What is the worst food you ever had?!
What is the worst food you ever had?
I hate chinese food with a passion but love the fortune cookie.
Sushi................ it reminds me of either what I think a bug would taste like or a garden hose.....YUCK!!
Cat food
I had a sea snail at a sushi place and it was gross... I kept chewing and chewing and could not swallow it...yuck.
let me guess Dr i think Indian Food!!! ewwww'''
i hate raw food.
and some yucky sticky starchy things.
hagas its a sheeps belly stuffed with every thing inside
a mountain toad...i didnt know that it was a toad cause it tasted like chicken..lol
?t was chinese food.Well,a lot of people could love it,but I hated it!
Spinach...yet I LOVE spinach dip.
Anything without goat in it.
Goats are goatariffic!
My ex-mother-in-law's chicken and dressing; the chicken was fine; the dressing was about the consistency of thin oatmeal/porridge - naaaaaastyyyyy.
Escargot...Oh, and mutton that had been allowed to cook in it's own juice....gag me with a spoon!!
Chitterlings!!!!! They smelled like a dirty animal cage, and tasted the same way. YUCK!!!! And I'm very adventureous and non-judgmental about trying new food.
A friend accidentally used garlic butter to make chocolate icing for a cake. It was pretty foul.
with out a doubt blue cheese is the worst thing i have ever tried to eat in my life
Tapioca pudding tied with brussel sprouts. I was forced to try them both when I was a kid, and I puked both times.
till now nothing.
Anything with liver, yuch....
crab paste from the chemist
Chocolate Ants- Crummed Brains
I love Chinese food! ^_^
Anyway, I hate licorice and celery. Would not eat them even if you give me a million dollars.
Mochi, liver, brains, black pudding, haggis, testicles......oh god.....I think I'm going to puke!
My mother-in-law's "squash surprise"
liver and onions
fried squid guts, decided to try and regretted it YUCK!
the worst food i ever had is chinese food i dont like the smell either.sorry to the people who likes it.
Something that I tryed that I will never try again: pigsfeet