Something mental?!


Something mental?

Two of my friends want to raise money for a little girl who is very sick at the moment. They want to do something really out there, and mad next weekend at the pub where I work, but are on a small budget.

They don't want to go with the dressing up as girls blah blah blah they want something original.

They are 40/50 year old rockers and would do pretty much anything to raise a bit of money for this little girl and for a good laugh.

Any ideas?

RUN FROM PUB TO PUB in fancy dress carrying a bucket or help pack at local supermarket.

Let them be strippers. Don't let them go all the way down but enough to rally the audience. sell tickets for the bar that night.. your bar will be appreciative of the new business it is being brought and it's a great thing to do. Just make it a show and let them have fun with it.

walking over hot coals
is a good one
i did this last year and it does not hurt
here is a web site where you can
do it

tell them to do rock and roll and dress up as freddy mercury(Queen) or good old american KISS. o and if u really want to rock, you have to play "God Save The Queen"

Sponsered 'Rock karoke'??

snow shoveling. a lot of people need it with all the snowing

Get some guys an gals tell them the score an auction them off in the pub, always works.

Goog luck raising funds.

if they have hairy bodys then they could get people to pay to wax them, a couple of pounds a strip, but make sure that a professional beautician is there so nothing goes wrong

I know the dressing up thing doesn't appeal but 40/50 year old's would love Rocky Horror, put on pie and peas AT £2.00 per portion,good profit margin, make your own pies in large trays and buy a large bag of dried peas form cash and carry, will cost peanuts,paper plates and plastic cutlery,all very retro but why not?

if they are keen to do anything, let the pub customers come up with an idea on the day, challenges, like if i was a customer i could challenge one of your mates to eat a raw onion etc , i have to pay for the challenge, you should be able to get a variety of things happening

sponserd snog??? thats always fun for all involed!!!!!!

charity auction.
get them to auction off favours. ie. wash the car, a days butlering, housekeeping, playing in the local football team for a day.

the more obscure the better. but even simple stuff can raise money. a nights glass collecting for the pub may be a good way to get the ladlord to throw some cash into the pot.

Love the auction idea. We did that a few years ago @ my pub for a customer who was dieing of cancer. People donated items from their home that they no longer needed & we auctioned them off. We raised over $1000 for him. Get your local media involved. Its a good story & who wouldnt want to see that on the news. Good Luck !

Does the Pub have a food license?

Throw a feed! Hot dogs, B-B-Q with easy sides like chips.

Call the local radio and TV stations and let them it's a charitable event. They should advertise for free!

Ask local businesses for donations (dogs, plates, etc.). When I had a charity event for a friend with Throat Cancer, I made flyers on my puter and had the local print shop make copies (which were donated to the cause). The flyers help legitimize my event.

We made themed gift baskets to auction off (check your local statues for proper wording, mine was a giveaway drawing). People bought tickets and were able to choose which gift baskets by putting tickets in the corresponding box.

So, people came for the food and bought chances to win prizes.

I never spent a cent but lots of time, energy and a giving, but small community raised over $3000.

have a raffle, get items donated.

look for donations and try a 50-50- split or have a couple money winners on the split,,

Throw a birthday party!!

Have cake and ice cream and snacks, favors and decorations, all for a little girls dream party.

Decide on either a cover, or a pass-the-hat donation. And maybe if there are real presents brought to the party, the would make a nice surprise for the little girl, along with some funds to help out.

By the way, there may be help from other local businesses who share the desire to help. They may donate supplies, food, gifts, or maybe things to raffle off during the party.

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