How do you feel about a man that u known 4 2month who don't want to spend money?!


How do you feel about a man that u known 4 2month who don't want to spend money?

I have been seeing this guy for about 2-3 months. He took me out to the club and his friend paid for all our drinks, and to get in. plus we were double dating so his friend is paying for me, and him plus his date he came with. He pulled this more than once and he has money. I asked him can he take me out somewhere like the beach or something. He tells me everytime his friend take my friend out that is when i want him to take me out which is false. but he claim he like me. now he is telling me he don't like talking to me like that. but he asked me when did i want to go? but he haven't made up a date.

dump him, girl don't even bother with that, its only two months and he already playing games and broke! it's a man's responsibility to take a woman out and pay for everything! they are obligated to do so, I never been on a date where the man didn't automatically pay, its like common courtesy.

leave the man who wants a tight *** in there life get rid of him

Hes Cheap - But dont be a Gold Digger!

Well, I guess you are going out with a cheap skate.

This guy of yours is a moron and a humongous waste of your sweet time. I dont feel good about this guy and you should waste no more time with him.

he is a player. NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

The relationship is doomed if you are already complaining about someone you've dated for 2 months. Move on and find someone who has the same values.

give him the boot he should of said you were going duch

maybe you should try paying for yourself....if u keep asking him about taking you out he might get the impression you are a money grubber

I don't know about you, but this guy seems cheap, and whishy washey to me. Personally, I'd unload him like a searing piece of charcoal.

It's called being thrifty to a fault. Things don't get better if you have a long term relationship or even marry. The only time you will enjoy the money is if you outlive them.

I feel like I know a lot about people and people relations. But that whole situation is confusing. I'm under the impression you are leaving some facts out... Anyhow, your best bet is to ask him, your friend, the same question you are asking us.

Dump him he is a sponge and an user.

Sounds like my kind of man. ($ cheap) Not emotionally about I shut up and take my 2.

Kick this one to the curb.

I dated a loser like you described for about a month and ended up walking out of a restaurant when he wouldn't pay for my meal. Taxi's are cheap compared to your self respect, right?

Open your eyes and look around you! There are TONS of great guys out there who are willing to treat you like the lady you are.

God bless!

Been there girl and the dude was a pastor. Drove a nice car and all and bragged all the time about what he had. Come to find out the chump was broke. Screw him gentlemen don't behave that way. If he has money he would n't be reluctant to spend some on a young lady that he was truly interested in , I say stop wasting your time, dump his tail

It sounds like he is very stingy. I am wondering why his friend puts up with it.

ditch him

Nexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt! :)

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