Pool Guests?!


Pool Guests?

We just moved in a home with a pool about 2 months ago. We have a lot of remodeling to do along with all our everyday comings and goings.

I have never had a pool and never realized how many people invite themselves over. I have been in town paying bills to come home to messages of friends and family inviting themselves over to swim.I don't mind having company,it's just when you can't get to the phone or return a call that very second they show up at my door, with guests of their own (that I don't know) .

I had a few leave with my towels and even left their wet clothes and baby items.
What could I do to keep this from happening ? I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings,but I have seriously thought of draining the thing until the house is guest ready or atleast until I am.
Any suggestions on guests like this?

Sorry I didn't know where else to post this.

When they show up at your door, look surprised and say 'Oh, I was just coming over to your house to use your laundry and raid your fridge!'

Seriously though, people will get away with what you let them get away with. Simply tell them your insurance will not permit anyone to use your pool without your personal supervision, and you have other plans.

If you are truly a soft touch, and don't mind the madness, why not try this: Saturday from 3 to 6 (or whenever) is Pool Day. Get the word out to your mates that anyone who wants to come swim, comes then and then only. They must call and let you know how many will be showing up, and they bring their own towels and a contribution to the afternoon (bags of chips, box of sodas). They leave promptly at 6 or they don't come again. Anyone coming or asking to come outside of that time is politely but firmly 'reminded' of the 'correct' Pool Day time. Simple, effective, less hurt feelings, less being treated as a doormat! Enjoy the rest of the week in peace!

It sounds like not to bad of a problem to have. Maybe you just have to tell them not to come over so often, or make the best of it.

Man you better talk to those people or show them you dont want anyone over your house, make up excuses, or never open your door to them EVER AGAIN!!

Just be honest with your family and friends, tell them you will be remodeling and that they will drain the pool... Even if it's not true, but that will keep them from coming and if they notice it isn't drained well just tell them that the professionals who will be coming to remodel to you that, so they still can't go in. That's what I would do. Good Luck!

I can't believe these people just come over! How rude is that. I don't know what advice to give you because no matter how you look at it, I think the people will be offended [which makes them even more rude]. The only thing I can think of is to put a giant sign saying closed for renovations, put locks on your gate and put your foot down. If you don't do something, you are going to have a very, very long summer. I think the ones that aren't offended are your true friends. Best of luck.

i understand your concern and this is what i did..i let my family know that unless i get back with them that it is ok to swim then they can assume it is NOT ok to come swim....that our insurance policy requires us to be home when we have guests in the pool..and i also asked my family members to let me know if they were also bringing other people with them ahead of time becasue sometimes i was not in the mood for guests that i did not know..sometimes you just need to lay it out there but unless your family is usually this inviting of themselves maybe you made a statement of some kind when you bough the house that they can come swim anytime.....just be nice and lay the law down..botton line is it is your house and your responsibility..and if anyone asks you if you have any extra towels say no..all in the wash or one thing i did was i went to some yeard sales and thrift shops and bought a few older ones cheap and when people come i let them use them..this way if they take them home hardley a loss to myself.........get a good fence with a locak and when you are not home keep it LOCKED......

If I were you I'd send a letter to anyone who ever invited themselves over to swim in your pool. Tell the truth about them being rude and inviting themselves over.

Talk to these people and let them know a request to swim in your pool is not always a yes answer, also they need to give you enough notice before hand. no last minute show ups will be invited to swim.

If you are unable to get to the phone you need to leave a message on your answering machine saying that you will call people back and to not come to your home if they were not invited. In your own words of course. Mark your towels. Put your name of them. You should have privacy when you want, not when other people think that it's convenient.

Make sure you have plenty of home owner's insurance. Tell these users they are not allowed to use your pool. Speak now before there is an accident & you get sued.

I think you should empty your pool and only fill it again when you are ready. Good luck!

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