What are those "quaint jams rolls british have at fancy parties"?!
What are those "quaint jams rolls british have at fancy parties"?
from the Yell advert played during the commercial breaks on CSI.
they are like a swiss roll, sponge rolled up with jam (jelly) spread on it, only they are individual sized, it has a little swirl pattern when u look side on, they aint quaint and they're not served at fancy parties, but they are nice, u get them in a chocolate sponge with cream/fondant stuff in too, cadburys make the best ones-they're covered in chocolate!
Do you mean scones?
tarts or crumpets
Do you mean jam tarts, or rolly polly (which is suet pudding)
Haven't seen the ad, so quessing here. If you say 'jam rolls' I think they are either Swiss rolls, which is like a Roulade but cut into slices, or Mini Swiss rolls, which are teeny tiny Roulades. Must look out for the ad...........