up. Eventually the flaps in your esophagus will be to weak to hold your food down.

Take one finger, ram it down your throat, throw up, do this after every meal, hey presto you're bulimic.

Not really something to joke about though, this is a serious problem for some people.

...yeah, I'd say this question is pretty entertaining.

Take a long hard look at Pete Doherty that should sort ya!

salt water, fingers, rotten fish, raw eggs, lots of milk...

You don t want it. Believe me u don t.

why would you want something like that

Do you really want the added excitement of rotting teeth and damaged oral tissue (e.g. gums) and problems with your oesophagus etc...because of all the acid in the vomit? Before you glorify having bulimia nervosa, I suggest you talk to some people who have had it for years.
Find yourself some other excitement which is not damaging. If you can't cope without the idea of becoming bulimic, I suggest you get professional help. ~RJS

Dont please please dont
Bulimia nervosa, more commonly known as bulimia, is an eating disorder. It is a psychological condition in which the subject engages in recurrent binge eating followed by an intentional purging. This purging is done in order to compensate for the excessive intake of the food and to prevent weight gain. Purging typically takes the form of vomiting; inappropriate use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or other medication; excessive physical exercise, or fasting.
Defensive vomiting is a symptom of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in which a person who has drastically over-eaten (generally in reaction to previous extreme dieting) vomits as a reaction to an excess of food which the body is not prepared to handle.

Defensive vomiting can also refer to a tactic used by some animals. In the presence of a threat, they vomit towards the threat, thus possibly distracting a predator and perhaps obscuring their scent.

But please dont itll screw up your live.
Nd by the way get some hobbies if the only excitment u get is from vomiting thats kinda sick

Dont!!!!!! Be really careful! I had anorexia nervosa, and the satisfaction these life threatening disoreders is very temporary. U would be so wrapped up in the throwing up process, u cant even go out to show off the result! Besides u cant go do it forever. u just cant, and when you stop, your metabolism would have been lowered so that you gain weight fatser than before!! The best thing to do is go to a nutritionist. These people will let you ea everything you want, and lose weight! U have nothing to lose now, so just give it a try and u wont regret it!! I have gone through all this and am lucky to have come out alive, coz life is too good to waste. the constant vomiting will also make you loser your teeth, so there is absolutely no beauty to be gained from that diseas! Ask me about it!!

pot noodle

It seems like you got a lobotomy. I think that's enough of a problem for you.

I have what is known as Amnaesic Bulimia. I eat all sorts of food but forget to vomit.

Why don't you make an appointment with your hairdresser or something if you need a change.

Try adding washing up liquis to your water with meals!! instead of adding salt to your meals you could use toe nail clippings.

why on earth would you want bulimia,. sad freak!!!!!! go see a brain specialist

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