What's a Lazy EYE?!


What's a Lazy EYE?

Well, because you asked this question in Food & Drink > Entertaining..
I thought you may have meant an alcoholic beverage called a "lazy eye"-

only thing I found was:


and that don't help. Sorry

All About Amblyopia (lazy eye):

If not detected and treated early in life, amblyopia can cause loss of vision and depth perception.
Improvements are possible at any age with proper treatment, but early detection and treatment offer the best outcome.
Comprehensive vision screenings are needed for infants and pre-school children. An eye exam by a pediatrician or the 20/20 eye chart screening is not adequate for the detection of amblyopia (and other visual conditions).

Causes of Lazy Eye
Anything that interferes with clear vision in either eye during the critical period (birth to 6 years of age) can cause amblyopia. The most common causes of amblyopia are constant strabismus (constant turn of one eye), anisometropia (different vision/prescriptions in each eye), and/or blockage of an eye due to cataract, trauma, lid droop, etc.

Amblyopia is a neurologically active process. In other words, the loss of vision takes place in the brain. If one eye sees clearly and the other sees a blur, the brain can inhibit (block, ignore, suppress) the eye with the blur. The brain can also suppress one eye to avoid double vision. The inhibition process (suppression) can result in a permanent decrease in the vision in the blurry eye that can not be corrected with glasses, lenses, or lasik surgery.

a lazy eye is one that is not as strong as the other..often called astigmatism i have it my self...my vision in on eye is 20/40 in the other eye its 20/200 big difference there if i do not wear my glasses my better eye pulls the strength for the bad eye and ends up causing a major headache..go to www.webmd.com and look up astigmatism.

when your eye starts to wander to the sides or up or down without you knowing it

when people start looking at you funny and saying what up with your eye?

just like disney said.

It is an eye with diminished vision. So much so that the other eye becomes dominate and the "lazy"one" does not coordinate part, or full time, with the dominate eye.

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