How do you drink all night and not have a hangover?!


How do you drink all night and not have a hangover?

keep on drinking, once you stop the hangover starts.

drijnk water

just lots of water before you drink and lots after, should help

The best way is to have a few soft drinks through the session, so to water down the amount of alcohol. Also when you get home drink as much water as you can handle before going to bed. The way I do it is to drink loads of water, which makes me wake in the night for the loo, then after that I drink even more water. By the morning you feel fine, also all the water helps you avoid getting dehydrated, and is good for your skin. xx

Eat a bowl of pasta with lots of butter or olive oil an hour before you go out. The oil causes the alcohol to "float" and not get absorbed into your system as quickly. Also, drinking water between alcoholic beverages helps.

eat a lot before u go out

they have a pill at gas stations that you can take too prevent hangovers

Lots of water whilst you are out & lots of water before you go to bed

Drink more expensive alcohol. They have fewer impurities and lead to fewer hangovers.

As other have said...drink water. Take vitamins. There is also an anti-hangover pill called "Chaser" you can find at some drugstores.

You can't. Stop after 2 drinks.

where a lot of garlic

its all about the drink balance, so do not drink cheap once and drink alot of water

eat before you start something greasey like fried chicken, and eat after you drink breakfast type food so when you wake up you will have a bowelmovement all alcohol will be release

Don't drink alcohol!

Make sure you eat a good meal with carbs and keep hydrated by drinking lots of water as well. Also, don't mix drinks stay with the same kind all night long.

Drink plenty of water to hydrate your system and if this is your thing, a small glass of milk to help loosen up any acids in your stomach.

Food along the lines of pasta or rice to soak up the alcohol. Nothing greasy or oily, and nothing too fatty.

Three glasses of water and two aspirin before you go to bed. Then coffee first thing in the morning followed by two more glasses of water. Make sure you have access to a bathroom. ;-)

I dunno been trying to fathom that one out for years, if you get an answer let me know please!!!

Drink one drink per hour, then you don't get drunk so you don't have a hangover.

My other trick is to make yourself puke BEFORE going to bed. This doesn't alleviate all of the hangover symptoms, but it makes you feel a whole heck of a lot better. Double it up with 2 excedrin migraine and a glass of water before bed.

you don't!

I can see that everyone has given you the correct answer but none have explained the "why"....Yes drink water.. before during and after. The reason for this is actually very simple. Alcohol absorbs water. The more alcohol you drink the more you actually are dehydrating yourself. Ever worked out so hard and sweated so much you had a headache afterwards? It's the same thing.. So yes drink the water.. and party all ya want

They have a product at walgreens that is supposed to be good but i don't drink so hope this helps

You have to be born that way, like me. I've NEVER had one......but I drink way too much since I don't suffer any consequences.

white spirits! I can drink Bacardi till the bottle is empty and wake up in the morn feeling grand. I can drink half a bottle of wine and feel so rough. Mind you I dont tend to drink a bottle of spirits to often.

Drink expensive stuff because it leaves less toxins in your body that give u hangovers.. If your broke buy Ketel One Vodka because it doesnt give that bad of a hang over

drink a pint of water before u go to bed and take one up with you for thru the night, alternatively you could take a bottle of smirnoff to bed with u and never sober up!

If you drink tons of water and take two tylenol before you go to sleep, and then when you wake up make sure to eat some breakfast, and then drink some more water (or something hydrating like powerade) then usually you'll feel fine the next morning.

Wish I knew - tried everything, water, milk thistle, paracetamol before going out - nothin works for me x

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