How do i make my 18th birthday interesting?!


How do i make my 18th birthday interesting?

i was thinking spending the night in jail...any more ideas?

Well, with a name like your's what is there to question what you should do? I'm not into that, but I usually like to spend my birthday doing things that I hope to do all year round -- for example, if I want to do more art, then I spend time doing a little art on my birthday. I usually buy myself a present that I will enjoy for a long time. This year I bought myself a couple of good books. I use my birthdays to project how I want to live my life for next year...and if jail is your heart's desire, so be it. How many paths to enlightenment did the Buddha say we had?! Happy Birthday to you!

honestly, you should have someone older than you pick you up some alcohol and you all can get drunk. haha. PAR-TAY!!!!

Wow when I turned 18 I gave myself a complete fashion make over. In other words I through away everything I wore when I was 17 and below and got some 'adult' clothes...That right there was exciting because there were no reminders of the not so distant past...Then I made sure I took a pic of myself when I was 17 then one when I was 18..Then put the 2 together...I made a new journal...Made lists of things I wanted to accomplish...Hung out with family....A couple of friends invited me to hang with them I fam gave me a party too. The thing that is important is not to do anything too insane...Just kind of step into the new shoes and get comfy...Instead of just crashing into it and getting in trouble......Just be happy and renew....Don't forget to try a new fragrance lol!

well on my 18th bday my friends picked me up and we went to a TITTIE BAR and it was alright. and then afterwards we went to the club and danced with alot of girls and got a few numbers and got drunk *** f**k and then took those chicks to my friends house and got laid. Yay. 2 girls at a time son. lol i dont know if its appropriate but o well.

night in jail sounds interesting indeed. how about trying something like... Zorbing.

I recommend that you try to break a world record. How about challenging that Japanese guy and break his record of reciting the longest pi decimals? Oh wait, you can do that in jail!! Kill 2 birds with one stone. How cool is that?

Let me come around and it will be the best night of your life ;)


1. Go away from wherever you live (you want something to be special, new things are usually more interesting). Blackpool/ Paris etc.
2. All dress up in really unusual fancy dress before you go out (honestly it puts everybody in the party spirit however cheesy it sounds).
3. get a male stripper round (again I always offer my services!!), as this gets all the girls rowdy and in a good mood.
4. Do what you normally do, but do it louder/ drunker and with twice as many people.

Hope this helps and have a wondeful Birthday. James x

Is it common to have an 18th Birthday Party? or is this being greedy?
Well, in a few hours I'll have been on this planet for 18 years, so I thought it might be nice to rustle up a quick albums list.

In years to come, this could be interesting reading...for me. It'll NEVER be interesting to other people.

Before we start though, an honourary mention to Belle and Sebastian - The Boy With the Arab Strap which I got yesterday and have been listening to ever since - it seems really good. Could be a top 30 contender for my next significant birthday!

Here we go then.

#30 The Beautiful South - Miaow

This album is 12 tracks long...the first six are the South's best work ever. Unfortunatley the second six don't do anything for me at all, so last place it is. But hey, 30th is still not bad out of the hundred-or-so albums on my iTunes!

#29 Radiohead - Kid A

Whenever I listen to this I think 'what a great album' - the only trouble is, I don't listen to it very often. You need to be in a certain mood, which is usually only achieved at ridiculous hours of the morning. It's all just a little too creepy for casual listening.

#28 The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

Pet Sounds has some nice cheerful tracks, but it's all just a bit TOO carefully planned and I don't really feel any warmth for it. So, an undistingushed 28th.

#27 Oasis - (What's The Story) Morning Glory?

I don't really care much for Oasis' image, or really anything about them, but you can't argue with the quality here. So many fantastic tracks.

#26 Gorillaz - Demon Days

I feel the same way about this as I do about Kid A...but it's just a bit easier to listen to, and longer and more interesting. Quite a recent release too, so well done you crazy chimps.

#25 Keane - Hopes and Fears

This album would have been much better if they'd put the b-side 'Snowed Under' on, because it's very good and actually has the 'hopes and fears' lyric that gives the album it's (quite cool) name. Anyway, it's a lot of very classy pop, and I highly approve.

#24 U2 - The Joshua Tree

A lot of my friends are called Joshua, and we think this album (released around 18 years ago, funnily enough) is the reason. In fact when my parents were naming me, they couldn't decide between Jamie or Joshua. As for the album, it really is a true classic, but it slips down for not really being the sort of sound I like.

