I need to feed alot of people!!!?!

Question: I need to feed alot of people!!!!?
my fiance and I are getting married in this coming march!. we are paying for EVERYTHING and its a HUGE wedding (well huge to us at least) LOL but does anyone have any ideas on a cheap way to cater our wedding for about 150 ppl!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

ah i am, well his family and i, are doing the food for our wedding!. 100 ppl

we are making
2 large turkeys
2 trays of roasted new potatos
2 trays of green beans
2 trays of baked ziti
3 salads, ramen noodle, pasta and creamy pea
oh and having ham too
fruit and veggie trays
cheese pepperoni and crackers

this will guide you for portions for lots of food

you can always do a few pastas, spaghetti and ziti, red sauce and cream sauce, with salad and 3 dressings!. rolls too!. super cheap

if you can't afford to cook for them all you will have to cut back on your guest list!. sorry!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

First off you definitely want it "Buffet "style and not seated( besides it's more fun that way and you don't need many servers( 2 at most)!.

I don't know where you live( I wish I did so I could give you more info) but go to a few gourmet deli's( cheapest way) and not restaurants( way to expensive)!.
Pick out chicken dishes and for fish a salmon dish( less money then beef, veal or an exotic fish)along with your veggies etc etc!.
Buy your beverages at a wholesale place( Costco etc etc)!.
Use all plastic( that's what everyone is doing these days), especially with this economy!.
I cater and I stay for the whole event and no one cares whether it's plastic or glass!.

I would however rent some linens( pretty cheap)!.

To keep the food warm they have wire chaffing dishes( about $5!.00 each( as compared to $200 for the fancy ones that no one notices anyway!.

Seems like there more interested in booze then anything else anyway!.

Now there's a trick to ordering all this food!.
You dont buy chicken for 150 people and fish for 150 people because that would feed 300( see where I'm going)!?
3 hot entree's( 50 people each)
2 hot entrees( 75 people each)!.

I do it all the time so if you need more info

At least you have plenty of time to plan ahead!. March is a good month, venues are cheap!.
The most I've ever cooked for by myself was around 50 people!. But it wasn't a wedding and I wasn't the center of attention like you will be!
Here are a couple of really good sites on cooking for a crowd!. Get lots of help from family and friends and I'm sure you will have a wonderful day!


- Everyone to bring a plate!. Give them a choice of what they can bring eg Salad, Pasta dish, Chicken dish, Beef dish, rice, bread!.
- Only have snack type of food and don't plan it so the reception falls on lunch or dinner time!.
- If you are catering for yourself pre cook everything!. Pasta and salad go down well!.
- BBQ with Bring your own meat!. You organise salad and vegetable dishes!.

Hope this helps a little!.
Just enjoy your day and don't expect everything to go to plan that way you wont be disappointed if it isn't what you want!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We just did Pasta!.!.!.!.!.!.!.alfredo and marinara sauce, salad and bread for 100 people for under 200 bucks!. Easy to do!.!.!.!.!.!.!.cook the pasts a couple of days ahead of time and store it it tubs of water, freeze the sauce, buy bagged salad and buy bread sticks at sams or costco!. The day of the reception have some folks in charge!. put the pasta in warmers and add the sauce and let it heat!. Everyone loved it and there were leftovers!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, we did the same thing!.!.!.COSTCO!.!.!.That is what I can say

We did marinated meatballs (the frozen bagged ones), bagged salads!. Fresh fruit trays!. Veggie trays!. I think we did high rollers (tortillas with meats and cheeses and lettuce all wrapped up inside)!. You cut these into 2 inch slices!. Make ALOT!.!.!.they go quick!. You can improvise!.!.!.we only spent $300 for food!. It was great!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ask how many family and friends would mind giving you a potluck wedding dinner!.

Or serve chicken breast with a mushroom and wine sauce!. chicken is cheap and everyone like it!.

good luck and congratulations!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

have someone in your family prepare the meal and get the ideas from your guestsWww@FoodAQ@Com

little caesar's hot n' ready!

all day every day!!!!!!!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

First I want to know what nationality you have so we can suggest the variety of food you need and fit for your budget as well!.

When my son was baptized I have also a limited budget but
always remember that when you invited one quest that will be x 2 person some guests not all ,always bring somebody from their family or friends!.(so expect that it will be more than 150 ) do not count your guest exactly how many invitations you have given out!.

First of all you have to talk to your caterer before anything else
do not be shy your caterer knows best and she will give you tips and tricks for volume of guest!.

1!.What my caterer first suggestion is to assigned somebody on the table!.(Buffet Table)!. What we did is to assigned waiter's from my caterer this is one/included in their services offered!. These waiters will monitor the number of female and Male coming on your reception they will base this on the plates that has been used by quests!.coming from your reception and guest coming in or out!.Then they know already how to budget the food!. (do not worry about this let them take care of this)
These are the system that they applied and it really works well!.

They call this "scooping"method

On your buffet table your caterer or head waiter will assigned waiters or servers depending how big your table is, these server will be assigned from soup, appetizer main course and dessert etc!. and in charged of placing food on your guest plate and the y will budget the food depending on what I told you earlier!.

This system will prevent guest from getting food more than what they need it this way it will lessen some left over!. Caterer servers or waiters knows how many cut of meat a guest just need!.

"No free flowing of Drinks"
Meaning that one guest will only have one refreshment only
and if they need more that is the only time that they can get another drinks and caterer serve bottle or can of soda in a glass!. That is why no free flowing!.

Finally at the end of the day the budget that I have fit on my guests more than the number I expected and everybody enjoy the food as well!.
remember the credit will go to your caterer if your service is good

I asked what nationality you have some of my friends I suggest that if they really have limited budget is to cook the food that they want and just hired server or waiter from caterers!.

That will be all!. So no problem while you are busy entertaining guest you will not be nervous that some guest has not been fed!.

Good luck and Congratulations!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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