Anybody knows who invented chocolate, because i love it!!!!?!


Anybody knows who invented chocolate, because i love it!!!!?

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2 weeks ago
not who discovered cocoa, who invented eating chocolate(galaxy, twix) and hot chocolate...

2 weeks ago
not who discovered cocoa, who invented eating chocolate(galaxy, twix) and hot chocolate...

From Central and South America... a bitter bean,a favorite of Aztecs, brought back to the Old World where the Swiss and French added sugar. And e' voila, we are so happy and grateful.

I think it may have been the Aztec's. But I don't think it was "invented" so much as "discovered"!

Chocolate was created by the Mesoamerican civilization, from cacao beans, and cultivated by pre-Columbian civilizations such as the Maya and Aztec, who used it as a basic component in a variety of sauces and beverages.

If the chocolate you love is milk chocolate, thank Henry Nestle. Interesting history of chocolate here:

Aztec and Mayan Indian tribes used to make drinks out of coco beans that were believed to be aphrodisiac. When the Spanish came over they started to ship the coco beans back to Europe. Being that coco is naturally very bitter they started adding sugar to it and that is basically were modern day chocolate comes from

Hi,,you need to do research...go to the libraby..or check the net

a spanish explorer discovered it from the aztec tribe. the aztecs originally made it as a drink called (can't spell or pronounce), and the spaniard took it back to spain and added sugar to it to make chocolate.

I don't know either but they should be made a saint or we should have a holiday to celebrate them.

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