Where can i find Hob Nob cookies in the U.S?!
Where can i find Hob Nob cookies in the U.S?
My boyfriend loves these English cookies, but i havent been able to find them online or at stores here in the U.S. - does anyone know?
I have found them in Raleys grocery store. McVities makes them. Try grocery stores that carry a wide selection of import/export items. Or even import/export chain stores that carry specialties items from different countries.
This is a great website (based in the USA) where you can shop for English goodies by mail order - not sure if they have Hob Nobs - but they are so consumer friendly they might even order them specially.
I got some great mince pies at Christmas among other things.
Happy shopping.
I went to a Meijer store today and they had them in their international aisle but Meijer only operate in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky.
bakery,beard store,food max,and others.