Cig smokers??!


Cig smokers??

k, so ive found a brand of cigs i like now it comes down to Menthol or regg...whats the diff?which one is worse for you?

Are you serious? No cigarette is better or worse for you-they are all addictive and all have a chance of killing you.
If you've just started smoking then stop! I smoked for 12yrs then gave up and it was extremely hard!

menthol make your mouth feel minty fresh but if you just started smoking quit! i wish i had never started smoking in the first place!

I think they are equally both bad for you .

Menthol has a gross mint flavor. I think they also taste stronger. I have heard that mentol are worse for you because menthol smokers smoke more than non menthol smokers.

From what I've hear, yes they are both bad for you, but the menthol makes the pores in your mouth open up so therefore the nicotine gets in and makes you prone to mouth cancer and others.. that's why you should not chew gum while smoking as well....

menthols aparently stop your reproduction other words difficulties haveing children....i would go with something light and regular

LOL menthols stopping reproduction????? Have you ever noticed that the people having the most babies also seem to smoke menthols? I have. I've heard menthols are worse on your lungs. No idea if that can be backed up though.

I'm quite into this import brand of cigarettes which is menthol with cinnamon and cloves. They taste like chai latte! They're sooo good!

But I would say that menthols would be worse for you bc in order to get that flavour, they must be dumping a whole bunch of chemicals on the cigarettes, right? Like, there are additional menthol flavoured chemicals that standard cigarettes don't have.

Don't listen to everyone. Smoke if you want, quit if you want. I love smoking - nothing else has brought me that much pleasure and noone's taking it away from me!

that's like asking what caliber gun should i use to shoot myself in the foot. or what kind of car feels better to be ran over by. they all suck for you. go to a cancer ward in the hospital and ask the patients there which one was better for them.

quit answer i have,,,,,i smoked camels, marlboro, newport and now im smoking marlboro menthol lights...i used to smoke non-menthol unless i was sick then i would smoke the menthol, easier to breathe....but guess what, easy thing to smoke...nothing....i have been trying to quit for a few years now, there all bad, and they are all going to kill us.....stop now

The other kind of cigarettes are called 'non-menthol' or regular. The difference is menthol cigarettes have a major non-tobacco additive that make them minty tasting.

Menthols are equally as bad as regular cigarettes. If not worse.

they are both bad for you regardless,
I have heard that menthol has an extra chemical than regular, cant remember the name,
but on the other hand menthol taste better and dont smell as stong on your clothes.

menthol is mild,,try each and take your pic,,,everyone has there own choice

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