#23 The Divine Comedy - Absent Friends

My mum got this out from the library when it came out, so I ripped it just in case - and sure enough, I really liked it. A lot of very good pop songs, and a bit sweeter than other DC stuff I've heard.

#22 Rufus Wainwright - Want One

What he wants I'm not sure, but at the risk of repeating myself there are an awful lot of good songs on here. It flows nicely too, a good listen from start to finish. This made Rufus famous, and he deserved it.

#21 Paddy McAloon - I Trawl The Megahertz

This is one of three albums on the list that I only got this year - so who knows, maybe it'll be a grower. (The other ones certainly won't be, they're #1 and #4!) It also happens to be the oddest album here...the title track is a 22 minute spoken word marvel, yet despite all this wierdness it's very warm and very accessible.

#20 Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head

It seems like everyone loves Coldplay, and who am I to spoil it? This is a very energetic and fabulous effort, and when I got it as a 13-year-old I couldn't imagine a better album existing.

Now though, I clearly can. But hey, it's still awesome!

#19 Manitoba - Up in Flames

This album doesn't have a lot of lyrics, and those it does have don't make any sense...yet still stick in your head. What makes this album so great is all the dozens of wonderful musical textures all the way really holds your attention, and it just great.

#18 Radiohead - The Bends

Radiohead are definitely an 'albums' band, and here's my second-favourite. It's got all of Radiohead's most classic individual songs, but some of it's moods and sounds don't quite sit right with me. Unlike Kid A though, most of this you can listen to casually (which explains why it's eleven places higher!)

#17 Travis - The Invisible Band

The very first day I went into a record store, the shelves were just completely full of this album. It beats the pants off other Travis albums (for me anyway) because it's all very relaxing and makes you feel good. I have listened to this all the way through more times than I can recall, so here it is in the top twenty, splitting Radiohead's efforts.

#16 Radiohead - OK Computer

Ahh, 'OKC'...#1 on so many polls over the years, but not mine. I actually got this by mistake, ordering a Beautiful South album from amazon only to find this in the case (and as that one doesn't appear in the list, they clearly did me a favour!)

Seriously though, this is a superbly produced album with lots of good ideas, and beats the other Radiohead albums because it's got more than one mood! There's some parts which are just chilled out, a bit of joyful rock n roll, and all in all a class act.

#15 Coldplay - Parachutes

It's just a bit nicer than 'Rush of Blood,' isn't it. This one holds a special place in my heart as being the first album I ever bought, back in 2000 at the tender age of 11. But it's still a great listen today, just because it's so NICE. You know what I mean.

#14 Doves - The Last Broadcast

I remember I got this one on a nice school trip, but main memory of it was the following week when it was the end of term and we were playing 'pictionary' in woodwork class. I drew a very good image to illustrate 'The Last Broadcast,' but when the teacher read out the name, they all just looked confused...and no-one had heard of it. What a nerd, they all cried!

However it's not really nerdy at all, rather it is a really creative yet down-to-earth album that flows well and has all sorts of interesting little bits. A true classic in my opinion.

#13 The Thrills - So Much for the City

When I talk casually about classic albums, this humble effort never comes up. Yet when I draw up a list it's always right up there with the big guns. I really like the attitude here, it's so sunny and bright, or occassionally chilled out - and there's not one weak song. It makes me feel good!

#12 The Beach Boys - Surf's Up

This is the Beach Boy's darkest album, and there are quite a few tracks about saving the enviroment or whatever. However, it really is a fascinating listen, and manages to squeeze several lost gems into it's half-hour running time. I'm not sure why I enjoy listening to this so much, but I do, so #12 it is!

#11 Prefab Sprout - Steve McQueen

This album was Prefab Sprout's only taste of real success, at least sales-wise...but you can see why. It's a very concise and classy album, and is a real joy to listen to. It holds your attention with snappy lyrics, then wows you with great melodies. Ooh, I think I'll go and listen to it now!

#10 Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake It's Morning

I have to confess that I haven't heard any other Bright Eyes stuff besides this and the 'Easy/Lucky/Free' EP, and to be honest I'm not sure why. I've just never been pointed at any.

This album though is fantastic, I really like the sound and the lyrics...from the funny little story at the start to the big noisy end. It's really creative, and a fine piece of work! Well done you mysterious man.

#9 The Streets - A Grand Don't Come For Free

What? Urban music invading Jamie's Top 30 list? No no, it's true...this is a masterpiece of storytelling and musical creativity, with a brilliant end. I do however have a sneaking suspicion that Americans couldn't appreciate it because it's all just a bit too British. And I've never really felt that about any other music. Still, I really like it!

