Question for Brits...?!


Question for Brits...?

We were having a visitor from the UK (sorry, don't know what particular area). I had read somewhere that serving lemon with tea is favored upon in England. Is this true? When I suggested it, a woman who lived in England briefly over a decade ago shot my idea down. I was embarrassed at her remark "Oh, he won't like that--he'll only want sugar and milk" and rolled her eyes. Any remarks to the contrary?

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4 months ago
Ah! I read it in the Da Vinci Code! Earl Grey tea and lemon for the British knight!

4 months ago
Ah! I read it in the Da Vinci Code! Earl Grey tea and lemon for the British knight!

Relatively few Brits would opt for lemon and of those who do it would be more females than males (lemon being a more slimming option than milk).
Bear in mind too that whilst tea is a quintessentially British drink there are many who prefer coffee and indeed those who drink neither.
It would be customary and polite to offer tea or coffee to someone whose preference you are still to determine and when they visit you.
Personally I'd say a large whiskey would be great,thanks

lemon and tea? never head of it before. I'd stick with milk ;).

Like any such question, there is no general answer; it's a matter of personal taste.

Your best course of action would probably be to ask your visitor how he likes his tea.

its not really that common in england to drink lemon in tea. I love a cup of tea (milk no sugar) But in England now coffee is just as popular as tea and i have lots of friends who drink coffee more.

I would just ask their preference.

Tea (none of this Irish Breakfast, Ceylon, Earl Grey nonsense unless its particularly wanted), milk and two sugars.

(Diets notwithstanding.)

While coffee is the holy water of America tea is the holy water of the UK. Here in Australia we're a bit confused about these things.)

Actually at the height of British snobbery lemon was a sign of good breeding and it really isn't too bad but I have lemon in my beer so what would I know?)

hi i would offer your guest tea with milk and suger. lemon is good in green tea but we dont usually have lemon in normal tea.i take my tea with 2 sugers and goats milk only thanks.

That's funny here in the States they put a
piece of lemon on the saucer for your tea
but I never use it.

I like my tea with sugar and milk.

The Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Actually it's Russians that are known for taking their tea with lemon. Brits mostly go for milk/cream. I prefer lemon myself but whatever.

Just ask the guy what he likes when he gets there. I'm sure he doesn't expect you to read minds.

It's all very much a matter of personal taste. It is socially accpetable to take tea with either milk or lemon.

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