Mixed age birthday party ideas?!


Mixed age birthday party ideas?

I know this may seem like a repeat question, but I am looking for a great idea for my brother's 16th birthday and my 25th birthday (I'm female). We've done the "go out to dinner" thing to death, and we're looking for something that's not hokey. We're having a combined birthday party with a mixed group and are looking for something original and new. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

If you have enough drivers, do a scavenger hunt. After one or two hours teams will return to your house and turn in their items. Have a BBQ and determine the winner.
If you have enough drivers, do a scavenger hunt. After one or two hours teams will return to your house and turn in their items. Have a BBQ and determine the winner.

Divide in to teams and have a disposable camera, digital, or polaroid for each team and have them get pictures developed at 1 hour photo or on a computer and then share the pictures and stories back at the BBQ. Each picture is worth a different amount of points. Here are some ideas…
1. A picture kissing a handsome stranger (the group can vote how many points depending on how handsome)
2. A picture of each team showing their "hooters" in front of a Hooters restaurant
3. A picture of how many people they can get in a phone booth (one point per person)
4. All members of a team posed in crowns from Burger King.
5. An autograph of the high school quarterback or cheerleader, or their mother.
6. The convienence store clerk with the longest name or the nametag of an employee at a local restaurant. 7. A little more racy, but could be fun would be the sexiest pair of boxer shorts or underwear from a neighbor or someone that you know from high school.
8. Find a statue of a person and the team must pose with the statue in the same pose as the statue.
9. The team must pose with someone wearing a uniform. It could be military personnel, a fireman, or even a guy at McDonald's.
10 Worth many points: an address number plate, license plate or publicly posted telephone number with the digits 2007 in it.
11. The team must pose with everyone crammed into the back seat of a car.
12. The team must be photographed acting out a scene of a movie or television show.
13. The team must be photographed pretending to do Tai Chi in a park.
14. The team must pose with a non-team member playing a musical instrument.
15. The team must pose in a boat.

Have you done a murder-mystery dinner? You could also make a day of it at your local waterpark (age there doesn't matter, everybody has fun) or host a Luau (hawaiian gear is mandatory.)

why not get an interactive quiz dvd game such as millionaire, or ask someone to prepare you a general knowledge quiz which you can print out, and ask guests to bring prizes eg wine, chocolates. For the food, borrow a couple of slow cookers and prepare big pans of chilli and curry, then bake some potatoes and cook some rice, add bread and salad. This is the sort of thing I do for family & neighbours, adults and children. For younger ones, a traditional game like pin the tail on the donkey is always popular. And do everyone a party bag-they'll love it!

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