#8 Prefab Sprout - Protest Songs

Yes, it's them again - this album is an unpopular choice, and in fact didn't get released for several years after it was recorded. But I can't see why - it's got a real energy, and for me showcases everything that is good about the Sprouts. I don't think they ever topped the final two tracks.

#7 Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends

I see S&G as more of a tracks band than an albums band...after I got all their albums, I made aTop 35 playlist and just stuck with that. However on that list is the entirety of this album, the oldest one in the list, and a really great listen on any day. It's really quite affecting and emotional, with the delicate pluckings of the two 'Bookends' tracks (which are top of my tracks list, owing to them having the same name!) to the painfully true observations of 'Voices of Old People,' to the wistful medlody of 'Old Friends.' It will get respect in any musical quarters to which you might venture.

#6 The Beautiful South - Blue is the Colour

TBS aren't especially an albums band either, but this one, released at their commerical and creative peak is a really brilliant effort. It's quite different to their other work, like they suddenly realised the world was listening and they ought to start behaving...but they went back to their old ironic and cheeky ways by the next album. For the duration of this though they are classy, affecting, and just god-like...well deserving a top 6 position.

#5 The Beach Boys - Holland

I love this so much I actually bought the original vinyl from ebay, even though the record player is very old and at the back of the loft, and we live in the age of mp3's and iPods. For me this was the Beach Boys' best album, but a lot of people seem to have forgotten it. For pretty much the last time every member was present and had a hand in the creation, and after all those years they've all got really good. It features a sprawling three-track conceptual piece, which for me is the highlight of their entire career...and despite being a really short album, lots of really long ambitious tracks and a few really brilliant singles. It can be hard to get hold of though, took me flippin' ages!

#4 Sufjan Stevens - Illinois

I'm not sure is this is Illinois or 'Come On Feel The Illinoise,' and I don't really care for the guy's other stuff, but there can be no doubt that this is a truly fantastic album. It's extremely epic and ambitious, trying to tell the entire history of the state after which it was named, but there's so much interesting tuneful stuff crammed in that it's an exhilirating experience!

#3 Prefab Sprout - Jordan: The Comeback

One last album to mention by Prefab Sprout, and it's their equivalent of SMiLE (which would have been in the top 40 by the way.) It's also like four EP's put together - four BRILLIANT EP's! There's a sort of vague concept in the background somewhere, but that's not what is important. What is important is the sheer number of great, and above all SOLID tracks. It's like the sort of stuff they did before, except on a much greater scale. Oh, and the production is awesome too.

#2 The Beautiful South - Choke

This album perfectly defines my musical's got so many different genres on it, and they all come together really well. I reviewed this at length in a different blog entry, so all I'll say is that it was #1 on these lists for many a long year. Until this February that us, when I purchased...

#1 Belle and Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister: Live At the Barbican London

What an odd choice, you might be album you only got a couple of months ago, and what's more a live album! But I can't deny it, I've been listening to this solid for ages. What it is is an iTunes-only live recording of B&S's highly thought of second album, which I also have...but the guy's voice annoys me on the original version. But this one is just a flawless performance - lots of energy, very creative, some sort of vague concept - what more could you ask? I just really, really, like it, and am completely happy to name it my absolute favourite album.

Actually, didn't I start this post with a mention of Belle and Sebastian? Perhaps I should vow to get several more of their albums before my next birthday!

Why not get coked up and go and steal a Testarossa ?

It'll be a blast.

Have an orgy. Then break into prison. Then prank phone Predident Bush

Go to NYC, stay at the Dream Hotel, shop, party, and have a great meal with the one you love (and can be flexible and just let the weekend flow).

Have a Pimps and Prostitutes Party

- get drunk
-get naked
-get arrested
-get shagged
-take some drugs
-have a fight with a bouncer
-get barred
-tell somebody that you love them
-Buy a dildo then chase somebody with it
-Kiss a member of the same sex.

Just enjoy yourself and don't go to jail!

get a hooker

run around the block nude!where do u live?



depends with you

what the heck is catier95 talking about! thats boring to me. just go to the tittie bar and get a lap dance. buy so mant that you get turned on and get a couple of hookers. use a rubber and have a happy birthday.

Take your momma out to dinner to repay her for putting up with your teenage **** all those years. It will be a sign that you have really grown up.

hire a bouncy castle ...done it for my 21st it was awesome

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