What do you think about Spork?!
What do you think about Spork?
You know, the hybrid between Fork & Spoon.
Those plastic ones from takeouts can be terrible, but I've seen some nice sturdy Titanium Spork.
I am decluttering my home, and getting multi-functional tools is part of minimizing. I know there are people against Spork. Just wanna know what my dinner guests might think.
It's a great utensil because it multitasks, it's awesome. I think it's really interesting that there are actual sporks as silverware plus I think people would be like "um... you gave me a spork?" and that could become a great conversation tool. :) I say go for it!!
First of all this is an interesting question. I love sporks! They are great especially when eating peas! You can stab 'em or shovel 'em. They are fabulous!!!!!!!!!! Get some! I love mine!
I'm not sure I'd go with a spork, but I'm a teacher and I use a spork almost everyday at school.
They can be quite useful for cutting and scooping. I do have trouble when I try to eat a salad with them. It's hard to pick up the lettuce and other vegetables with the tiny tines.