What can I do to the fight cravings for a cigarette when I drink alchohol?!


What can I do to the fight cravings for a cigarette when I drink alchohol?

When I don't drink, it's fine, but as soon as I have a drink I want a cigarette too! And stop drinking is not the answer I am looking for!!!

welcome to my world cuz, if i knew the answer ide tell u. but what i think is that u need to kick it with people that dont smoke. thats what im starting to do

it goes hand in hand, cant really help it

Have a soda instead.

drink at bars that ban smoking.

try eating nuts while your drinking.....or just play with the straw.....if found that helped when i had tried giving up in the past..

try not drinking

if you have to drink, throw away your cigarettes

Pound drinks over and over again until you pass out. Once you wake up and vomit all over yourself, cigarettes will be the last thing on your mind.

Chew some gum it may help the craving and your breath cuz its got to be kicking like train smoke if you just ate and you are a drinker & a smoker.

I have been told that if you hold a carrot stick or pretzel stick and nibble on those, it is supposed to help take that craving away. Supposedly, part of the craving is just having something in your hand so it is worth a try.

Carry some Nicorette gum in your pocket and when you're tempted to smoke use that instead. It's better than giving in to the smoking temptation.

????? when you find the answer, let me know...
*takes a sip of wine and a puffs on a cigarette*

Leave your cigarettes at home or don't buy any for some time. Or get a girlfriend that hates smokers.

my sister has this prob! she gave up new year!
she just has the occasional cig on social occasions!
at the end of the day, it is better than the 20 a day every day!

It's all will power, if you give in to the craving, what does that say about your will power. I quit smoking 6 months ago (cold turkey) and have yet to have a relapse (Fat chance) I would love to have a cig right now, but my will power is stronger than the craving.

Borrow a cigarette, light it, let it burn a little and drop it in your alcohol, see then how much you want a cigarette with your alcohol.

Not ready to give up yet? Read Allen Carr's: 'Easy way to stop smoking', it's really good.

Take a supply of cardboard coasters and shred them. or a few minties (lollies with a wrapper) and aim to make the endless strip tearing them up. I swear it works.

You don't have to give up alcohol, coz thats like.. well... impossible, so drink at places that don't let you smoke. Like a library or something. LOL! Just joking! Use nicobate patches or gum if you want to give up. Just think of the ad. NO GARY NO! NO GARY NO! NO GARRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!...

Have a cigarette.

it's really difficult i know, as i gave up smoking this year, but am fortunate to live in Scotland where smoking is banned in bars! But it's really all down to willpower, and just knowing that you will be mega disappointed in yourself if you have a ciggy. It does get easier i promise so keep at it!

Nothing. Just don't give in. It will go away after a few years. Sounds like you are an ex-smoker. Really - it takes 5 years or more. But ultimately the craving will disappear and looking back you will wonder what that was.

What you can try - only if you are an ex-smoker who wants to get rid of the cravings in general - a nicotine patch.

And - not sure where you live. But drink only in places where smoking is not allowed. Bars in California are really great. Or hang out with people who don't smoke. So - that there are no cigarettes around in case you get "weak" and want to light one.

Stop drinking as well. That way, you'll kill two birds with one stone! You could also consider becoming a vegetarian and joining a monastery.

From here it is a small step to joining 'Friends of The Earth' and before you know it, you'll be wearing sandals and fair-isle pullovers.

Well you'll have to excuse me, I'm off to judge a crochet competition.

Glad to have been of help!

I had that same problem, but with coffee. I had to cut the coffee out, I couldn't find another substitute. Coffee triggered that craving like you wouldn't believe (actually, you would).

This may not be what you want to hear: if you are at a bar or with friends, bum a smoke. That way, you get your fix without buying a pack.

Since you are OK outside of the drinking, you'll be fine.

dont drink, simple as that

It is a strange phenomenon that the more you think about not smoking, the stronger the craving becomes. I would try smoking at timed intervals, say 30 minutes. I am a smoker (and proud of it ) and I know when you are drinking is easy to practically chain smoke an entire pack in one evening. Good luck!

try cocaine!!!

it really can help you..

Hang out with smokers -- don't empty the ashtray -- between drinks, cup your hands around your nose and mouth -- lower your face to just above the overflowing ashtray -- inhale deeply! It's even more effective if you tip just a bit of alcohol into the ashtray.

if you find the cure let me know i stuggle too

I've heard that eating, snaking on something, or just chewing gum helps.

chew on a straw...my b/f did that when he quit smoking....it works...keeps your mouth busy...

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