Party ideas for a twelve year old to be?!


Party ideas for a twelve year old to be?

i am having a party on friday and i am inviting about 20 people so we are not going n*e where so we would dance to the music and stuff and i need ideas of what to do at myseld besides that... so help would be appreciated

I'd suggest the usuals: a variety of soda, a variety of pizza, chips and a variety of dips, generally a variety of whatever's a good choice for parties, since people have different tastes.

As for other things, I'd say at least have some ideas handy, though sometimes partygoers will come up with ideas of their own, and generally form smaller groups of people to do things with. I'd say make sure you have movies handy, clean off and get ready anything you have like a dartboard, ping-pong table, trampoline, game consoles like Playstation or Nindendo or anything like that, you know, so at least they have the option of using them, even if they don't.

Music's good, though I'm not so keen on the dance idea. True, some people like to dance, but plenty others hate it, so definately don't force anyone to dance, and have other activities avalible for those who don't want to dance.

And finally, clean your house well beforehand. Though children don't tend to be impressed with cleanliness, they do tend to notice if houses are sloppy and dirty, so clean well beforehand, but know that when it's over, you'll probably have to clean up again.

Good luck, and I everyone has fun :)

Pizza, lots of pizza, chips, dip, cake, icecream, soda, cupcakes and what ever else

wath movies, have lots of food, like u said, dance, just talk and have funn, if all else fails, lock them in a closet, and tell them you wont let them out until they say their having funn, lol, just kidding.

lets see here.....

make sure you have plenty of food because people get hungry! also if your twelve you still have time to be a kid! dont make it so kiddish that people make fun of you but make it so that people have fun! people tend to get too caught up in growing up! so let loose get your kid side on and ur friends will cath on!

im older and i wish i wouldve had parties like that! i tried to grow up too fast! if i went to a party like that i surly would have remembered it for a longer time than all the other boring, sofisticated, wanna-grow-up parties! have fun with it girlie!!


Play the chocolate game! It's always entertaining! You have a stack of clothes that will fit everyone and is easy to put on, (E.g. Loose shorts, big t-shirts,) a large bar of chocolate, (OR more) a fork a knife and a die. Everyone gets in a circle and rolls the die one by one. Who ever gets a 6 runs to the center, puts on ALL of the clothes and has to try to open the chocolate bar and break it up into pieces with the fork and knife. Then you have to stuff as much as chocolate as possible in your mouth. But if someone gets a 6 while it's your turn, you take off ALL of the clothes and the other person puts it all on. If there are around 20 people, maybe 2 or 3 games going on at once wont hurt. And at the end, if someone didn't get chocolate or not a lot you should keep and extra bar to give them some. It's tons of fun! I learned it in camp when I was around 12, and I still love it!

As children get older a lot of things change and one is the fact that they want to impress their friends.. i would have to say that inviting some of his/hers favorite friends over maybe some games whether they be board games or video..A variety of snakes cupcakes chips brownies finger foods like cheese and crackers would do and maybe even the pepperoni also kids love pizza for some strange reason once they get that first taste they always love it :P also maybe a sleep over remember the cake and Ice cream they always love that tons of music soda a variety of flavors maybe hot dogs and hamburgers ( I know I'm going outta order but as it pops up into my head i'm typing it in LOL) Maybe a theme party ....For girls maybe like a all out barbie fest or maybe even slumber party.... For urself I would just enjoy the company that is in ur home and make sure they aren't tearing up the place :D also maybe while there busy u could sit and relax from all the things u have been putting together ..Also the kids could watch a recent movie just released that would give u time to either talk on the phone or have a hot cup of something u enjoy..u know with a movie ur snacks would be great so they can sit down a watch the t.v. and not really be up and running around all over the place...maybe musical chairs,,,if its a girl then a beaded jewelry party but a lot depends on the gender of the child as well as what their interests are..there is so much u can do at a child's party the ideas are long and wide and forever coming

oh the "tweens", the very last year before becoming a teen, have two nephew and one neice who just went through that so i will say what they all did,
my neice, had a karoke / dance, / survivor night it was a lot of fun, they would go up and sing and the others would vote and put their answer in a box, the winner won a prize i think it was $10. when someone got voted off, they had to do a silly dance, to funny, anyway it was about 10 people so that was part of the night after they danced, to the music they liked, had their make your own pizza, and of course the cake and ice cream, and the time flew by and before you knew it it was time for all to go home except the girls who stayed the night to continue on into a pajama party/ makeup/nails/talking about boys etc..and ending her sleepy night with a new released dvd movie,my neice had the time of her life and it was a success

the make your own pizza was a big success each kid got to make their own and add their own ingrediants, my sister prepared the mini crust, and prepared different topping for each to add what they wanted, she borrowed an extra oven rack from a neighbour to make room for all the pizza at the same time, remember to keep the temp. low , and someone to keep an close eye, some cook faster then other that way,

my one nephew BD they played a lot of games, deal or no deal, darts, sharades, and vidio games, while listening to his music, in this case my sister did the make your own sub kinda thing

my other nephew, had dancing, they did a dance off for prizes, and fear factory game, where my sister would make like, ketchup and mustard together with boiled rice to add effect, tuna and chunky cherry yorgurt, fat spagittie with liverworst, i forget the rest, but you get the idea, and everyone edge everyone else on to try, they did not know what was in it, the boys especially enjoyed that, she would make it look really gross, be sure to ask if there are any alergies before playing the game, and they would win a prize, hear they did the sub thing also as there was to many to do the pizza thing

in hopes any of my suggestions are helpfull, coming from a extreamly large family, we have to always put our heads together to come up with fresh ideas, so the one thing that makes a party a success is following what is the norm or personality of the kids and what they like, and you will never go wrong, each one of my neices and nephews have a different personality and friends, so what works for one does not work for the other.

in all the birthdays above, there was a buffet set up with punch, chips, pop, rice crispy squares, cookies , chips, veggi palter, marshmellow decorated to look like people, if you dont want to do the make your pizza or sub thing consierdign the size, i sujest pizza, sandwhiches, oh did i mention chips

so good luck and a very happy birthday to your love one

i would get pizza and wings,,,cake and icecream and koolaid

An Iron Madien theme.Thtas what I wanted for my birth day last year (when i turned 12)!

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