I need a mind blowing dessert to go with a lasagna dinner.... Help!?!


I need a mind blowing dessert to go with a lasagna dinner.... Help!?

something "romantic" would be great, and a little more difficult than chocolate mousse or chocolate chip cookies :) I'm completely out of ideas!

I have two really good Tiramisu recipes, one is traditional, the other is raspberry. Another good idea is Panna Cotta, as it's light and refreshing after a heavy meal. It's also "Romantic" i, think. I'l give you that one, and if you would prefer the tiramisu ones, just ask again, I'll be watching this site as I'm home sick.

Vanilla Panna Cotta:

3 T. Water
1T powdered Gelatin
4 C. Heavy cream
1/2 Vanilla Bean, split lengthwise ( or use 1 t. good liquid Vanilla)
1/2 c. sugar
Mixed Berries
Satin Chocolate Sauce, recipe follows

Satin Chocolate sauce:
2 oz. unsweetened chocolate
4 1/2oz smi-sweet chocolate
1/4 c. light corn syrup

1/3 c. hot water

In a small bowl, combine the water and Gelatin and let soak for about 10 minutes.(do not stir.) Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, heat the cream, the vanilla bean(if using real vanilla add when at end ) and sugar to a simmer over medium heat, stirring occaisionally, to disolve the sugar. As soon as it simmers, turn off the heat and add the Gelatin mixture, stirring to dissolve the Gelatin. If the Gelatin doesn't completely dissolve in 3 minutes, return the mixture to the heat and warm GENTLEY until dissolved. Pour the mixture into 6 to 8 ramekins or desert cups. Chill, uncovered, 2 hours.

Satin Chocolate Sauce: In the top of a double boiler, combine the 2 chocolates over simmering water. Stir constantly until melted, then whisk in the syrup and water without removing the double boiler from the heat. Whisk until smooth and shiny. The sauce can be made up to two hours beffore serving, refrigerated. To rewarm, sitir over low heat or heat in micrwave.

To serve Panna Cotta, dip the cups or ramekins in hot water for 10 seconds, then turn the Panna Cotta out onto desert plates(or, serve in the cups.) Surround each panna cotta with berries, ( raspberries, blackberries, etc, or mixed is best) and drizzle with satin chocolate suace.

I had this desert in a very famous Italian restaraunt in Santa Fe last summer and it was absolutley selicious and also elegant and beautiful to look at.

Got this recipe from Giada Delaurentis from food network's "Everyday Italian" I assumed you wanted an Italian dessert.

Think something light...Lasagna is heavy ...Go for like super rich choclate something and maybe nice Gelato or Italian Ice.

Leche Flan would be good.

Strawberries dipped in chocolate


6 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
2-1/2 cups heavy cream
2 Tbsp. vanilla
Preheat oven to 250 degrees. In a saucepan mix the yolks, sugar, heavy cream and vanilla. Bring to a boil while stirring. Remove from heat. Pour mixture into individual buttered ramikens equally. Place the ramikens in a water bath and bake for 50 minutes. Then sprinkle some light brown sugar over the entire tops of each custard. Place under the broiler and carefully watching them so they don't burn, let the sugar melt and form a crust over the custard. You can serve Creme Brulee chilled or warm. It is one of the most elegant of all desserts

You can make this even more romantic by the way you eat it.

I'd say chocolate covered starwberries but that might be too easy....but it is romantic and yummy.

tiramasu, lemon meringue pie, chocolate trifle, chocolate fondue. Any of these would work just serve them in candlelight.

How about a tiramisu or a zabaglione? Or Semifreddo - that would be my choice.


1/3 Cup Flour
1/4 Cup White Sugar (a)
1 1/2 Cups Milk
3oz Unsweetened Chocolate Chopped
6 eggs seperated
2Tspn Vanilla
1/4 Tspn Salt
1/4 Cup Sugar(b)


Grease the bottom and sides of a Souffle dish. Dust with sugar as needed.Set aside.

Mix Flour and Sugar (a) in a 2 quart saucepan.Slowly stir in milk and cook over medium heat until mixture thickens and BOILS. Cook 1 minuet more.

Remove pan fromheat. Stir in Chocolate until melted.Beat in egg yolks,Stirringhard,until THOROUGHLY blended. Add Vanilla and combine.Refrigerate until Luke warm.

In Mixer bowlbeat egg whites and salt until soft peaks form.Gradually add Sugar(b) and beat until stiff peaks form.

