Do you usually drink out of plastic cups or glass ones at home?!


Do you usually drink out of plastic cups or glass ones at home?

I can't remember the last time I drank out of a nice glass - plastic's just so convenient, light, unbreakable. Am I just being cheap(I have a cabinet full of glasses)? What do you drink from?


cannot stand plastic.

I use plastic too. But I feel guilty for disposable cups are probably bad for the environment.

Actually, if I want water I just drink it out of the plastic bottle. Our water isn't that great, so we buy bottled water.


Don't feel bad i haven't drank from a real cup or aten with real forks or spoons in bout 4 years.They're there but why bother when you can just toss plastic and get new ones.

glass cups.

glass... I only have one that is plastic and i have never used it

I usually drink out of plastic cups, unless I'm drinking milk or orange juice.

Plastic, I'm so clumsy I should probably only drink from "sippy cups" I drink wine from wine glasses. Otherwise, it's plastic.

Beverages do taste better from glasses, though, for sure.

Plastic, to cut back on how many dishes have to be washed, unless I'm drinking milk, then I drink out of a glass. Yes, I'm strange like that(and proud of it).

i drink from real glasses. Some of my friends use the plastic solo cups tho.

I drink from glass at home.

I like to treat myself special.


are you kidding?...It's glass...there's nothing like drinking an ice cold drink out of a glass...plastic is for kid's or toddlers as they are always dropping stuff......cheers...... ;)

Plastic cups - I have a cabinet full or real glasses too

Just easier to use Solo's


But if you have a cabinet full of glasses why not use them? What are you saving them for? They say everything sounds and tastes better in a glass :)

We use plastic cups only because my kids drink all day long and to think that they use glasses every time, I would be running the dishwasher everyday opposed to every other day. We take out the glasses when we run out of the plastic.

I use glass. Plastic is more porus, it's not as sanitary. At very least it absorbs flavors and smells of everything else. Not to mention it's not as nice feeling on you lips.

Plastic cups they are so convenient.


but hey im in college and seems like every restaurant in town gives you a plastic cup that you can keep, so Ive got a collection....

Both. But i prefer to drink out of the plastic ones so when i have crushed ice in it then i can squeez the cup to break the ice apart if it has started to melt. But when company comes over we get out the really expensive glasses and use those.

I have fancy glasses, Im rich *****!

Absolutely glass, If I had a party with 50 they would all have glass, unless it was outside with a keg. Wine would still be in glass.

Glass because it's american.if you drink from a plastic cup then your going to look....ghetto just kidding! lol

Mismatched ceramic coffee mug -- a collection, one cabinet full.

plastic, cause my mom doesnt trust me with glass after my accident in which i broke almost all of our glass cups at a party
...... you really shouldnt work with magic in the kitchen

We use glass or ceramic cup at home.

Glass....even buy my milk in the glass 1/2 gal..... Nothing better than a COLD glass of milk.

Glass, I had a package of large plastic red cups and it took years to use them up. Not enough picnics.

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