Should I eat this?!


Should I eat this?

I went to a chineese resteraunt and they told me that they had a fish dish that wasn't actually fish, that it just supposed to smell like fish. Should I order this ?

You don't say what it was if it's not fish.
Since it is Chinese, it is probably tofu. I am Chinese-Thai and was raised in Asia. I cannot think of anything else it can be but tofu.
Asian chefs are wizards at making tofu taste like beef, chicken, pork, or fish.
Tofu is soy bean curd and is extremely healthy. It is high in protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins. It is low in fat an sodium.
Tofu is popular with vegetarians and people who have difficulty digesting meat.
Tofu is also packed with isoflavones, which are credited with offering protection against heart disease and other diseases such as cancer and osteoporosis.
Contrary to the silly and ignorant myths, Chinese restaurants are not going to serve anything that is unhealthy or unwholesome. They must pass strict health regulations just like any other restaurant in town. Chinese chefs are the best in the world.

Why don't you simply ask them what it is?


I wouldn't.
run don't walk away from that place.

Um yeah...if my food doesn't smell like what it is....i'd say thats a big fat NOO


why not? I like eating funky things.

If they have food at a restaraunt, I'm sure it can't be that bad for you. I'd say it's worth a try. If you're still hesitant, you can get the server to tell you more about the dish and the ingredients. You never know, you might turn out to really like that dish!

Suuure. why not? I bet you eat crab that's not really crab but fish. I lived in Taiwan, and they have tofu that you would swear was chicken or fish. They can also perform wonders in the vegetarian restaurants there.

No, I would go to another restaurant

its sad how closed minded people here are. eat the food, try something new, you might not like it but at least you can say you've tried it and aren't one of those 'drench my sushi in soy sauce and wasabi so you can't even taste the fish' kind of people.

Ask what was used to make it .... search on the net to verify ... try it if the ingredients are OK.

if you don't know what is is, don't order it.

Hopefully they're referring to product generally known as "Krab"....a compressed, colored & shaped like crab but actually is a mild fish that they make taste like crab. Otherwise I'd just ask more questions to see what they're really talking about then order what you want. What's with these people who say "run"? There are hundreds of things we don't eat in this culture that the rest of the world think we're crazy not to eat. No one is forced to eat anything they don't want....if it bothers you just don't eat it. But running from any cross culture experience is typical "Ugly American" behavior.

That just sounds scary. Don't eat any thing unless you know for sure what is in it.

as a rule you should never eat something that you have a question about beside really fishy smelling fish is said to not be good i don't want to think about what fishy non fish is supposedto do.

The dish may have contained 'fish sauce' or 'oyster sauce'.... . . . 2 very common ingredients in Chinese cooking !!!

If you don't know what something is: DO NOT EAT IT(ESPECIALLY IF IT SMELLS LIKE FISH)

noo lolol

i would not eat it,,,

That's totally up to you, but I wouldn't eat it.

Of course! It is probably soy. The restaurant cannot afford to make their clientel sick~~~~ Besides, you might like it!

No, because you don't know what it is.

that sounds like it might be not so great. they are probably trying to make it the same but their own kind to make money. It depends what you want to taste. If you are open minded then try it. If you are not open minded to food, then do not get it. it dpends what you feel like. thank you.

sounds risky

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