My boss has just asked me.....?!


My boss has just asked me.....?

If I want to go to her house and enjoy a spit-roast with her and her husband. The problem is that I'm vegetarian. What should I do??

Honesty is the best policy on this one. Just tell her that you are a vegetarian and that you would love to come over but, you would like to bring a vegetarian dish to go along with their roast. This way they can have their roast but, you can also bring something vegetarian that you like that they might like to try. A good pasta dish or vegetarian lasagna is always a nice complement to a roast. Good luck.

say youre vegetarian

I would either politely turn her down or explain that you would like to join them for dinner but you are vegetarian. Maybe offer to bring a dish.

I don't think many people are getting this joke but if she is attractive go for it. You might get a payrise.

Say, " I appreciate your invitation but I am a vegetarian so I will have to pass. Thank you."

tell her the truth, you don't eat meat, but that you would still like to come also offer to bring a vegetarian dish with u that everone can enjoy, your boss will respect you more for being honest, she'll know that she can count on you in the workplace

" I appreciate the invitation, and would love to spend some time socializing with you and your husband. I should tell you, though, that I am a vegetarian, so I'm going to be more interested in the salad than the roast - no matter how perfect it is. "

They are not talking about food..They want a 3some.

Tell her how much you appreciate her thinking of you, and then tell her you are vegetarian...if you can even tell people you are one, there are issues...if you can't get the nerve up...then go eat the roast.

You can't bring a sack lunch, so leave town this way you don't have to lie to her that your leaving town and can't make it for the roast , you probably need a little R&R anyway, so yes I would leave town then your under no obligation to say yes,

Offer to bring some salad after you tell her the truth. I'm sure she is understanding since she offered to have you over in the first place.

take a side dish,, tell her you are a vegan and will bring something,

Turn up with a huge bottle of lube and a big smile!

Tell her the truth. Tell her you would love to come over and don't want to be a bother so will bring something to eat. That way you can enjoy meeting her family as well as enjoy the meal.

LMFAO - poor innocent saps!

crack open the viagra!!!

She is a woman?
She is ignoring the rest of her staff?
Forget about what to eat and ask yourself who are you going to talk to the next day?
Oh! Take your mum.

just say that you wont eat his beef but would love to drink out of her furry cup!!! :)

.............. tell her you are veg ................ its in fashion also ............. being vegetarian .......................... offer to make a nice veg dish .........or bring one to her house ...................

I believe that a spit roast is associated with sex.
She is looking to have you for dessert!

HA, HA! nice one.... happy roasting. Seeing that your a veggie, you could always bring your own cucumber!

Tell the truth. Honesty is always the best policy. If you don't mind that they eat meat in front of you tell her your a vegetarian. That you'd would love to share a meal. She now knows that you will not be eating the meat and should have some extra vegetable dishes for you to enjoy.

tell her you are a vegetarian!

i would let her know you are a veggie, but if you still want to go, dont let that ruin the fun. there will be other things other than the pig to eat, there are always sides. or you can offer to bring something easy, but that you'll know you can eat, just to be safe. my mom makes this 7 layer salad, its really filling, but everyone loves it!

I don't think she has invited you because she needs someone to help her eat a chunk of roast beef - she invited you because she would like to have you come over. Tell her you would love to come but you are a vegetarian. She may feel overwhelmed with trying to cook for someone who is vegetarian so tell her it is fine if she makes the roast for her and her husband and offer to bring a vegetarian dish to share with them.

Don't people read the other answers before they answer??? Dumb asses.

tell her you're a vegetarian, what's so hard bout that.

Accept the invite and bring your own food.

Be honest with her. It's better than just turning her down or going to her house and not eat.

i got this subtle joke....take along a vegetarian sausage !!!

Tell her, its no crime.
Maybe she will invite you again, maybe she won't, but she isn't going to sack you for it.

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