In prison what do they serve for breakfast, lunch and dinner?!


In prison what do they serve for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Not that I actually know the answer from first hand experience, rather a dear friend of mine served a sentence and lived to tell all the details.

No soda pop. Only water, "Tang"-like juice or milk.

Lots of bread - cheap white bread mostly. Breakfast was bread/toast, soggy oatmeal, occasionally sausage patties and canned fruit. No coffee!!! Ever!

Lunch was bread, peanut butter, jelly, cheese, canned fruit cocktail and over cooked veggies. Lunchmeat? No way.

Dinner was lots of stews, casserole type fare. She never was really sure what some of it was. Lots of overcooked veggies, a hard roll sometimes. Dessert? Twice a year only - Christmas and Thanksgiving. Sometimes there were fresh apples.

They could get junk food, but they had to pay for it at the commissary with their own money that they earned in prison. It was chips and Ding Dongs or stuff like that. The commissary was not open every day, it was open like an hour each time. Cigarettes were THE big thing to buy - or rolling papers and loose tobacco because it was so much cheaper.

My friend lost weight in prison. I wonder why.

Tube steak.

I would imagine this is just out of curiosity and that this is not a place you're heading for.
I would imagine all grade B and C eggs, remnant breakfast meats and subpar bread. Oatmeal and assorted boxed cereals.
For lunch Grade B and C meats, a tasteless vegetable and some sort of starch. An endless supply of Jell-O or pudding. Perhaps leftover fruit.
Dinner might be a re-hash of lunch or dishes they can serve in bulk like lasagna, beef w/noodles and grade c chicken parts, again with a tasteless vegetable, a starch.
Of course water, fruit juice and coveted carbonated drinks.

Cheese sandwiches and white bread.....with NOTHING on it.....was arrested (mistakenly) for someone else (Geez, imagine a blonde guy in Southern California?!?!?!) and had to spend the night in the slammer........Talk about SO MUCH FUN, NOT!!!......I got a settlement out of the city for $75,500.............Teach those stupid cops to screw with me.........


My ex's brother was in prison. He was a skinny guy and lost 15 pounds off the food. Breakfast was something like a tiny bit of oatmeal, a piece of toast, and juice. At lunch he counted his french fries and every day he got thirteen of them.

So you don't eat well, that's for sure.

people who come out prison i know are more bigger and healthy. so they do eat very well, like a king they say?

breakfast= a fruit milk a boiled egg or maybe cereal
lunch= what ever the hell they feed you
dinner same thing at the end of the week they throw it all to gether and call it slop but you have convesary and you can buy soups and tuna and what not so you normally save your lunch and mix it up and make a spread

I worked in a Minnesota state prison. The guys ate very well. In fact, the cooks were inmates, and it was considered quite a prestigous job in which they were proud of their culinary creations. The food was plenty, good, healthy, and clean. Many of the prison staff also ate in the chow hall as well. Why? Well, who do you think is cooking your food at all the fast food restaraunts? Plus, it created an atmosphere of trust and respect. The inmates always told me that Minnesota had the best prisons--different states have different standards.

for breakfast, they usually give you some type of oatmeal 5 times a week. the other days are either powdered eggs or waffles. lunch is usually some type of nasty lunch meat. dinner consists of slop of which i'm not sure of. The meals will vayr by state. i live in ct and spent some time in prison, and the food was not fit for farm animals.

They serve brunch, and for dinner they have tea and crumpets....! Three hots ,and a cot. That's all you get.

go there to know and please do answer me ! ! !

Well, not sure. But just to scare ya, .... have you ever heard of the movie Soylent Green? jk, I am sure it is fine, just probably a lower grade of food- C and D, most likely.

well, i heard that the meat they serve in there, called "slop," is actually ostrich.

They eat better then people below the poverty level!!!!!!!!!! And at our expense

My mother in law is in a correctional facility for the next 5 years for DUI's and she says the food is actually not that bad. They usually have eggs with various breads for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. She says they have a lot of rice products and so on. She says the tea is horrible though. Where she is though its the times you eat is what's crazy. She told me they eat breakfast at 4:30, lunch at 10:30, and if they choose to come to dinner, it is at 4:30 in the afternoon. I would get hungry before bed. She says everyone does, so they eat junk food and are all getting fat. Hope this helps! :)

rape and abuse similar to what you grew up with and bullieing with a little bit of mace and if you look like charles manson they beat the krap out of you and no toilet seat and if your good you might git toilet paper or books to read mostly just brainstorming with so called criminals indians poor people and people of a minority group and once your in they deny your voting use you for cheap labor probably not hand out propalactics and you might git a stabbing or the guards will mix people in a room like they did on tv and they know they dont git along so they watch them fight or you might git shot by a guard but most of your life you been searching for someone to be a family so you stay in your group cant lift weights cause certain people wont let you lift and when you go krap people might throw fecal matter on you while you crap other than that were suppose to be free but we lock up the most people in the whole world and building a prison next to your house doesnt exsactly boost home values they will lie to you and say it creates jobs but thats so they can build the first one im shure they only serve organic menus and they make you work for very little if anything at all with out the proper safety equiptment and dont justly compensate you so really its slavery but i thought it was abolished and dont for get the media they always let the so called criminal speak its never the voice over person other than that im shure you dont have your own butler or have the accomidations of a billionare its sad really sad i cant belive i see stuff like that on tv im glad i do so i can learn the real truth behind things no i dont want to see that my fellow human beings are treated like that but ya i do want to see that that stuff makes me sick and then they say other achient cultures sacrifice there is no difference we do it too thats messed up

I vote for the first answer.

All I know is that you only get small meals, not the normal meals you get, except it won't really fill you up since all you get is single servings of foods per meal.

Breakfast........................ steak
Lunch............................ plus today's soup
Dinner........................... cake plus coffee

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