Have you ever been at MC Donalds?!


Have you ever been at MC Donalds?

Yesterday, i decided to have my lunch at the nearest mc donalds in our office, while eating, three mc donalds mascots move around the restaurant and gave give aways, they are: Birdie, Hamburglar, and Grimace. Now here's the question... If Birdie portray chicken foods, Hamburglar portray hamburgers, WHAT THE HELL IS GRIMACE???? its really in my head all night long...


WHAT IS GRIMACE? It's a question that arises time and time again, usually at parties, or at a diner at 4am after a long night clubbing. Anyone with a television who grew up in the 70's and 80's was bombarded with McDonald's commercials, sandwiched in between all the kids' shows.

To the best of my memory (and that of my friends), here's what we've gathered:

In the beginning, there was Ronald McDonald, Czar of McDonaldland. Like the band Kiss, as a youth, I wished he would just take off the stupid makeup! Not because I wanted to see who he was, but because of one simple fact: CLOWNS AREN'T FUNNY. It might have worked for Emmett Kelly and Bozo, but not for someone peddling burgers.

Mayor McCheese: I have a lot of respect for Mayor McCheese. It just goes to show that even with a huge birth defect - a hamburger for a head! - you can still overcome adversity, achieve greatness, and become Mayor. Obviously, Mayor Marion Barry patterned his life after Mayor McCheese.

The Policeman-Burger-Guy: There was a policeman with the same hamburger-type head, but I don't remember his - or its - name. You don't see much of him anymore. Last I heard, he was fudging evidence in the O.J. Simpson trial...

Hamburglar: His face changed from the 70's to the 80s. Either McDonald's changed his face because he was scaring small children, or the Hamburglar had intense plastic surgery so he couldn't be recognized in a line-up. Not the brightest guy -- most thieves steal money, not burgers, but to each his own...

The Fry Guys: From what I remember about them, they looked like mold spores with eyes and legs. They would drop down from the sky (with fishing line) and steal some poor schmuck's french fries. (Watta bummer.)

Birdie: represents Chicken McNuggets. We think...? Oh, the marketing genius...

And, of course, the reason for this page: GRIMACE!!!!

What the HELL is Grimace? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, 1996 edition, to "grimace" means, "a sharp contortion of the face, expressive of pain, contempt, or disgust." McDonald's own web site gives a brief insight into Grimace. They state, “Grimace is a big, loving, fuzzy purple fellow who is Ronald McDonald's best friend. He's sure Ronald is the world's ultimate authority on everything. While Grimace loves all McDonald's foods, he's absolutely crazy about milkshakes. Grimace is very enthusiastic and eager to try new things. His joyous spirit helps everyone overlook the fact he's a little slow and clumsy sometimes.” (Ok?)

A friend of mine remembers Grimace as an evil character, who used to steal milkshakes from everyone. Oh, good, another thief -- between Hamburglar, the Fry guys, and Grimace, crime was running rampant in the 'McHood. News flash: Maybe these characters weren't exactly great role models for children? Or perhaps Ronald was hogging all the food from the others, forcing them into a Dickensian life of crime? Who can say...

After drinking too many milkshakes, most people probably would resemble Grimace. But where was he from? And what were his thoughts, dreams, and secrets? If he was evil, why did he change and what provoked the change? What was the catalyst for change from leading a life of crime to a benign, steroid-inflated pre-Barney lookalike


My theory is, Grimace is the shakes. Now go to bed.

Grimace reminds me of the nightmares i get after I eat at McDonlad's. Which I have not done in 2 years, barf....lol

i'm just as confused as you are, let me know if u figure it out!!!

shakes or ice cream, maybe a funky cookie. i find the most weird thing is that his name is grimace. Why would you name a mascot "grimace"? most people dont want to think of food making them grimace. Definition of grimace is "a facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain, etc." And when he has those thought bubbles over his head...how come most of them start with "duh". Clearly i see i need to get out a little more. And not sure how accurate wikipedia is anymore, but it states that grimace is just a " fantasy character, and not intended to be anything specific". Which would certainly explain why none of us can really agree upon what he is exactly. It also goes on to say he may be a taste bud. But his official role is representing milkshakes.

wait... which one is Grimace?
is he the purple cone thing?
well, he might represent an upside-down ice-cream cone or something.
this is a good question.

I think he represents the chemical additive and unknown ingredients in McDonalds' food. : )

maybe nuggets or shakes or something.........

Grimace is what u do after u eat the food

Oh the questions that plague the human mind at odd hours of the night... this is a good question... i think mabye a cookie? who knows...


Of course everyones been there lol

Heller!!! An upside down ice cream whoze flavor iz ube...

I always thought Grimace was McDonald's answer to Sesame Street's Cookie Monster...a creature that liked deserts...but that might be because McD's used to offer a small box of cookies as a desert and the Cookie Monster (big and blue) liked cookies and I just confused the two characters. Don't let it bother you. I hope you got a "give-away" item!

I think icecream and milk shakes! why didnt you ask them?

Grimace is what happens when you eat at Mcdonalds to often.

Good question. It's hard to find a unique one on here sometimes.

A Milkshake

Back in the 70's the McDonalds tv commercials had all these characters in them, and Grimace was someone who always had problems, and Ronald McDonald helped him solve them. Sometimes, Grimace helped Ronald solve other character's problems, like when Hamburglar stole all the McDonald's hamburgers. They are merely characters, and don't really represent the food.

he's the purple blob who ate Ronald

you i think the same think the same thing i think he has to do with icecream...

Grimace is what your doing that night.....lol

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