RSVP means :?!
RSVP means :?
RSVP is an abbreviation for the French phrase "Respondez S'il Vous Plait." In English, RSVP stands for "Reply Please!"
Respond S'il vous plais
Please send an answer if you will be attending or not.
répondez s'il vous pla?t (please reply).
It means tell the host whether you are coming or not.
Respondez s'il vous plait
Please respond.
Confirm whether you are attending or not.
Respond if you please
reply please
It means Respondez S'il Vous Plait ... which means PLEASE RESPOND. No qualifiers ... not respond if you feel like it, not respond if you aren't coming, not respond if it is an alternate Tuesday and you washed your red shirt with your whites. It means RESPOND. Be fair, give your host a break, let him/her know you are coming ... or not coming.
RSVP comes from French. In French, it is an abbreviation for "repondez s'il vous plait". Literally translated, it means "reply please", meaning you should reply to the host(ess) and tell him/her whether you are coming to the party (usually) or not. However, on many invitations, it will say "Please RSVP by. . ." That actually doesn't make sense, because you're saying "please" twice. Hope this helps!
répondez s'il vous pla?t
rsvp means to respond to let you know if they are coming with how many people
Respond whether you will attend or not. It doesn't mean only respond if you will attend.
It doesn't mean wait til the day before to think about it. IT MEANS RESPOND BY THE DATE GIVEN. Hostesses rely on rsvp's to plan space, food etc. Give them a break and send that in.