Does anyone have extremely quick dinner ideas?!


Does anyone have extremely quick dinner ideas?

My husband and myself work until 4:00 everyday, I know it sounds good, but we also have a 4 year old. By the time we are finished picking everyone up from work and day care, it's 4:45 before we get home. We also attend school at night from 6:00 to 9:00. We leave for school at 5:30. That gives me 45 minutes to cook and eat. I really need some help with this one.

You could prepare 4-5 meals and freeze them on Sunday, re-heat and eat.
I'm planning on doing this when our baby is born.

- Instant mashed potatoes
- corn [comes in a can]
- chicken breasts

Season the chicken and put it to cook on medium low - medium.
When it's almost done, start the water for the mashed potatoes.

When the shicken's done, you can cut it into chunks and serve on top of mashed potatoes with the corn.
Or, you could just eat them all byt themselves.
It's really good, and pretty fast.

im a college student and i hate spending time cooking so this one works for me but you need a foreman grill. chicken breast and mac &cheese. get some chicken breasts and throw them in a bag with tony's or lowery's season salt and shake. turn on the foreman ahead of time since it takes 5 mins to warm up. after the chicken is seasoned, throw them on the foreman( i think for 9 mins, but not certain. you'll have to check the manual). start the mac & cheese when you turn on the foreman though. its takes like 10-15 mins and is really easy clean up. simple but it works for me

Boston Market 2 quarter chicken meals for 10.80
If you want to cook pork chops over veggies or steak over veggies. Easy to make just add salt and pepper over the meats and maybe some other kinds of sauces. And maybe some easy instant mash potatoes.

Prepare some penne pasta. While the pasta is cooking, saute chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces with half a red onion, garlic and mushrooms if you like them in about 2 Tbsp of olive oil. Once the chicken is cooked through, drain any excess liquid and pour a can of diced tomatoes with herbs over the chicken mixture. Heat through and serve over the pasta. Should take 20-25 minutes.

Try crock pot recipes.....With just a few ingredients you can just toss them in before you leave and by the time you come home dinner is waiting for you. Go to library or online and get some great recipes for crockpots. Good Luck!!!

there is this brand that you can get at walmart called "bertolli" and it's in the frozen food section and it has brocolli, noodle, seasoning, and chicken ,and all you do is put it on a skillet and it cooks in 9 minutes it is extremely awesome and it's healthy but not diet food

you got 20 min.'s? cut up some chicken little bit of oil (ex.v.olive) garlic (minced)onion if you like. put it in a fying pan after 15 min. put in some diced tomatos. boil some angle hair and serve. good stuff.

You need to do some prep one day a week.

For example on Sunday open a family size pack of chicken breast and season it different ways. For example a family pack genereally has 6 pieces of chickn. Make three different foil packs of two pieces of chicken each. Season one with italian dressing, one with plain salt and pepper and one with mexican seasoning. Also make a box of pasta, a bowl of rice. Then you are pretty much ready for the week. Take the Italian flavored chicen and dice it up in a jar of sauce reheat in the mic and toss with pasta and parm cheese. With the mexican chicken, shread and make a taco salad or tacos. WIth the plain chicken top with your favorite marinade or bbq sauce and serve with the rice and a veggie. All three of these meals should take no more than 10 minutes to prepare.

When you are baking your chicken for the week, make a crock pot meal - stew, chili, etc. then just reheat bowls of it during the week.

I agree w/ a poster above... prepare dishes on the weekend that can be cut into protions and microwaved easily and quickly to heat them up. Things like Lasagna, Spaghetti/Meatsauce, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes (or roasted new potatoes), Broccoli-Rice Casserole, Veg. Soups (w/ chicken or beef), Salisbury Steak, Meatballs in Sauce to go on a bun, and so on.

Also, do some weekend prep and check out this gal's technique"

Crockpot meals works great for these kind of fast meals because its cooks while you are at work, and is ready when you get home.

Right now I have pork chops in our crock pot with a can of cream of chicken soup, some milk, onions, ranch powder, and garlic. Believe it or not, I just put in in on my lunch break, pulled the pork chops out of the freezer defrosted them the best I could while i mixed the rest of the stuff in the crockpot, and then added the pork chops before I left. Just cooking it on low until I get home from work.

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