Why do people feel that American Idol is news worthy with all that is going on?!


Why do people feel that American Idol is news worthy with all that is going on?

I think perhaps your question should have been "why do people feel that Britney Spears,Jolie-pitt, Anna Nicole are news-worthy"!...

Even during wars, people looked to entertainment to escape the ugly things that go on in the world. I suppose that's the basic answer. Then you can say two names: "Jennifer Hudson - Oscar Nominee" and "Fantasia Burrino" Grammy winner, headed to Broadway. Good examples of talented "nobodies" that were lucky enough to be on Idol. It gives others hope.

Very good reasons to watch Idol and have something to talk about to friends tomorrow that's not depressing. Godloveya.

because the news casters dont know whats important in this world

Dude you have to have something better than all the wars corruption killing so they throw a couple of fun stories in their to help you thru

they don't pay attention to what's happening in the world.

BECAUSE of all that is going on. In a world where so many people feel that everything has gone to pot, sometimes it is important to give our attention to lighter distractions. It also helps us to keep things in perspective. I don't necessarily agree with a 20 minute segment on the morning news about American Idol, but then there is usually a lot I don't agree with on the morning news...

Because you have to have some fun in the news, otherwise it would be too depressing to watch.

I don't believe that Americal Idol ever called itself a news program, Also I doubt that people view it for its news value.
Americal Idol is purely entertainment, if you're looking for news try Fox.

Many people become overwhelmed by too many negative news stories and look to entertainment news to lighten things. You cannot blame it all on the news producers because there is obviously demand for such news. Look at the sales of People magazine and the tabloids for evidence of that. In the past few days the Scooter Libby trial ended, going to the jury, but we heard more about whether a true nobody, Anna Nicole-Smith (what did she ever do to become a "celebrity?"), would be buried in Texas or the Bahamas. There are also many people who simply are not interested in politics. It is a sign of alienation, people do not feel that they can have an impact on politics. It is ironic that more people will vote on American Idol than will in a Presidential election.

Many feel that way because people just like to see dirt on people and watch them go down. Take Anna Nicole Smith and Britney for example. People just loved to watch their rise and fall. I for one, DO NOT think that American I dol is news worthy. Newscasters just need to stop and find better news.

Other people's misery amuses me. J/K, I don't even watch the show, but I guess people have problems of their own (bills, kids, school, morgages, etc) , and they want to hear something random and lame on the news. It's all about what the audience wants to hear.

escapism at its best......we can't be serious all the darn time...lighten up

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