GENTLY Fold egg whites into chocolate mixture 1/3 at a time until all streaks of white are gone.

Pour mixturein to Souffle dish. With the back of a spoon,Cut a 1 inch deepcircular cut 1 inch from the edge to create a top hat effect.

Bake at 325 for 35-40 minuets or until knife inserted UNDER the top hat comes out clean.

Serve immediately

Napoleon is Italian, light and perfect for a romantic dinner.
Drizzle chocolate over individual pieces and plate before serving.
Top with sliced strawberries very seductive.

This is it and it will add spice to your life!
After dinner, serve him or her a bowl of mint chocolate ice cream with about 2 ounces of Bailey's Irish Cream pour over the top! This will give it a grown up flavor and is so good! After you finish the ice cream, rub some of it on each other and continue to lick! yummy!!

Chocolate & Orang Bread & Butter Pudding.............YUMMY!! Check out this great recipe:


Fresh Figs with a mountain gorgonzola cheese and a glass of Tawney Port.

Fresh strawberry pie! They have plenty of recipes for it all over the internet, but I like this site to get the recipe from....(www.recipezaar.com.) if you use these recipes, use the recipe that doesn't require mashing the berries, use a recipe that uses them as WHOLE berries. This pie is AWESOME! Although, it is a summer pie, you could still find some decent strawberries at the store to make it. If you want to use the mashed berries recipe, you can use frozen strawberries, I guess.

Here are a few suggestions: Tiramisu, gelato, or a torte. If you're feeling lucky, you might even try a chocolate souffle.

I think I would go with a nice creamy Tiramisu- yum.

2 eggs
50g castor sugar
125ml whipping cream
4 level tsp gelatine
2 tbsp water
1 lemon or orange
Prepare glass souffle case.
Boil water.
In a mixing bowl, put egg yolk, sugar, lemon/orange rind.
Whisk over a sauce pan half full of boilling water until thick, pale yellow and foamy.
Remove from steam and whisk till it cools.
Dissolve gelatine.
Whip cream until stiff.
Whisk egg whites stiff.
Squeeze orange.
Add it and whipped cream to the egg yolk mixture with dissolved gelatine.
Fold egg whites into mixture.
Pour at once into souffle case.
set into refrigerator for an hour.
Decorate with lemon twists and glace cherries.
is better when very chilled!

seriously dude, try a tiramisu, no one now a days eats it and it would probably be a first for your guests. as for a recipe, I'm pretty sure someone on here will provide it for you.

I agree with these Tiramisu people. Either that or something like flan or a cheesecake. No chocolate! Chocolate after something with tomatoes can make you have heartburn and an upset stomach (both kind of acidy).

Find an Italian bakery and get some Cannolli(not sure of spelling) They are a pastry tube filled with custard and coated in powdered sugar.

Try an Italian cream cake....it has a ton of ingredients and is really really good. My husband switched his favorite kind of cake after eating this one.

Try a nice berry salad with coconut milk sauce
2 cups of halved strawberries
2 cups of black berries
1 cup blue berries
1 cup raspberries
2 sliced bananas
1 can sweet and condensed milk and 1-2 cans of light coconut milk mixed to make the sauce
Mix all the fruit, add the sauce and refrigerate for about 1 hour serve chilled on martini glasses and a sprig of mint.

cheese cake goes great with italian food. the tastes contrast which make them very yummy together. i would say make a plain gramcracker crust cheese cake with a cherry sauce.

Tiramasu is an Italian dessert made with espresso coffee. It is creamy and delicious. It can be purchased in most Italian bakeries and here in Florida, you can buy it at Publix supermarket.

fresh fruit with a zabaglione....its light, creamy refreshing and quite frankly? sexy

Lemon Cream

Stir 1 cup whole milk, 1 cup heavy cream, and 1 cup sugar together until sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Pour mixture into a METAL pan and freeze for an hour or so until mushy.

Scrape into a METAL bowl, add juice and zest of 1 1/2 lemons and beat well. Freeze in same metal bowl for 2 - 3 hours. Beat again thoroughly. Freeze solid.

Serve in scooped out lemon shells. Freeze shells before putting in cream. Fill a few hours before serving and return to freezer.

This cream melts rapidly, thus it helps to freeze the shells before filling. But don't freeze the shells longer than 12 hours or so or they will turn translucent.

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