Why are food portions in america so HUGE?!


Why are food portions in america so HUGE?

maybe that's why americans are so large.

cheap food + ppl who love eating all day = obese americans


probally american public are huge so they have to give huge portions so they are still not hungry compared to our english portions

Yes, I agree -- one of the reasons obesity has gotten so high. We sit more, eat more, and have more stress! Fast food and processed foods don't help. Someone has to be responsible and take the lead in changing because the kids are facing obesity problems NOW.

Because we are a nation of excess..we as a country are blessed, but we waste everything..

So Americans can get fat and have heart problems, get diabetes, strokes etc...... now eat every thing on your plate or no desert

These are all generalities. Not all food portions in America are huge. Not all Americans overeat. All Americans are not wasteful. Not all Americans eat fast food.

Because in America and I guess you mean the United States of America big shopping malls and supermarkets are a common feature. Therefore ppl have to drive there and wanna make sure they get enough for a month so they dont have to drive 'out there' every week. Its simply more practical to buy it all at once and a lot of it. In Europe ppl generally go to a local shop at leat once a week to buy what they need 'now'. This is in many parts of that states not possible do to the way towns and citys are planned.

I guess their portion sizes reflect the attitude that they have a greater entitlement to everything on the planet than anywhere else. Just like they use more than their fair share of the worlds resources and pollute with no shame.

because people equate feeding someone with love and caring. The Americans, being over the top in slushy sentiment ("gee, I love you guys" "have a nice day now!") think it makes them caring and polite and now they're stuck in a downward spiral - if they give less they're seen as mean and will go out of business because their customers will feel like they've been shortchanged.

No offence, but the answer is obvious, because Americans (I presume you mean people from the USA) are so huge.

Because America always have to be bigger and better than anyone else.

I've been to America this year, and I don't remember noticing really big portions of things, it seemed pretty normal. Also I was expecting to see loads of really fat people, but it was no worse than Britain.

very hungrrrry people u are!

why is 64% of America's population obese?

your so smart! i'm sure your mommy is proud of you!

Because Yanks are so huge they need sustinance an a lot of it

Americans are fat and they believe bigger is better...however if you are comparing this to English restaurants this is because England is tight and believe the more minimalistic, the more expensive it is.

Food portions vary from restaurant to restaurant. Yes, most portions are big.
Food has also become more convenient to make. We have frozen dinners and prepackaged foods that can be fixed in the microwave in minutes.
By the way. Other countries are catching up with that trend.

You answered your own question!

cause they are a big natons!!

its better value for the money, not like in europe where you have to buy a drink and then every consecutive refill has to be paid for. americans are used to getting a good deal. here in europe the customer is always wrong and ends up paying for more than he wants. and by the way, ive seen tons and tons of large europeans too.

The first answer that comes to mind is that Americans have to outsize absolutely everything thinking it makes them better. The real answer is that food is much cheaper in its raw state there, especially meat (unlike the UK) and they can afford to put half a cow on a customers plate when they ask for a steak.

That's capitalism. McDonalds tries to outdo Burger King with a bigger burger, then Hardees comes out with a half pound monstrosity of a burger to outdo McDonalds. Meanwhile, those who eat at these restaurants keep stretching their stomachs until the huge meals seem normal. And then there is the "unconscious eating" by people who multitask and don't even realize how much they're eating because they eat while working, driving, etc.

I think the restaurants & fast food joints are in so much competition that they started offering more & bigger portions to entice people to go to their restaurant instead of the other guys. Then the other guy offers bigger portions to get the customers back & it keeps going from there

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